? ?
Journal created:
on 19 March 2004 (#2562190)
on 28 November 2011
Elitist goths of LJ unite!
Posting Access:
All Members , Moderated

This is a community is for those who actually know what the gothic subculture is, participate in it to some degree (even if it's personal), and know where it came from. If you think you're goth because you're depressed and whiney, this community is not for you. If you think that Evanescence is a hot new "goth band", then we don't want to hear it.

1. Everything, the survey and the pics, MUST be behind a LJ cut.
2. Fill out the survey, and fill it out to the best of your ability. It was made for a reason.
3. While you are being voted on, I don't care if you comment on another thread. I'm not going to be a post Nazi and restrict you from speaking your mind. HOWEVER, you CANNOT vote on someone else until you have been ACCEPTED.
4. If you have been Rejected, you can re-try in one week, but AT LEAST try to outdo your previous attempt. That means, have newer and better pics and better, more thought out answers.
5. I don't care if you photoshop your pics. I do require however at least ONE UNPHOTOSHOPPED pic. Please include at least one clear face shot.
6. Put "Am I elite enough?" as the subject so we know you read the rules.
7. When you fill out the survey, MAKE SURE YOU INCLUDE THE QUESTIONS.
8. Applying here will set you up for criticism, especially since this is an "elite" community. Don't be a whiney bitch if someone gives you a 'no'.


1. Please try to post your survey within 48 hours of joining. It's not required, but I would appreciate it. If however, you're taking more than 2 weeks to post it, obviously, I'm kicking your lazy ass out.

1. Be elitist, be strict, but DON'T be assholes/bitches. I will not tolerate you being dicks to the newbies UNLESS they are dicks first for no reason and deserve it.
2. Do NOT say no to someone because they happen to be a bit overweight. I WILL BAN YOU.
3. Goth over the years has blended with many different things: punk, raver, prep, etc... Don't even try saying no because someone has a mohawk or they are wearing candy bracelets. Thanks.
4. After being accepted: You can post whatever you want EXCEPT dumb internet surveys or tests. Photos, rants, polls, questions, concerns, etc...Whatever you want. But please put it all behind a lj-cut!!!


Copy everything inside the text box. DO NOT use rich-text.


___{{Current themes}}___
Discussion Theme
Talk about any incidents in your life where you were discriminated against for looking or dressing goth or know someone who has been in that situation. However, this is not meant to be a goth vs. mallgoth discussion.

Picture Theme

Note: Direct all community-related ideas to the entry in our memories.








___{{Sister communities}}___
1334, 45 grave, alien sex fiend, android lust, art, ausgang, babylon zoo, batcave, bauhaus, beborn beton, bella morte, big electric cat, big hair, black, black lipstick, blam honey, blutengel, cabaret voltaire, catastrophe ballet, christian death, cinema strange, clan of xymox, cocteau twins, concrete blonde, covenant, current 93, cybergoth, d'espairs ray, daniel ash, danse society, dark humor, darkwave, das ich, death in june, deathrock, delerium, depeche mode, diary of dreams, die krupps, dinah cancer, dir en grey, diva destruction, dreads, dresses, e nomine, ebm, echo & the bunnymen, einsturzende neubauten, electric hellfire club, electroclash, ex voto, eyeliner, faith and the muse, falls, fetish, fields of the nephilim, fishnet, flesh for lulu, front 242, front line assembly, funker vogt, gene loves jezebel, genitorturers, goteki, goth, gothic, gothic literature, haujobb, hocico, industrial, inkubus sukkubus, joy division, killing joke, kmfdm, kommunity fk, kraftwerk, l'ame immortelle, lace, lacrimosa, laeather strip, latex, london after midnight, love and rockets, lycia, makeup, malice mizer, mephisto walz, miranda sex garden, misfits, mors syphilitica, namnambulu, new order, new wave, nick cave, nina hagen, old school, peter murphy, piercings, pig, poetry, post-punk, project pitchfork, punk, qntal, rasputina, razed in black, red lorry yellow lorry, religious imagery, renaissance, revolting cocks, romantic, rosetta stone, rozz williams, sex gang children, shadow project, silver, siouxsie and the banshees, sisters of mercy, skeletal family, skinny pupppy, sleeping dogs wake, sneaky bat machine, southern death cult, specimen, switchblade symphony, tanzwut, the birthday party, the bolshoi, the changelings, the church, the cramps, the creatures, the cruxshadows, the cult, the cure, the last dance, the march violets, theatre of hate, this ascension, throbbing gristle, tones on tail, uk decay, velvet acid christ, vinyl, virgin prunes, voltaire, warsaw, wolfsheim, x-japan, xmal deutschland
