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The Autumns

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new announcement! [20 Aug 2006|11:14am]

Dear fellow travelers,

Mr. Kelly will be performing a few songs with The Sound of Animals
Fighting at their upcoming shows:

Thursday, August 24 @ House of Blues in San Diego
Friday, August 25 @ House of Blues in Las Vegas
Saturday, August 26 @ House of Blues in Hollywood
Sunday, August 27 @ House of Blues in Anaheim

Several of these shows are close to sold out, so do not delay in
purchasing your tickets. In other news, we are *very* close to
completing the new album and plan on playing shows again beginning in

The Autumns
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[26 Apr 2006|04:56pm]

man... you people are sleepyheads.
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Members List [04 Oct 2005|03:03pm]

[ mood | bored ]

Hi all. I cleaned up the community members to remove the deleted LJ accounts. If I deleted any active LJs by accident, let me know.

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[17 Sep 2005|02:30am]

Hey people, I'm back!

Tonight was the first show The Autumns have played in, oh, eight months I think. The venue was DiPiazza's, which was a good place for a show like this, since I was able to have dinner, and see a killer show all in one sitting. The last time they played was at the Garden Grove Playhouse. But, after rocking out in Europe with The Dears, and taking another hiatus, they used tonight's show as a bit of a warmup for their next show at the Troubadour.

  • The band actually took the stage after 11:30PM, which is uncharacteristic of them. Since their mighty comeback at the Renegade Theater Benefit a few years back, they have always ended before midnight.

  • No memorable equipment snags tonight, therefore no technical difficulty intermission. It appears they have not changed their equipment all that much. But, someone's Telecaster collection might have multiplied. By the end of their career, someone might possess half of the Fender factory. Man, he loves those Telecasters.

  • A few new songs were introduced. They are louder and edgier than ever before. Don't worry, the signature sound is still there. They just happened to crank the gain a little further. And they are quiet comfortable playing at those volumes, as you know. The Autumns have more rock songs in their arsenal.

  • An alternate version of "Slumberdoll" was played, in a hushed lullaby style. A heartwarming highlight of the evening.

  • As you all know by now, a new LP is in the works. Word has it that it will see the light of day early next year. That's record time for the band. Between Russet Gold and the self-titled LP, one almost compared the wait to that of waiting for a new MBV album. But, since the self-titled LP is now in our possession, and the possibility of a new LP in a few months, it's safer to compare their consistency to that of Def Leppard. Nonetheless, they are working on new material for a new album slated sooner than later.

  • So, late last year, they released a masterpiece of a record. And, the buzz was huge amongst the fanbase, especially in Europe. But, the United States seemed to have next to no response. One tends to wonder why that is. It's not that people don't like what they hear. For the most part, people did not know it existed. (Not exactly news to any of us--especially since we were all lucky to be found by The Autumns.) Well, there's some possible light at the end of this tunnel. Bella Union is doing great business, and there is some chatter of them expanding over to North America. The self-titled LP was recieved well overseas, and it could not only help further their future releases, but possibly breathe more life into this fantastic record.

  • What are the odds of Southern California losing The Autumns? Personally, I can understand why some people don't want to live the rest of their lives in Los Angeles. In a few months, I'd like to get the heck out of dodge. Think of a city where owning a motor vehicle is not a necessity, and that same city has greater career opportunities. It makes more sense to be there. I was just in a city like that, and it's less stress to be able to find everything you need to survive within the range of several blocks. You can't fade that little PopScene club. So, what are the odds? It's not a scenario that will have many SoCal proponents, myself included, but I'm sure you know where my chips are placed.

  • I'm gonna give a big up to the band Repeat Repeat from Whittier, who technically rocked two consecutive sets. One onstage, and one set next to the bar during another band's set. I paid to see The Autumns, but Repeat Repeat darn near stole the show. Very very entertaining bunch.

  • I was at DiPiazza's since 7PM. It's a great little place. I reccommend the veggie focaccia. Out of this world, I tell you.

  • Manya and Ken, thanks for the cigarette! And, Elk, I still stand by my statement.

Ciao baby,
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Latest from The Autumns [22 Aug 2005|03:47pm]

Dearest Fellow Travelers,

We have completed the bulk of the tracking for seven new songs and are in preproduction
for the next seven. The more mathematically savvy among you will no doubt have noticed
that this brings us to a sum of fourteen, an album's worth of new material. If we remain on
schedule (as we intend to), it should be ready to go early in the New Year. In the
meantime, you will have ample opportunity to hear many of these songs at any of a variety
of live shows. The first of these will take place in Long Beach on Friday, September 16 and
will include a performance by our friends Hong Kong Six (see below for show info).

Not one of you has written regarding Autumns ring-tones, but we won't let that prevent us
from informing you that they do exist, and can be procured at

The limited-edition Covers EP, which includes the Smiths' "Please Please Please Let Me Get
What I Want" will be reissued online. If you were not able to procure a copy the first time
around, check-out iTunes, Napster, eMusic in October.

Our friends the Sugarplastic rightly received the Best Pop/Rock Band award at the LA
Weekly Music Awards. We thank Mr. Eshbach for sharing a little of the magic in having Mr.
Kelly sing on the band's new album, Will, which can be purchased at finer record stores
everywhere. For the uninitiated, a Sugarplastic video and interview will be airing at the
Laemelle theatre in Pasadena on Saturday, August 27. We encourage you to attend. Wine
will be served. (Visit for more details)

Lastly, Mr. Elkins' mind-blowing photography may now be viewed online, offering the
viewer a lovely glimpse into the travels of this increasingly cosmopolitan figure. Check out
our links page and click on The Elk.

The Autumns and Hong Kong Six
Friday, September 16
5205 East Pacific Coast Highway
Long Beach, CA 90804
$8, Doors 7:00 PM
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Something i've been wondering for a while [22 Aug 2005|12:39am]

On the inside of the sleeve of Le Carillon it reads:

all songs ©2001 saturnine anvil (ascap)
except "Just You and I" ©twin peaks productions

What's this about? Does one of the songs on Le Carillon borrow from this song? Is this a printing error about a song that ultimately wasn't included on Le Carillon? I'm a Twin Peaks fanatic and i recognize nothing...

Very curious.
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20/20Proof Issue 3 Out Now! Interview With Angela Shelton [06 Feb 2005|03:41pm]

to anyone who saw issue 2 of 20/20proof, which featured The Autumns on the cover, please check out the new issue. it features an interview with the wonderful angela shelton. you can purchase the mag at and all orders in feb get a free copy of issue 2 with the autumns! that is 232 pages!

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Track name help [04 Jan 2005|07:52am]

Does anyone else have the "Live at the Renegade" cd-r? I have forgotten the titles of tracks #6 and #8. They're not in any of the albums, and track #8 is the one that actually has "the moon softly weeps a lullaby" in the lyrics.
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The Autumns reviewed in the NME!!! [18 Dec 2004|04:10pm]

[ mood | cheerful ]

My scanner's busted, but here's the article verbatim:

The Autumns/The Autumns (Bella Union)

The Autumns have been sent here to try us. For one, their singer is called Matthew Kelly. How does one take seriously the grandeur of "The Moon Softly Weeps A Lullaby" when our mind's eye is continually being poked out by visions of the former "Stars In Their Eyes" hostcrooning a melody of such beauty? And for two, how is it that The Autumns are capable of shoegazing when their third album never soars at anything lower than 30,000 feet?
The answer becomes clear the moment opener "The End" has finished unfurling itself. It would appear The Autumns are watching over their slip-on's from their hot-air balloon. OH, and look, squint a bit and you can just about make out the Cocteau Twins. And my god, that's The Verve! Before they were shit!
All of which leads us to the biggest mystery of them all: how come a band from LA has managed to write such a british record? Earthbound disbelievers are advised to reserve their sneers until they've floated through "Every Sunday Sky."
-Jon Brown
8 out of 10

Congrats boys, time to go across the pond!

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Review [21 Sep 2004|04:03pm]

I just ran into this, I don't know if it has been mentioned:

It's a positive review of the new record :)
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Sorry for the long wait =\ [26 Aug 2004|04:58pm]

Well my computer is being a stupid idiot and deleted a lot of my pictures from The Autumns show at the Troubadour and right now I can only find one. If I find more, for sure I will post them.

Lucky number 1Collapse )
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[25 Aug 2004|10:34pm]

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[24 Aug 2004|10:19am]

is anyone superamazing that can type up the lyrics to 'every sunday sky'?
it's hard singing it at the top of my lungs when i have no idea what he's saying. :[
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[10 Aug 2004|12:27pm]

Hey I'm new and I saw The Autumns last night at the Troubadour. They were amazing. I'll post some pictures soon.
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more dirt! [03 Aug 2004|12:24am]

Well, guys. Look who is back!

Not so much new information, as the biggest news has finally occurred. However, there are a few reminders needed for those [like myself] whom were out of the loop and are finally back.

  • You should know by now that the North American version of the new album, simply titled The Autumns, is now available to order through Pseudopod Records. The European version on Bella Union will be released in a matter of time.

  • Also, Searching for Angela Shelton is finally available to reserve on VHS and DVD. Click here to purchase. The CBS 48 Hours special on Angela was aired again, the same night as the Violaine 3rd Anniversary show. I managed to catch it before the show, and upon returning home, Angela's message board had massive increased traffic. Success is right around the corner, as her message has become widespread across the nation.

  • The Autumns are featured in a brand new indie zine, 20/20 Proof, created by Peter . Matthew discusses the music industry, Angela Shelton, the dismal period between record releases, the songwriting process, their origins, and the future. The new LP is reviewed, and Frankie discusses the new album and scoring Searching for Angela Shelton. The zine will be sold at forthcoming shows. But, if you cannot wait, visit and order a copy. The zine is a fantastic read, with writeups on the new Interpol, amongst many others. Word has it that Angela Shelton may be the subject of an interview piece in the future. And, I've heard rumors that I was interviewed in the recent issue, but I have no comment on the matter.

  • If you have a LiveJournal account, chances are you are on Friendster or MySpace. Tracy told me that The Autumns are on Friendster, which I have not found. But, I can confirm that they are on MySpace, which can be found here.

  • The Autumns are playing a few shows.

  • Aug 9 2004
    The Troubador West Hollywood, CA

    Aug 14 2004
    Badu Tijuana, Mexico

    Aug 21 2004
    Studio Z San Francisco, CA

    Sep 25 2004
    The Emerald Lounge Phoenix, AZ

    Sidenote: A Beautiful Noise are opening for The Autumns on 8/14, in Tijuana. Call it nepotism, but my best friend, _B, is in that band. And, if you love The Autumns, you will love them. Please check them out, as they are just as impressive.

Can you believe that record is finally out? Seems like yesterday, we were ready to start a riot, waiting for it.
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The Autumns self-titled LP [31 Jul 2004|08:32pm]

I must have listened to this record 15 times since I picked up my copy last night.

The most difficult thing about doing a writeup about The Autumns self-titled LP is to be objective. I have been a fan since 1998, and never have they released a song that I didn't love. It's hard for me to take five years of my life, put it on the shelf, and keep it there, while explaining my opinion of this record without having to take anything off of the shelf.

But, I will try...

Read more...Collapse )
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Repost - Oops! [31 Jul 2004|06:39pm]

[ mood | busy ]

That's the one. Ok then! Hope to see you there!


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more info can be found at

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Autumns show. [27 Jul 2003|06:23pm]

I'm surprised no one has mentioned the show the Autumns are playing at the troubadour. It's a benefit, so it's a bit pricey.

August 9th for all interested.. 25 bux admission.
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BREAKING NEWS: "Searching for Angela Shelton" on DVD and VHS, reserve your copy now. [27 Jul 2004|07:04am]

Wow. It's been pretty quiet in here.

Well, I decided to sign on in here just for one huge announcement that I just recieved straight from Angela Shelton.

I am pleased to announce that the film will be released on DVD and VHS. Click here to reserve a copy of Searching For Angela Shelton.

Also, the CBS 48 Hours special on Angela will be aired again, on 7/30. Please check your local listings. It is an awesome special, and is worth taping as well.

And, as always, visit

Off to class. Take it easy, gang.
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