Thapar University, Patiala
School of Mathematics
In this paper, we establish reliability sampling plans for a two-parameter lognormal distribution when it is known that samples are progressive first-failure censored. An EM algorithm is developed to obtain maximum likelihood estimates of... more
For a lognormal distribution, in Bayesian framework, we consider estimation of unknown parameters, and prediction of future observable, when it is known that samples are hybrid censored. We derive Bayes estimates with respect to the... more
In this paper, we consider the problem of estimating unknown parameters of an inverse Weibull distribution when it is known that samples are progressive type-I interval censored. We propose an EM algorithm to obtain maximum likelihood... more
In this paper, we develop double acceptance sampling plan and group acceptance sampling plan for an inverse Weibull distribution based on a truncated life test. We consider the median lifetime of the test units as a quality parameter and... more
This paper deals with the problem of estimating unknown parameters of the Burr XII distribution under classical and Bayesian approaches when samples are observed under progressive type-I interval censoring. Under classical approach we... more
This article deals with problems of estimation and prediction under classical and Bayesian approaches when lifetime data following a lognormal distribution are observed under type-I progressive hybrid censoring. We first obtain maximum... more
This article addresses the problems of estimation and prediction when the lifetime data following Poisson-Exponential distribution are observed under type-II censoring. We obtain maximum likelihood estimates and associated interval... more
In this paper, we propose a two-stage group acceptance sampling plan for generalized inverted exponential distribution under truncated life test. Median life is considered as a quality parameter. Design parameters are obtained to ensure... more
Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the "Content") contained in the publications on our platform. However, Taylor & Francis, our agents, and our licensors make no representations or... more
Objectives: This paper presents an up-to-date overview of research performed in the Virtual Reality (VR) environment ranging from definitions, its presence in the various fields, and existing market players and their projects in the VR... more
In this paper, we develop double acceptance sampling plan and group acceptance sampling plan for an inverse Weibull distribution based on a truncated life test. We consider the median lifetime of the test units as a quality parameter and... more
This article addresses the problems of estimation and prediction when the lifetime data following Poisson-Exponential distribution are observed under type-II censoring. We obtain maximum likelihood estimates and associated interval... more
This article deals with problems of estimation and prediction under classical and Bayesian approaches when lifetime data following a lognormal distribution are observed under type-I progressive hybrid censoring. We first obtain maximum... more
Purpose -The purpose of this paper is to present a technique for analyzing the behavior of an industrial system utilizing vague, imprecise, and uncertain data. The synthesis unit of a urea plant situated in northern part of India has been... more
Reliability, availability and maintainability (RAM) analysis of a system is helpful in carrying out design modifications, if any, and it is required to achieve minimum failures or to increase mean time between failures (MTBF), and thus it... more
In a real life situation, due to the complexity of the industrial systems andnon-linearity of their behavior, it is very difficult to achieve optimum performance of system fordesired industrial goals using uncertain, vague and imprecise... more
Probability distributions play an important role in the reliability studies and have many applications in engineering. Estimation of the distribution parameters is also significant for making a decision. It is difficult to trap the global... more