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This paper investigates the capability of running a system which uses hot fluid from solar evacuated tube collectors to boost the temperature and overall heat storage of the solar pond. The system is circulated by a solar powered pump,... more
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      Hydrogen StorageHydrogen Storage MaterialsHydrogen production from renewable materialRenewable and Sustainable Energy Systems
This study aims at generating fundamental knowledge of the interaction of hydrated protons (hydronium) with layered graphene materials. The adsorption mechanism is determined utilising Density Functional Theory (DFT) and ab initio... more
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      Hydrogen StoragePEM fuel cellsHydrogen production from renewable material
A solid carbon-based composite electrode made from charcoal powder and nafion binder has been developed with potential application of storage of hydrogen electrochemically that could be utilised in fuel cells for remote area power supply.... more
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      PEM fuel cellsHydrogen production from renewable materialHydrogen Production
— Emissions from automobiles running on conventional hydrocarbon-based fossil fuels have lead to increase in concentration of greenhouse gases (GHGs) that further have contributed in global warming to a great extent. For past few decades... more
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    • Hydrogen Energy
A metal hydride-nafion composite electrode with dual proton and electron conductivity has been fabricated that may have applications for electrochemical storage of hydrogen. The proton conductivity of the composite electrode was measured... more
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Continuously diminishing fossil fuel reservoirs and limited land area for energy harnessing has compelled researchers to shift their focus towards renewable energy. Though these resources are available in abundance but, even the best... more
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    • Engineering
Inherently variable nature of renewable sources of energy such as solar and wind, are incapable of meeting continuous supply demand. Combining solar photovoltaic (PV) and wind power could offer a feasible solution to the problem of... more
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    • Engineering Technology
The inherently variable nature of renewable energy sources makes them storage-dependent when providing a reliable and continuous energy supply. One feasible energy-storage option that could meet this challenge is storing surplus renewable... more
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      EngineeringMaterials ScienceRenewable EnergyPhysical sciences
Inherently variable nature of renewable sources of energy such as solar and wind, are incapable of meeting continuous supply demand. Combining solar photovoltaic (PV) and fuel cell could offer a feasible solution to the challenge of... more
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      Environmental ScienceRenewable EnergyAutomotive EngineeringSolar Energy
The extensive use of fossil fuels have resulted in the extinction of the world fossil reservoirs, and brought tremendous change in earth’s environment. One such activity is powering marine ships from conventional fossil fuels that... more
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      Environmental ScienceLithium BatteriesFossil FuelsPhotovoltaic system
Hydrogen has already been identified as a potential candidate capable of replacing fossil fuels because of its immense energy content compared to conventional fuels. However, finding the safe, efficient generation and storage of hydrogen... more
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      Chemical EngineeringMaterials ScienceHydrogenCatalysis
Thermoelectric generators (TEGs) convert heat energy into electricity. Currently, these devices are attached to heat exchangers by means of mechanical devices such as clamps or fixtures with nuts and bolts. These mechanical devices are... more
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      Materials ScienceElectronic MaterialsAdhesiveThermoelectric Generator
Salinity gradient solar ponds act as an integrated thermal solar energy collector and storage system. The temperature difference between the upper convective zone and the lower convective zone of a salinity gradient solar pond can be in... more
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      Environmental ScienceMaterials ScienceElectronic MaterialsHeat Exchanger
For sustainable and incremental growth, mankind is adopting renewable sources of energy along with storage systems. Storing surplus renewable energy in the form of hydrogen is a viable solution to meet continuous energy demands. In this... more
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      Chemical EngineeringMaterials ScienceRenewable EnergyHydrogen
Renewable energy has become popular alternative to fossil fuels as it can avoid environmental pollution such as air pollution. With the increase of human population and the demand of the power, power generation from renewable energy are... more
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      Environmental EngineeringEnvironmental ScienceRenewable EnergySolar Energy
Solar pond is an integrated solar collector and storage. An experimental salinity gradient solar pond was constructed to analyse the thermal storage capability. The solar pond consist of 2.4 m², 1.4 m deep with sodium chloride (NaCl) as... more
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      EngineeringMechanical EngineeringEnvironmental ScienceConvection
Heat engine converts chemical engine available in fuel to useful mechanical energy. One of the most famous heat engines is internal combustion (IC) engine. IC engine plays a pivotal role in transportation and other industrial... more
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      Environmental ScienceMaterials ScienceInternal Combustion EngineAutomotive Engineering
A metal hydride-nafion composite electrode with dual proton and electron conductivity has been fabricated that may have applications for electrochemical storage of hydrogen. The proton conductivity of the composite electrode was measured... more
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      Materials ScienceDielectric SpectroscopyNafionConductivity
The origin of the unique geometry for nitric oxide ͑NO͒ adsorption on Pd͑111͒ and Pt͑111͒ surfaces as well as the effect of temperature were studied by density functional theory calculations and ab initio molecular dynamics at finite... more
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      ChemistryComputational ChemistryHydrogenGraphene
This manuscript presents a thorough review of unitized regenerative fuel cells (URFCs) and their importance in Remote Area Power Supply (RAPS). In RAPS systems that utilize solar and hydrogen power, which typically include photovoltaic... more
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      EngineeringRenewable EnergyHydrogen FuelPhysical sciences