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In this paper we show the performance of Space Time Trellis Codes (STTC) [1] over Nakagami fading channels. We verify our derived closed form expressions for Rayleigh fading channels by setting the value of Nakagami fading parameter, m... more
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      Wireless CommunicationsMobile Communication
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Monitoring of the intrinsic temperature and the thermal management are discussed for the carbon nanotube nanocircuits. The experimental results concerning fabricating and testing of a thermometer able to monitor the intrinsic temperature... more
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      EngineeringMaterials ScienceSuperconductivityHeat Transfer
It's my project report on automatic washing machine in verilog language using MODELSIM software.
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    • Wireless Communications
Section 1: Engineering Mathematics Linear Algebra: Vector space, basis, linear dependence and independence, matrix algebra, eigen values and eigen vectors, rank, solution of linear equations-existence and uniqueness. Calculus: Mean value... more
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