[09 Dec 2006|09:12pm] |
Hello, and happy holidays. This might seem kind of random, but are there any prop makers out there? I've been trying for a while to make a Nemesis style tricorder, but I'm not having much luck. Has anyone made one, or does anyone know where I can get one made or even a kit? Or would anyone be willing to make me one and sell it to me?
x-posted a lot
( here are some pics of the new tricorderCollapse )
[24 May 2006|11:33am] |
Join the Crew of the craziest ship in Starfleet!!

**The USS Blackbird is a small semi-covert vessel - It runs independently of all Federation Fleets, and acts as a transient base of operations for Intel operatives, especially those in the field, as well as offering impartial mediation support where and when required**
The simm is voluntarily rated 18+ and set in the years after the Dominion War
Posting for this simm is found on the USS Blackbird @ Yahoo Groups
Joining the crew is simple – take a look at our Open Positions List
Chose the position you want – Fill in our Membership Form and follow the instructions on there.
Successful applicants will be asked to join the Yahoo Group and provide a bio for their character for the Crew Manifest
The simm is run through Yahoo Groups with the ship information and homepage on pbwiki - USS Blackbird
We especially welcome characters from races such as Cardassian, Romulan and Klingon, whether defectors, transfers or petty officers, they are more than welcome!!
[07 Jun 2005|10:44pm] |
anyone interested in joining a Star Trek RPG? The USS Samurai is looking for new crewmembers. We have a lot of openings. If anyone is interested or has any questions email [email protected] and he will answer all your questions.
I must ask... |
[14 May 2005|01:03pm] |
I tuned in to watch the Enterprise finale (and the second to last episode) mainly becasue of the hyped cameos with Jonathan Frakes/Marina Sirtis. While I won't go as far as saying "That's 2 hours of my life I'll never get back," I had mixed feelings over it.
( There's spoilers from here on outCollapse )
I considered writing a "full review" ala Jammer's Reviews but that would require accessing more memories of the episode that I don't care to/completely forgot in the course of a good night's sleep.
That said, any thoughts on the last possible Star Trek episode ever?
USS Horizon needs your writing skills |
[15 Apr 2005|04:59pm] |
I'm the Commanding Officer of the USS Horizon, a forum based simm part
of Task Force 17 in BravoFleet. The Horizon is an Intrepid class
Check out the site by clicking the banner below. 
We have eight active players thus far, and the posting has been great even before our 'first' official mission!
However we're looking for several positions to fill in before we start our next mission within the next few days.
Those positions include: Chief Operations Officer, Chief Medical
Officer, Chief Science Officer, Chief Intel Officer, Chief
Diplomatic Officer and a number of other positions that are still open
on the USS Horizon - A
If you like writing, and if you like Star Trek, this is the simm for you!
Check out our forums at: http://www.midasarray.com/vb/forumdisplay.php?f=184
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me or ask them here.
[29 Mar 2005|08:47pm] |
Hello everyone, is anyone interested in a email based star trek rpg? The Samurai is looking for some new players who are willing to make a commitment. We recently had to let a few player go due to lack of posting and are hoping hot to have to repeat that. The Samurai needs a first officer, chief engineer, and security/tactical chief. If anyone is interested please email [email protected]
x-posted a lot
[16 Mar 2005|12:40pm] |
Is is ok to pimp my community? if not I'll happily delete this post. ( Read more...Collapse )
Random Observation |
[13 Mar 2005|10:38am] |
So last night, I'm watching a rerun of The Practice and it's one of the episodes that introduces the characters from the spinoff Boston Legal. There were several Star Trek veterans! Obviously, William Shatner was among them. As I'm watching one of the characters had a very familiar look (and voice about him). It was Andrew Robinson sans Cardassian makeup! (you might better recall him as Garak from DS9) Rene Auberjonois (Odo from DS9) also joined the cast of Boston Legal once the show got off the ground. *Shrugs* so while I've come to enjoy the show on its own...I admit I started watching Boston Legal because the main cast includes 2 former Trek actors. So I'd say if anyone wants to see Trek actors currently working, it's a show to check out.
Anyone else ever watch a show simply because it had Trek actors you liked?
[27 Oct 2004|05:26pm] |
Last night my fiance and I had the privelage of meeting Robert Picardo. ( detailsCollapse )
[27 May 2004|03:34pm] |
I've posted this question in a couple other communities and I havent gotten any answers, so I'm hoping somebody here will know because this is driving me crazy....
I was making these
 Voyager is long distance love
 B'Elanna is half-Klingon love
codes in the cut if you want it ( Read more...Collapse )
And while I was looking for the pictures I came across some that I just can't remember what episode they were from. According to the captions, what happens is a console explodes in engineering causing B'Elanna to go to sick bay. Theres a bunch of pictures of her with her face all burned and the doctor trying to revive her. Theres a picture that has her all burned up laying on a bed looking up at someone and the caption says "B'Elanna telling Harry he almost killed her". After that there's a couple picture of her in a blue sickbay shirt thing laying down and you can see someones shoulder standing who is wearing gold. I cant remember what episode thats from, and its driving me crazy, if anyone can help id be very grateful.
Save Enterprise |
[05 Apr 2004|04:44pm] |
the fate of 'Enterprise' appears very uncertain and fans have took it upon themselves to save the show, just as they did for the original series. one such endeavor is http://www.saveenterprise.com
i like Enterprise, sure it has its problems, but every series has had its ups and downs for the first few seasons. the DS9 marathon on Spike TV today reminded me of that fact. there were few memorable episodes, at least to me, till the introduction of the Dominion.
the main problem, i believe, is the fact that Enterprise is on UPN. UPN does not promote Enterprise very much, nor does everyone get UPN. i've been without a UPN station since the end of Voyager's 6th season. if Enterprise were on another network, and away from the competition of 'Smallville' you would see ratings soar.
so, how does everyone else fell about 'Enterprise'?
[10 Mar 2004|08:17pm] |
Hi everyone, I'm in a bit of a money crunch, so I have been forced to sell some of my Voyager stuff. This is what I'm selling if you're interested, please email me at [email protected]
- Tom Paris/Robert Duncan McNeil autograph I got this at a convention, it was signed in person
- Capt. Janeway/Kate Mulgrew autograph This was also signed in person
- "Delta Quadrant: The Unofficial Guide to Voyager" by David McIntee ( Info about the book behind the cutCollapse )
- "The Officail Star Trek Voyager Companion" by Paul Ruditis
- VHS - Sir Arthur COnan Doyle's Classic The Lost World - performed by ALIEN VOICES ( Info about the vhs behind the cutCollapse )
[09 Nov 2003|01:47am] |
Does anybody know a website where I can download Voyager episodes? (besides kazaa and those other file sharing programs) Or if somebody has them downloaded, would you be interested in a trade of episodes? IM me at vgrbabe, I can tell you which episodes I have and which I want.
[01 Nov 2003|12:10am] |
Newbie, wanted to introduce myself. I am 20 years old, attending Rutgers U, majoring in psychology. Star Trek has been in my life for as long as I can remember. When I was growing up, my dad watched TNG and I would watch it with him. I fell in love with Voyager, especialy B'Elanna. I guess that's it for now. IM me if you like, I'm bored. AIM: vgrbabe
a trek nun |
[30 Oct 2003|02:00pm] |
two people i have brought to the local trek club have remarked the same when they saw a nun watching and enjoying the episodes with us, 'a trekkie nun?! i've seen it all!' and last night after a bit of a wait, sr. iris finally has her version of starfleet uniform, teal as she assigned herself in the science department, and because picard changed the timeline, sir iris sports the style of uniform the people on voyager wear. previous to her getting the uniform our resident cartoonist predicted this:
newbie on deck |
[29 Oct 2003|04:03pm] |
[ |
mood |
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excited |
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hey all, glad to see an interesting community on trek, been a trek fan for a while now. i prefer st voyager, i especially like the emh, janeway, and 7. their quips and repartee are funnier the more times i watch each episode. i especially liked what the hallmark channel did, they showed voyager daily from mondays to sundays and after endgame they would run the whole series again, so endgame would be back to back with the care taker, they did that about 5 times. so i got to know voyager pretty well. kudos to this new community!
trek100 |
[20 Sep 2003|03:51am] |
This is an advertisement for a new community dedicated to Star Trek. (If this advertisement isn't welcome, feel free to delete it.)
There is a new community for Star Trek fans! It is trek100 and it is a weekly drabble writing community. It is for fans of any incarnation of Star Trek, from any series to the movies and even books. We are a new community and actively seeking members. So if you like to write, and love Star Trek, than come and join!
I apologize for the cross-posting. This has been cross-posted in several sci-fi and trek communities