Papers by Carlos Barbosa Cepeda
Horizonte Independiente, 2022
En elsiglo XIII, el escenario budista japonés experimentó profundos y radicales cambios. Estos ca... more En elsiglo XIII, el escenario budista japonés experimentó profundos y radicales cambios. Estos cambios también tuvieron gran impacto en la filosofía. En el presente texto expondremos panorámicamente la vida y obra de cuatro figuras de este periodo que fueron clave tanto en la
evolución del budismo como de la filosofía en Japón. Son los cuatro protagonistas de lo que podríamos llamar “giro Kamakura”: Hōnen, Shinran, Dōgen y Nichiren. La exposición está basada en la charla “La reforma Kamakura”, ofrecida en mayo de 2022 como parte del ciclo
Conversaciones defilosofía japonesa, organizado por RHI,ALAFI y ENOJP.
Ideas y Valores, 2016
presentación ideas y valores • vol. lxv • suplemento n. o 2 • 2016 • issn 0120-0062 (impreso) 201... more presentación ideas y valores • vol. lxv • suplemento n. o 2 • 2016 • issn 0120-0062 (impreso) 2011-3668 (en línea) • bogotá, colombia •

European Journal of Japanese Philosophy, 2019
What is Nishitani Keiji’s contribution to the philosophy of mind and
cognitive science in our cen... more What is Nishitani Keiji’s contribution to the philosophy of mind and
cognitive science in our century—if there is any? In the era of neuroscience and artificial intelligence, this question is of crucial importance for an assessment of the contemporary relevance of Kyoto School philosophy specifically and Japanese philosophy in general. In that respect, there has been some interest in the possible contributions of Nishida Kitarō’s thought to the philosophy of mind and cognitive science. Yet, as I believe, Nishitani’s philosophy also has a say in this area. Following that line, I will attempt a synoptic reconstruction of his notion of mind. In order to do this, I will first clarify what view(s) of mind he opposes. Next, on that basis, I will articulate what he considers to be the alternative. Finally, I will suggest some questions that his account raises and require further elucidation.
Keywords: Nishitani Keiji—mind—philosophy of mind—originary—
School—cognitive science
... concerniente a la interpretación del pensamiento de Eckhart. A Sarah Mattice le debo su inval... more ... concerniente a la interpretación del pensamiento de Eckhart. A Sarah Mattice le debo su invaluable ayuda al facilitarme algunos de los artículos que figuran en la bibliografía, que de otra manera no habría logrado conseguir. ...
¿Por qué el místico pretende hablar sobre aquello de lo cual, según él mismo, no se puede hablar?... more ¿Por qué el místico pretende hablar sobre aquello de lo cual, según él mismo, no se puede hablar? Se analiza el lenguaje místico en términos pragmáticos, para mostrar cómo busca expresar lo que no se puede caracterizar, lo que supone distinguir entre decir como caracterizar y decir como dar expresión. Esta diferencia es posible, según Chien-Hsin Ho, por la operación de indicar lo inefable mediante la superimposición con negación, y porque la indicación no apunta a lo trascendente, sino a lo inmanente del lenguaje mismo.
Book Chapters by Carlos Barbosa Cepeda

La racionalidad de la creencia religiosa, 2019
Barbosa, Carlos. "Una aproximación existencial a la racionalidad de la creencia desde la Escuela ... more Barbosa, Carlos. "Una aproximación existencial a la racionalidad de la creencia desde la Escuela de Kioto". Rivera, Ángel, Andrés Buritica, eds. La racionalidad de la creencia religiosa. Bogotá: Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2019. 125-139.
Según una interpretación ampliamente extendida y, en cualquier caso, muy influyente, la creencia religiosa no es racional porque pertenece al orden de la superstición o porque sencillamente es falsa. Puede notarse aquí la influencia de la Ilustración. Justamente, los «ilustrados» de nuestro tiempo argumentan que la religión esencialmente se basa en ·creencias· sobre entidades trascendentes a cuanto se pueda percibir o conocer en la naturaleza. Y tales juicios, agregan, son ·irracionales· porque versan sobre realidades sobrenaturales —por ende, inverificables—. Numerosas respuestas a esta crítica a la religión rechazan, como es obvio, el segundo supuesto, pero suelen compartir el primero: la religión se basa en creencias, suelen suponer ambas partes. No obstante, ¿no será que un examen de la racionalidad de la creencia religiosa requiere indagar los hechos religiosos desde un nivel más básico que la ·creencia· misma? ¿Acaso no es posible y necesario en general examinar la naturaleza y el papel de la creencia en el marco de la vida concreta de los individuos?
Misticismo y filosofía, 2015
Misticismo y filosofía. Ángela Uribe Botero and Carlos Miguel Gómez Rincón, eds. Bogota: Universi... more Misticismo y filosofía. Ángela Uribe Botero and Carlos Miguel Gómez Rincón, eds. Bogota: Universidad del Rosario, 2015. 31-40.
The present discussion deals with the problem of ineffability in
mystical discourse/language by m... more The present discussion deals with the problem of ineffability in
mystical discourse/language by means of a comparative analysis thereof, which relies on Nāgārjuna and Meister Eckhart‟s work, whom are respectively paradigmatic representatives of Mahāyāna buddhism and Western Christian Mysticism. This analysis will lead us to conclude that: (i) mystical language makes a distinction between the sayable and the unsayable; (ii) this distinction opens a path towards a transconceptual understanding of reality; and (iii) this path-opening is completed only through putting a certain form of life into practice, the realization of which is the radical transformation of experience. This will allow us to understand the claim of ineffability in mystical discourse.
Keywords: Language, Mystical,Mysticism, Ineffability, Nāgārjuna,
Books by Carlos Barbosa Cepeda
Conference Presentations by Carlos Barbosa Cepeda
Polylog: Zeitschrift für interkulturelles philosophieren, 2020
Vom 29. Oktober bis zum 1. November 2019 hat die lateinamerikanische Gesellschaft für
interkultur... more Vom 29. Oktober bis zum 1. November 2019 hat die lateinamerikanische Gesellschaft für
interkulturelle Philosophie (Associação Latino-Americana de Filosofia Intercultural, ALAFI) unter dem Motto »Interkulturalität und die Zukunft der Philosophie« ihren ersten internationalen Kongress an der Universität São Paulo abgehalten. In Übereinstimmung mit dem Leitbild von ALAFI – offene, pluralistische und kosmopolitische Sichtweisen und Praktiken von Philosophie zu fördern und zu verbreiten–[...]
I Congreso Internacional de Filosofia Intercultural de la ALAFI, 2019
La Universidad de São Paulo (USP) y la Asociación Latinoamericana de Filosofía Intercultural (ALA... more La Universidad de São Paulo (USP) y la Asociación Latinoamericana de Filosofía Intercultural (ALAFI) desean invitar a todos a participar de la V Jornada de Filosofía Oriental de la USP y del I Congreso Internacional de Filosofía Intercultural de la ALAFI a realizarse en la USP, São Paulo, entre los dias 29/10 a 01/11/2019. Son bienvenidas todas las contribuciones en filosofía intercultural, filosofía comparada y en todas las tradiciones filosóficas no occidentales. Las propuestas podrán presentarse en Portugués, Español e Inglés. El tema sugerido es "Interculturalidad y el futuro de la filosofía". Fecha final de envio de propuestas es 31/05/2019
![Research paper thumbnail of Religious Life as a Path: An Inquiry from Nishitani Keiji’s Account of Religion in Religion and Nothingness [For the The First Annual Conference of the European Network of Japanese Philosophy, 3-5 Dec 2015, Barcelona]](
After a careful reading of Nishitani Keiji’s Religion and Nothingness, one may have the impressio... more After a careful reading of Nishitani Keiji’s Religion and Nothingness, one may have the impression that his analysis of religious life takes its subject neither as structurally fixed or given, but rather as the unfolding of an inherently dynamic process. I would like to suggest that this impression points to a crucial element of Nishitani’s account that is not fully explicit in his book: indeed, we can reconstruct from it (especially from chapter 1) a type of analysis of religion that develops in accordance with the following principles: (i) the point of departure for a proper understanding of religion is the life (qua Existenz) of the individual itself; (ii) religious life is always (so to speak) path-shaped, that is, it has a starting point, a mode of development and a direction.
However, what is this so-called analysis of religion like? Can really find it in Nishitani’s lines? If so, how do we find it? And what does it mean that religious life is path-shaped? In order to clarify all this, it will be important to elucidate the two principles mentioned above. That will be possible by means of examining the notion of religious need (宗教的要求): we will track its role and meaning in Nishitani’s discourse. We will see how the idea of religious need leads to an interpretation of religion as a process triggered by the disclosure of nihility in the individual’s Existenz, developing in this same Existenz and oriented towards a direction —which may be faith or non-faith. As far as the examination goes, it may be possible to reconstruct an existential, dynamic analysis of religious life from Nishitani’s standpoint.
Keywords: Nishitani Keiji, existential standpoint, religious quest, religious life, path

What is Kyoto School’s contribution to the philosophy of mind and cognitive science in our centur... more What is Kyoto School’s contribution to the philosophy of mind and cognitive science in our century —if there is any? In the century of neuroscience and artificial intelligence, this question is of crucial importance for an assessment of the contemporary relevance of Kyoto School philosophy. To this respect, there has been some interest in the possible contributions of Nishida’s thought to the philosophy of mind and cognitive science —particularly the concept of active intuition. Yet, as I believe, Nishitani’s philosophy also has a say in this area. And I would generally dare say that his contribution is complementary to Nishida’s active intuition.
My proposal is to focus on what we could call his view of mind as relation, as elaborated in his book Religion and Nothingness. It can be observed that Nishitani reflects on the problem of what makes it possible for mind and things in the world to be linked by means of a relation of knowing/understanding. He contends that any understanding (i.e. any relation of knowing by means of which we can engage with things) consists essentially in the attunement (習う) of mind with things. The form of this attunement is what he calls the double co-projection of mind (心) and thing (事): the mind’s essence projects onto the thing’s essence, and simultaneously the latter projects onto the former. The place where this attunement emerges is concrete, embodied self-awareness. In this context, meaning emerges out of the embodied co-projection of mind and thing. What we often know as “meaning” is a mere abstraction out of this live “relatedness in action” —so to speak.
The consequences for dialog with contemporary theories of mind from Nishitani’s perspective are interesting in two senses. First of all, we should be critical of conceptual theories of mind: they remain anchored to abstract meaning, hence do not reach the concretely embodied nature of mind. Secondly, it can be remarked that Nishitani’s views are congenial to the enactivist trend in the philosophy of mind (v. Francisco Varela, Evan Thompson, Andy Clark, etc), according to which the mind continually co-creates itself and its world by enacting both: mind is not “in the brain” or “out there,” but in this field of co-creation. I will suggest that the dialog between both sides may help to strengthen the enactivist case.
Keywords: Nishitani Keiji, mind, relation, meaning, embodied mind
Call For Papers by Carlos Barbosa Cepeda

Convocatoria de participaciones
La Universidad de São Paulo (USP) y la Asociación Latinoamerican... more Convocatoria de participaciones
La Universidad de São Paulo (USP) y la Asociación Latinoamericana de Filosofía Intercultural (ALAFI) convocan a la VII Jornada de Filosofía Oriental de la USP y el III Congreso Internacional de Filosofía Intercultural de ALAFI, eventos que tendrán lugar en la Universidad de São Paulo.
Tema central: “Enseñanza intercultural de la filosofía”
Son bienvenidas todas las contribuciones en filosofía intercultural, filosofía comparada y en todas las tradiciones filosóficas no occidentales. Las propuestas podrán enviarse en portugués, español e inglés. A estos efectos, un comité de evaluación examinará las propuestas y su decisión será definitiva e inapelable.
Los participantes deben tener en cuenta que la presentación debe durar 20 minutos, seguidos de 10 minutos de discusión.
Recibiremos propuestas de comunicación vía correo electrónico: alafioficial [arroba] gmail [punto] com. Por favor
envía la propuesta en formato PDF, incluyendo los siguientes datos:
● Nombre
● Máxima titulación académica alcanzada (doctorado, maestría, especialización o grado)
● Filiación institucional
● Ciudad y país de residencia
● Correo electrónico
● Título de la contribución
● Resumen de 300 a 500 palabras
● Lista de 3 a 5 palabras clave
Las propuestas deberán enviarse a más tardar el 31/05/2024.
Más detalles en el documento.

ODIP, em cooperação com ALAFI (Associação Latino-Americana de Filosofia Intercultural), convida p... more ODIP, em cooperação com ALAFI (Associação Latino-Americana de Filosofia Intercultural), convida para envios de temas relacionados à filosofia intercultural. ODIP oferece breves e compreensíveis definições de termos filosóficos não-ocidentais. Seu intuito é promover uma mudança de uma perspectiva da filosofia comparada para uma Filosofia Mundial, permitindo uma genuína pluralidade do conhecimento, da prática e da vivência humana. ODIP recolhe conceitos chaves de diversas regiões e os apresenta de uma maneira sucinta. O dicionário online de filosofia intercultural se propõe a ser um recurso inspirador e estimulante para filósofos que pretendem expandir inter-culturalmente seus horizontes intelectuais. ALAFI (Associação Latino-Americana de Filosofia Intercultural) pretende promover práticas interculturais abertas, plurais e cosmopolitas de filosofia na América latina focando, em especial, o público luso-hispanófono. As submissões, em média, são a partir de 200 a 1000 palavras (até, no máximo, 3500 palavras para envios com abordagens históricas acerca das escolas filosóficas e movimentos tais como o de "Filosofia Comparativa"). As submissões devem ser enviadas em inglês ou ter uma tradução em inglês anexada com a submissão na língua original. Particularmente, são aceitas e estimuladas contribuições em português e espanhol, desde que acompanhadas por uma tradução em inglês (as submissões serão editadas e não precisam ter um inglês perfeito). Todas as submissões são revisadas por pares. Preferivelmente, os envios explicam conceitos e termos, porém, em certos casos, envios sobre filósofos ou livros também serão aceitos. Todos os envios serão publicados com o nome do autor. Os envios devem apresentar referências bibliográficas no final do texto para leitura posterior. Na página "Call for Entries" ( você encontrará uma lista de termos. Estas são apenas algumas sugestões possíveis. Envios de outros termos relevantes são bem-vindos. Envie para: [email protected] Os direitos autorais permanecem com os autores. Prazo de entrega: 5 de junho, 2020. Para mais informações, por favor, acesse
Drafts by Carlos Barbosa Cepeda

A Universidade de São Paulo e a Associação Latino-americana de Filosofia Intercultural convidam a... more A Universidade de São Paulo e a Associação Latino-americana de Filosofia Intercultural convidam a todos para participar do II Congresso Internacional de Filosofia Intercultural da ALAFI a ser realizado online.São bem-vindas todas as contribuições em filosofia intercultural, filosofia comparada e em todas as tradições filosóficas não-ocidentais. Podem-se enviar propostas em português, espanhol e inglês.
La Universidad de São Paulo y la Asociación Latinoamericana de Filosofía Intercultural extienden a la comunidad académica una invitación abierta a participar en el II Congreso Internacional de FilosofíaIntercultural de ALAFI, que se realizará en línea. Todas las contribuciones en filosofía intercultural, filosofía comparada y en todas las tradiciones filosóficas no occidentales son bienvenidas. Las propuestas se pueden enviar en portugués, español e inglés.
The University of São Paulo and the Latin American Association of Intercultural Philosophy invite everyone to participate in the 2nd International Congress of Intercultural Philosophy, to be held online. All contributions in intercultural philosophy, comparative philosophy, and in all non-Western philosophical traditions are welcome. Proposals can be sent in Portuguese, Spanish, and English.
Papers by Carlos Barbosa Cepeda
evolución del budismo como de la filosofía en Japón. Son los cuatro protagonistas de lo que podríamos llamar “giro Kamakura”: Hōnen, Shinran, Dōgen y Nichiren. La exposición está basada en la charla “La reforma Kamakura”, ofrecida en mayo de 2022 como parte del ciclo
Conversaciones defilosofía japonesa, organizado por RHI,ALAFI y ENOJP.
cognitive science in our century—if there is any? In the era of neuroscience and artificial intelligence, this question is of crucial importance for an assessment of the contemporary relevance of Kyoto School philosophy specifically and Japanese philosophy in general. In that respect, there has been some interest in the possible contributions of Nishida Kitarō’s thought to the philosophy of mind and cognitive science. Yet, as I believe, Nishitani’s philosophy also has a say in this area. Following that line, I will attempt a synoptic reconstruction of his notion of mind. In order to do this, I will first clarify what view(s) of mind he opposes. Next, on that basis, I will articulate what he considers to be the alternative. Finally, I will suggest some questions that his account raises and require further elucidation.
Keywords: Nishitani Keiji—mind—philosophy of mind—originary—
School—cognitive science
Book Chapters by Carlos Barbosa Cepeda
Según una interpretación ampliamente extendida y, en cualquier caso, muy influyente, la creencia religiosa no es racional porque pertenece al orden de la superstición o porque sencillamente es falsa. Puede notarse aquí la influencia de la Ilustración. Justamente, los «ilustrados» de nuestro tiempo argumentan que la religión esencialmente se basa en ·creencias· sobre entidades trascendentes a cuanto se pueda percibir o conocer en la naturaleza. Y tales juicios, agregan, son ·irracionales· porque versan sobre realidades sobrenaturales —por ende, inverificables—. Numerosas respuestas a esta crítica a la religión rechazan, como es obvio, el segundo supuesto, pero suelen compartir el primero: la religión se basa en creencias, suelen suponer ambas partes. No obstante, ¿no será que un examen de la racionalidad de la creencia religiosa requiere indagar los hechos religiosos desde un nivel más básico que la ·creencia· misma? ¿Acaso no es posible y necesario en general examinar la naturaleza y el papel de la creencia en el marco de la vida concreta de los individuos?
mystical discourse/language by means of a comparative analysis thereof, which relies on Nāgārjuna and Meister Eckhart‟s work, whom are respectively paradigmatic representatives of Mahāyāna buddhism and Western Christian Mysticism. This analysis will lead us to conclude that: (i) mystical language makes a distinction between the sayable and the unsayable; (ii) this distinction opens a path towards a transconceptual understanding of reality; and (iii) this path-opening is completed only through putting a certain form of life into practice, the realization of which is the radical transformation of experience. This will allow us to understand the claim of ineffability in mystical discourse.
Keywords: Language, Mystical,Mysticism, Ineffability, Nāgārjuna,
Books by Carlos Barbosa Cepeda
Conference Presentations by Carlos Barbosa Cepeda
interkulturelle Philosophie (Associação Latino-Americana de Filosofia Intercultural, ALAFI) unter dem Motto »Interkulturalität und die Zukunft der Philosophie« ihren ersten internationalen Kongress an der Universität São Paulo abgehalten. In Übereinstimmung mit dem Leitbild von ALAFI – offene, pluralistische und kosmopolitische Sichtweisen und Praktiken von Philosophie zu fördern und zu verbreiten–[...]
However, what is this so-called analysis of religion like? Can really find it in Nishitani’s lines? If so, how do we find it? And what does it mean that religious life is path-shaped? In order to clarify all this, it will be important to elucidate the two principles mentioned above. That will be possible by means of examining the notion of religious need (宗教的要求): we will track its role and meaning in Nishitani’s discourse. We will see how the idea of religious need leads to an interpretation of religion as a process triggered by the disclosure of nihility in the individual’s Existenz, developing in this same Existenz and oriented towards a direction —which may be faith or non-faith. As far as the examination goes, it may be possible to reconstruct an existential, dynamic analysis of religious life from Nishitani’s standpoint.
Keywords: Nishitani Keiji, existential standpoint, religious quest, religious life, path
My proposal is to focus on what we could call his view of mind as relation, as elaborated in his book Religion and Nothingness. It can be observed that Nishitani reflects on the problem of what makes it possible for mind and things in the world to be linked by means of a relation of knowing/understanding. He contends that any understanding (i.e. any relation of knowing by means of which we can engage with things) consists essentially in the attunement (習う) of mind with things. The form of this attunement is what he calls the double co-projection of mind (心) and thing (事): the mind’s essence projects onto the thing’s essence, and simultaneously the latter projects onto the former. The place where this attunement emerges is concrete, embodied self-awareness. In this context, meaning emerges out of the embodied co-projection of mind and thing. What we often know as “meaning” is a mere abstraction out of this live “relatedness in action” —so to speak.
The consequences for dialog with contemporary theories of mind from Nishitani’s perspective are interesting in two senses. First of all, we should be critical of conceptual theories of mind: they remain anchored to abstract meaning, hence do not reach the concretely embodied nature of mind. Secondly, it can be remarked that Nishitani’s views are congenial to the enactivist trend in the philosophy of mind (v. Francisco Varela, Evan Thompson, Andy Clark, etc), according to which the mind continually co-creates itself and its world by enacting both: mind is not “in the brain” or “out there,” but in this field of co-creation. I will suggest that the dialog between both sides may help to strengthen the enactivist case.
Keywords: Nishitani Keiji, mind, relation, meaning, embodied mind
Call For Papers by Carlos Barbosa Cepeda
La Universidad de São Paulo (USP) y la Asociación Latinoamericana de Filosofía Intercultural (ALAFI) convocan a la VII Jornada de Filosofía Oriental de la USP y el III Congreso Internacional de Filosofía Intercultural de ALAFI, eventos que tendrán lugar en la Universidad de São Paulo.
Tema central: “Enseñanza intercultural de la filosofía”
Son bienvenidas todas las contribuciones en filosofía intercultural, filosofía comparada y en todas las tradiciones filosóficas no occidentales. Las propuestas podrán enviarse en portugués, español e inglés. A estos efectos, un comité de evaluación examinará las propuestas y su decisión será definitiva e inapelable.
Los participantes deben tener en cuenta que la presentación debe durar 20 minutos, seguidos de 10 minutos de discusión.
Recibiremos propuestas de comunicación vía correo electrónico: alafioficial [arroba] gmail [punto] com. Por favor
envía la propuesta en formato PDF, incluyendo los siguientes datos:
● Nombre
● Máxima titulación académica alcanzada (doctorado, maestría, especialización o grado)
● Filiación institucional
● Ciudad y país de residencia
● Correo electrónico
● Título de la contribución
● Resumen de 300 a 500 palabras
● Lista de 3 a 5 palabras clave
Las propuestas deberán enviarse a más tardar el 31/05/2024.
Más detalles en el documento.
Drafts by Carlos Barbosa Cepeda
La Universidad de São Paulo y la Asociación Latinoamericana de Filosofía Intercultural extienden a la comunidad académica una invitación abierta a participar en el II Congreso Internacional de FilosofíaIntercultural de ALAFI, que se realizará en línea. Todas las contribuciones en filosofía intercultural, filosofía comparada y en todas las tradiciones filosóficas no occidentales son bienvenidas. Las propuestas se pueden enviar en portugués, español e inglés.
The University of São Paulo and the Latin American Association of Intercultural Philosophy invite everyone to participate in the 2nd International Congress of Intercultural Philosophy, to be held online. All contributions in intercultural philosophy, comparative philosophy, and in all non-Western philosophical traditions are welcome. Proposals can be sent in Portuguese, Spanish, and English.
evolución del budismo como de la filosofía en Japón. Son los cuatro protagonistas de lo que podríamos llamar “giro Kamakura”: Hōnen, Shinran, Dōgen y Nichiren. La exposición está basada en la charla “La reforma Kamakura”, ofrecida en mayo de 2022 como parte del ciclo
Conversaciones defilosofía japonesa, organizado por RHI,ALAFI y ENOJP.
cognitive science in our century—if there is any? In the era of neuroscience and artificial intelligence, this question is of crucial importance for an assessment of the contemporary relevance of Kyoto School philosophy specifically and Japanese philosophy in general. In that respect, there has been some interest in the possible contributions of Nishida Kitarō’s thought to the philosophy of mind and cognitive science. Yet, as I believe, Nishitani’s philosophy also has a say in this area. Following that line, I will attempt a synoptic reconstruction of his notion of mind. In order to do this, I will first clarify what view(s) of mind he opposes. Next, on that basis, I will articulate what he considers to be the alternative. Finally, I will suggest some questions that his account raises and require further elucidation.
Keywords: Nishitani Keiji—mind—philosophy of mind—originary—
School—cognitive science
Según una interpretación ampliamente extendida y, en cualquier caso, muy influyente, la creencia religiosa no es racional porque pertenece al orden de la superstición o porque sencillamente es falsa. Puede notarse aquí la influencia de la Ilustración. Justamente, los «ilustrados» de nuestro tiempo argumentan que la religión esencialmente se basa en ·creencias· sobre entidades trascendentes a cuanto se pueda percibir o conocer en la naturaleza. Y tales juicios, agregan, son ·irracionales· porque versan sobre realidades sobrenaturales —por ende, inverificables—. Numerosas respuestas a esta crítica a la religión rechazan, como es obvio, el segundo supuesto, pero suelen compartir el primero: la religión se basa en creencias, suelen suponer ambas partes. No obstante, ¿no será que un examen de la racionalidad de la creencia religiosa requiere indagar los hechos religiosos desde un nivel más básico que la ·creencia· misma? ¿Acaso no es posible y necesario en general examinar la naturaleza y el papel de la creencia en el marco de la vida concreta de los individuos?
mystical discourse/language by means of a comparative analysis thereof, which relies on Nāgārjuna and Meister Eckhart‟s work, whom are respectively paradigmatic representatives of Mahāyāna buddhism and Western Christian Mysticism. This analysis will lead us to conclude that: (i) mystical language makes a distinction between the sayable and the unsayable; (ii) this distinction opens a path towards a transconceptual understanding of reality; and (iii) this path-opening is completed only through putting a certain form of life into practice, the realization of which is the radical transformation of experience. This will allow us to understand the claim of ineffability in mystical discourse.
Keywords: Language, Mystical,Mysticism, Ineffability, Nāgārjuna,
interkulturelle Philosophie (Associação Latino-Americana de Filosofia Intercultural, ALAFI) unter dem Motto »Interkulturalität und die Zukunft der Philosophie« ihren ersten internationalen Kongress an der Universität São Paulo abgehalten. In Übereinstimmung mit dem Leitbild von ALAFI – offene, pluralistische und kosmopolitische Sichtweisen und Praktiken von Philosophie zu fördern und zu verbreiten–[...]
However, what is this so-called analysis of religion like? Can really find it in Nishitani’s lines? If so, how do we find it? And what does it mean that religious life is path-shaped? In order to clarify all this, it will be important to elucidate the two principles mentioned above. That will be possible by means of examining the notion of religious need (宗教的要求): we will track its role and meaning in Nishitani’s discourse. We will see how the idea of religious need leads to an interpretation of religion as a process triggered by the disclosure of nihility in the individual’s Existenz, developing in this same Existenz and oriented towards a direction —which may be faith or non-faith. As far as the examination goes, it may be possible to reconstruct an existential, dynamic analysis of religious life from Nishitani’s standpoint.
Keywords: Nishitani Keiji, existential standpoint, religious quest, religious life, path
My proposal is to focus on what we could call his view of mind as relation, as elaborated in his book Religion and Nothingness. It can be observed that Nishitani reflects on the problem of what makes it possible for mind and things in the world to be linked by means of a relation of knowing/understanding. He contends that any understanding (i.e. any relation of knowing by means of which we can engage with things) consists essentially in the attunement (習う) of mind with things. The form of this attunement is what he calls the double co-projection of mind (心) and thing (事): the mind’s essence projects onto the thing’s essence, and simultaneously the latter projects onto the former. The place where this attunement emerges is concrete, embodied self-awareness. In this context, meaning emerges out of the embodied co-projection of mind and thing. What we often know as “meaning” is a mere abstraction out of this live “relatedness in action” —so to speak.
The consequences for dialog with contemporary theories of mind from Nishitani’s perspective are interesting in two senses. First of all, we should be critical of conceptual theories of mind: they remain anchored to abstract meaning, hence do not reach the concretely embodied nature of mind. Secondly, it can be remarked that Nishitani’s views are congenial to the enactivist trend in the philosophy of mind (v. Francisco Varela, Evan Thompson, Andy Clark, etc), according to which the mind continually co-creates itself and its world by enacting both: mind is not “in the brain” or “out there,” but in this field of co-creation. I will suggest that the dialog between both sides may help to strengthen the enactivist case.
Keywords: Nishitani Keiji, mind, relation, meaning, embodied mind
La Universidad de São Paulo (USP) y la Asociación Latinoamericana de Filosofía Intercultural (ALAFI) convocan a la VII Jornada de Filosofía Oriental de la USP y el III Congreso Internacional de Filosofía Intercultural de ALAFI, eventos que tendrán lugar en la Universidad de São Paulo.
Tema central: “Enseñanza intercultural de la filosofía”
Son bienvenidas todas las contribuciones en filosofía intercultural, filosofía comparada y en todas las tradiciones filosóficas no occidentales. Las propuestas podrán enviarse en portugués, español e inglés. A estos efectos, un comité de evaluación examinará las propuestas y su decisión será definitiva e inapelable.
Los participantes deben tener en cuenta que la presentación debe durar 20 minutos, seguidos de 10 minutos de discusión.
Recibiremos propuestas de comunicación vía correo electrónico: alafioficial [arroba] gmail [punto] com. Por favor
envía la propuesta en formato PDF, incluyendo los siguientes datos:
● Nombre
● Máxima titulación académica alcanzada (doctorado, maestría, especialización o grado)
● Filiación institucional
● Ciudad y país de residencia
● Correo electrónico
● Título de la contribución
● Resumen de 300 a 500 palabras
● Lista de 3 a 5 palabras clave
Las propuestas deberán enviarse a más tardar el 31/05/2024.
Más detalles en el documento.
La Universidad de São Paulo y la Asociación Latinoamericana de Filosofía Intercultural extienden a la comunidad académica una invitación abierta a participar en el II Congreso Internacional de FilosofíaIntercultural de ALAFI, que se realizará en línea. Todas las contribuciones en filosofía intercultural, filosofía comparada y en todas las tradiciones filosóficas no occidentales son bienvenidas. Las propuestas se pueden enviar en portugués, español e inglés.
The University of São Paulo and the Latin American Association of Intercultural Philosophy invite everyone to participate in the 2nd International Congress of Intercultural Philosophy, to be held online. All contributions in intercultural philosophy, comparative philosophy, and in all non-Western philosophical traditions are welcome. Proposals can be sent in Portuguese, Spanish, and English.