[05 Sep 2005|10:14am] |
He who has a why to live can bear almost any how. -Friedrich Nietzsche
im going to europe. i cant wait. i need to travel... ana needs her tribal baby. yesterday was cool. i need to travel... im going to europe. i love you i love you i love you
(4 shots fired /// i need your opinion like i need a bullet in my head)
[17 Aug 2005|01:10pm] |
i think i just realized that its been a great summer. ive hung out with great people, seen so many great bands and have a new slew of memorys/storys to tell of. good times.
on another note. hanging out at haylies with adam and josh makes me want to go to europe. for a long time.
...and of course:
The Christian resolution to find the world ugly and bad has made the world ugly and bad. Friedrich Nietzsche -The Gay Science, section 130
(4 shots fired /// i need your opinion like i need a bullet in my head)
[10 Aug 2005|02:39am] |
[ |
mood |
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crushed |
] |
i got off work at midnight. i walk outside and violets just sitting there talking to her boyfriend. for some reason i decided to sit there with her. we had the most amazing conversation...which led me to the following questions:
why did people have to be beat by their own government on the streets of alabama before anyone cared?
why do we allow ourselfs to participate in a system that profits on our own demise?
why did entire countries have to be destroyed and thousands of people killed before we figured out that maybe wernt doing the "right thing?"
why do we allow ourselfs to become lost in the fantasy of heaven and hell...all the time forgetting about real world aflictions and pointless suffering?
why doesnt anyone seem to care that a majority of human beings go to sleep not knowing if they will survive another day?
why do we allow our own government to murder, rob and profit from anyone they please?
why dont we move like a movement?
why dont we riot in their streets?
how many people have to lose their jobs to corporate greed before anyone even notices?
why do people have to choose between paying for food and paying for health care?
when is enough, enough?
why dont you care?
and if you do...why dont you do anything?
look in your closet. look in your pantry. look at the fucking flag you pledge your alegiance too. our lives are constructed upon the loss of anothers.
open your eyes. god is dead. the world is at large. people are dieing and your apathy is the bullet to their head. this is your fault; correct your fucking mistake.
where are all the soul rebels? where are you my Zarathustra?
(2 shots fired /// i need your opinion like i need a bullet in my head)
[18 Jul 2005|06:33pm] |
im so fucking bored. im actually updating this thing (kind of) and i went im actually on aim. I cant even remember the last time i actually signed on.
but i did get to hang out with alex today. that rocked oh and... pancho and i kick ass at gestures
(2 shots fired /// i need your opinion like i need a bullet in my head)
[16 May 2005|04:49pm] |
Check out the hottest new show Refused TV music television…
www.refused.tv This week, Monday, May 16, 2005
Opening Music - Plastic East Closing Music - The Mean Reds
Videos From: Youth Group The Unseen Armor For Sleep Zoot Woman The (International) Noise Conspiracy Chris Glover The Kinison Rilo Kiley Vanishing An Angle Le Tigre Whole Wheat Bread Outrageous Cherry Death Cab For Cutie
With Special Guests: Homegrown, Incredible Moses Leroy, The Natural History, Turbonegro, The Jeffs, Your Enemies Friends
They all will be on REFUSED TV this MONDAY at 11pm - Midnight
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(4 shots fired /// i need your opinion like i need a bullet in my head)
for some reason girls that say fuck are reallllllly hot |
[17 Apr 2005|10:31pm] |
Video List:
Episode #4 THE A.K.A.'s host
with special guest appearances from : The Sounds, Thrice, TurboNegro, The Thermals & The (International) Noise Conspiracy
Opening Music: Darker My Love
Videos : Peaches & Iggy Pop - Kick It Surprise Video !! - TUNE IN Millencolin - Ray Scatter The Ashes - Caesura Surprise Video !! TUNE IN Mars Volta - The Widow The Pleased - We Are The Doctors LCD Soundsystem - Daft Punk Is Playing At My House The A.K.A.'s - Got Get Out Of Here The Explosion - Here I Am I Can Make a Mess Like Nobody's Business- The Best Happiness Money Can Buy Junior Senior - Boy Meets Girl The Walkmen - The Rat The (International) Noise Conspiracy - Reproduction of Death Surprise Video!! - TUNE IN
Closing Music: The Bronx
Next Week : KILLRADIO!!!
...why would you not watch?
(3 shots fired /// i need your opinion like i need a bullet in my head)
...we as in ME and YOU doing just what it is that we do, traveling galaxies inside your room... |
[14 Apr 2005|12:00am] |
so tonight i spoke to none other than Andrew Thadeus Oneil on the sizzling details of his latest love excursion...and it got me thinking just how good i have it.
because baby you know how we do dont need a reason too do the things that i do no need to impress you just wana undress you
i really love your shoes you still kick kagaroos and the way you comb your hair like its 1982
i dont look to break the rules i just wana make you drool cause baby i come equipped with every kind of tool up midnight in a moood ill lick your attitude untill your face is blue untill your face is blue
why dont we behave the way were supposed to
Ah You know how we do you know how we do you know how we do-this is how we do Ah You know how we do you know how we do you know how we do-this is how we do
no need to bite my lip id rather bite your hip and make our muscles slip sit back and watch our sweat points drip drink juice through condiments just for the hell of it turn your dry ice machine on cause i like the smell of it dont make a special trip while were here in the mix
Cause Baby this is nasty as its ever gona get sometimes its slow, sometimes its quick sometimes it takes forever and forever takes up most of it
Ah You know how we do you know how we do you know how we do-this is how we do Ah You know how we do you know how we do you know how we do-this is how we do Ah You know how we do you know how we do you know how we do-this is how we do Ah You know how we do you know how we do you know how we do-this is how we do...
on time when we do come back twice as new when we travel through the galaxies inside your room on time when we do come back twice as new when we travel through the galaxies inside your room
..what we do is too hot for you.
(4 shots fired /// i need your opinion like i need a bullet in my head)
the aquisition of knowledge will result in the ability to see what has yet to unfold... |
[14 Apr 2005|12:00am] |
back from the city. the time away was, as all trips should unltimatley be, most intrinsic. Armed with a new lot of experiences to draw from and new, previously unreached levels of |sapience|absorption|omnipotence i stand one step closer to taking back my humanity
Today after i finally aquired a car (its quite disgusting how much not having a car has showcased my dependence on the thing)i went to moniques to catch up and just hang out. she informed me about something detrimental which had just happened to her brother and how she, in a situation where our society states that distress and above all sorrow to be acceptable emotions, honestly felt that it is something that he brought upon himself and as result should have to deal with free of sympathy. I understood her sentiment and therefor didnt particullarly dwell on the notion that her emotions contradicted that which society has determined as proper. Its the same idea as someone who laughs when a small child falls to the ground or laughs at a funeral. Our culture has developed a strict set of acceptable emotions for a wide aray of human experiences. The fact that her choice of feelings contradicts the "norm" holds a level of interests to me. Freud said that our own, individual character, that is the qualities which distinquish us from one another, is developed as a result of the compromises which we subconsciencetly make between the sum of qualities and traits every human shares..human nature and the society in which we are part of.
From this ive established the theory that those who are least influenced by society are those who have the greatest connection between ones selve and this common sense which when applied to human nature represent absoloute truth. On the opposite end of my spectrum those who are nearly compleatly under the influence of society have lost and no longer possess these inate ideas which are of the most basic, therefore pure, nature.
This being stated it seems to me that if human nature is compiled of predefined rights and truths innate to every human, than the intereference of society hinders the ability for human beings to compare and contrasts situations to that of a universle guide.
For example lets say that this "common sense" states that the murder of another human being is wrong. Society stands in the way of its citizens connectiong the act of murder with Humanitys "innate beliefe" that murder is wrong; in the aspect of the Death Penalty society currently condones murder in instances where it is seen as fullfilling the, also doctored, idea of justice. Its this same idea which can be transposed all instances where society seems to create systems of justifications ultimatlley resulting in the violation of anothers freedom. IE Slavery was justified because society deemed the white race superior to all others, therefore substantiating actions which violated mans individual rights.
As our character is the compromise between human nature and society we still possess, at the very least, an awareness of such innate human rights. the emergence of conscience and guilt stand as a testament to the existance of such "common knowledge." This set of Human Laws can also be proven by looking towards the evolution of societys throughout history. The act of Incest is condemmed by the greater populus of every society in history. In the instances which incestual marriages were predetermined for politcal intentions we can see this as situations where Society has compleatly erased an as aspect of Human Nature. Murder,where it is not justified by society, is seen as an act to be punished by all cultures devoid of any bond other than species.
The evidence of these standard human rights stands boldly for all to see. And for the most part our society acknowledges these rights and has incorporated them into the countrys constitution. Yet individuals and the mass that is society alike have failed to realize the connection between these rights and societies own legalities.
In in those instances where societies laws contradict those of humanity we constantly see individuals who disregard there own freedom within society for the restoration of our Human Rights. Thoreau would see these very traits and coin the term civil-disobedience, deliberate disobedience of the law out of obedience to a higher authority, to represent this sociological phenomenon.
This almost mystic empowerment can thus be used to explain the miraculous actions of those who were violently beat during the civil rights movement or in the minds of various revolutionaries who combat State funded Millitaries which ensure certain death for the good of their cause-placing the "cause" above ones own life.The behavior exhibited in such situations contradicts that of evolutinary patterns and is unable to be explained by our current economicaltheory which that states that in order to survive in the economy man will make decisions that benefitt oneself and dependents
...IN CONCLUSION it is this contradiction to what we believe to be "natural" that intriques me. the idea that the power of Society-which is made up collectivly of millions of individuals-stands no match for the power of the minority who finds their actions to be true not by justification, but by an idea of absoloute truth. However the power of Societys is obviously astranomical and is continuing to grow thus making such actions increasingly deterring. Civil Disobediance acts as a flood gate to Societies control...when society infrunges on human rights civil disobediance is there too combat this wrong. However as Society become increasingly powerfull and its actions become those of subliminal deeds, it becomes more difficult to distinquish and ultimately combat such ills. As we stated in the example of European Nobility-there total impregnation with Society resulted in the complete disregard for their Humanity-the possibility is, atrociously, a definite threat.
Nearly every American is familiar with the history of opposition which coincides with acts of Civil Disobediance against slavery and rascism. An equally substantial yet lesser known battle between Society and Civil Disobediance was fought over the rights of the working man no more than 150 years ago. Humanity triumphed over society in redefining what was fair and acceptable. If society attmepted to, once again, violate the workers rights there is not legislation and the publics consensus to easily halt its attempt. Yet our Society has condoned these same, if not worse, slave like conditions where we as a Nation are not forced to see these actions of injustice.
Our clothes which we ironically use to deffirentiate our independent identitys stand as a representation of Societys disregard for the rights of all Human Beings. In the same idea we pride our Nations Freedom as that which coincides with our natural existance yet, at the same time, pay taxes which support an assault on not just "terrorist" and "enemys," but on that of common Human Beings.
so in the end this stands as a plea to those whose character reflects human nature as opposed to societys current definition. We have an obligation to combat injustice. To combat society in the name of humanity. We have inlisted our soles to fight under the banner of CIVIL DISOBEDIANCE and we will win be it BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY.
(9 shots fired /// i need your opinion like i need a bullet in my head)
...anyone else down to grab their piece of California and secede with me? |
[25 Mar 2005|08:54am] |
“And its so much less confusing when the lines are drawn like that, people are either consumers or revolutionaries…” Capitalism destroyed the clear lines that once separated the left from the right. We take part in the system for our own survival as those who do not partake, do not survive. Civil Disobedience has long been forgotten and the monumental instances, in which rebellion succeeded where democracy failed, will slowly be forgotten. Those few who still set out and implement Thoreau’s revolutionary concept are quickly labeled as un-American or even as terrorist…now this I just don’t understand. When will we realize that Civil Disobedience, demonstrations resulting in violence and progressive politics all are part of this countries short history? When will people accept the fact that Malcolm X is just as responsible to the Civil Rights movements as King is? You can choose what you want to believe and you can choose how you wish to express those believes. But you cannot deny history and you cannot deny the present. It seems the new wave of neo-conservatives is calling for a return to the values of…? NEVER. This country may have been founded in “the name of Puritan ideals,” but actions speak louder than words and it’s not very difficult to see that America’s true roots lie in its much darker past: slavery, genocide, a wide variety persecution, and a heavy dose of discrimination. We used to fight a lot in America. Political parties used to disagree with each other. Congressman actually had a passion for what they did, so much so that they were willing to duke it out for their beliefs. American never used to be a homogenous place-75 years ago White and Black people were legally separated from each other. Just One Hundred years before that and there was still slavery in the “land of the free.” We used to be constantly changing. We make up a country whose history does not accurately reflect the ideology of its citizens. Instead we live our life’s one day at a time with little emphasis on the past and our heads geared to the future. We are a technologically progressive nation and have rapidly excelled to the forefront of the digital era. We live in the fast lane-we drive fast cars, our days are packed to full capacity, we love our micro-waves, and of course are fast food. This having been not only acknowledged, but experienced on a day to day basis-I don’t understand this return to conservative politics…What exactly are we returning too? It seems to be as a culture we are constantly pushing the envelope, so why should our politics be any different?
Could it really be this Christian thing that’s holding us back? I never understood how one issue such as abortion can be more important than the death penalty or dropping bombs on peoples homes. Now that I think of it you are holding us back. Those of you who feel the need to enforce your personal believes on everyone around you…you’re the reason health insurance is so expensive! And because you don’t feel that abortion is right I now have to pay higher tuition next year because the republican you voted for just cut funding for higher education. And if all that smog in the air eventually causes me to go brain dead because your candidate lowered emissions standards-I won’t even be able to have my wife pull the plug like I wanted. Instead ill probably just lay there for about 15 years at a rate of about 1.5 million a year which the government has to pay for. And then on top of that you want to take away my social security? Im sorry im sure this entire thing is a misunderstanding I must have just missed that book in the bible where it clearly instructs you guys to disregard that thing called “free will” who knew God could be such a prankster? Maybe it’s next to the verse against abortion? Or same sex marriage? Between the verse that talks about hating people that don’t believe the same things as you? It’s a big book don’t worry im sure you’ll find it. And if not don’t worry just do what the founders of your religion did and just make it up in order to promote your own ideals and then say it was just lost but you found it! Yea-your right it couldn’t be the Christians-there supposed to be way to loving.
....i just figured out that its a good thing that the Christians think of Thoreau as one of those crazy liberal satan worshipers. I just had imagined what it would be like if all the Christians read Civil Disobedience and decided to you know, read it Christian style-basically only pay attention to the stuff thats easy enough to do...ignore the rest. Yea wed all be dead.
(6 shots fired /// i need your opinion like i need a bullet in my head)
drones work hard before they die |
[18 Mar 2005|01:41am] |
...and yet another soul falls victim to the invisible hand.
Just under 230 years ago Adam Smith decided to push off. He cooked up a fat shot of socio-economical rhetoric; which he smoothly administered via one of our few remaining virgin veins. And everything was going to be just fine...untill we slowly came down, slipped into the junkie limbo, and became just another "survivor" in Smith's new system, which fused morals with economics-in theory, in theory. Unfortunatly for us our buddy Adam didn't think to use some clean gear. And so we caught the sickness...we watched as this new sensation boisterously down-sized our humanity and auctioned off the remainder to the highest bidder.
We have been strung out long enough; it's about that time we take back whats ours and maybe we'll even steal a few thinks that aren't on the way back home.
this is the fallout of the sickness. we can see the hand at work
(4 shots fired /// i need your opinion like i need a bullet in my head)
You're listening to the streets |
[09 Mar 2005|08:15pm] |
Cos this world swallows souls And when the blues unfold It gets cold silence burns holes You're going mad Perhaps you always were But when things was good you just didn't care This is called irony When you most need to get up you got no energy Time and time shit'll happen The dark shit's unwrapping But no-one's listening your mates are laughing Your brethren's fucking and then you start hating Your stomach starts churning and you mind starts turning. So smoke another draw It won't matter no more but the next day still feels sore Rain taps on your window Always did tho but you didn't hear it when things were so-so You're on your own now Your little zone you were born alone and believe me you'll die alone Weed becomes a chore You want the buzz back so you follow the others onto smack
Just trying to stay positive Just trying to stay positive Just trying to stay positive Just trying to stay positive
Feels nice and still Good thing about brown is it always will It's easy, no-one blames you It's that world out there that's fucked you You know less of a person and if God exists He still loves you Just remember that - the more you sink the further back from that brink Maybe you've lifetime scars and you think tattoos might be more fitting But who's picking? Searching for yourself you find demons Try and be a freeman and grasp that talisman Cos your the same as I am We all need our fellow man We all need our samaritan. Maybe I'm better looking than you tho Maybe I've got more dough - but am I happier... no. Get the love of a good girl and your world will be much richer than my world And your happyness will uncurl
Just trying to stay positive Just trying to stay positive Just trying to stay positive Just trying to stay positive
Stop dreaming People who say that are blaspheming They're doing nine to five and moaning And they don't want you succeeding when theyve blown it And you idols - who are they? They too dreamt about their day Positive steps will see your goals. Whether it's dollars or control, feel the gold. I aint helping you climb the ladder I'm busy climbing mine. That's how it's been since the dawn of time If you reach a cul-de-sac The world turns it's back This is you zone, it's like blackjack He might get the ace or the top one So organise your two's and three's into a run then you'll have fucked him son And for that you'll be the better one One last thing before you go though When you feel better tommorow you'll be a hero But never forget today. you could be back here Things can stray What if you see me in that window? You won't help me I know. That's cool, just keep walking where you go. Carry on through the estate, stare at the geezers so they know you aint lightweight And go see your mates And when they don't look happy Play them this tape
Just trying to stay positive Just trying to stay positive Just trying to stay positive Just trying to stay positive
I hope you understand me Just trying to stay positive I aint no preaching fucker and I aint no do-goody-goody either This is about when shit goes pear-shaped And if you aren't or ever have been at rock bottom then good luck to you in the big wide world But remember that one day shit might just start crumbling Your bird might fuck off or you might loose your job It's when that happens that what I'm talking about will feel much more important to you So if you aint feeling it, just be thankfull that everythings cool in your world Respect to BC Positivity Positivity
Just trying to stay positive Just trying to stay positive Just trying to stay positive Just trying to stay positive
(i need your opinion like i need a bullet in my head)