Texas Woman's University
Nelda C. Stark College of Nursing
Palliative care is a medical subspecialty devoted to palliating symptoms and spending time communicating with patients from the onset of chronic illness through the end of life. Time is one of the gifts a palliative care team gives a... more
Purpose: To describe the trajectory of viewing self in a mirror after an amputation and participants' perceptions of what health care professionals should know about mirrors. Design: Hermeneutic phenomenology. Methods: Focus groups were... more
Purpose: To describe the trajectory of viewing self in a mirror after an amputation and participants' perceptions of what health care professionals should know about mirrors. Design: Hermeneutic phenomenology. Methods: Focus groups were... more
Purpose: To describe the trajectory of viewing self in a mirror after an amputation and participants' perceptions of what health care professionals should know about mirrors. Design: Hermeneutic phenomenology. Methods: Focus groups were... more
Purpose: To describe the trajectory of viewing self in a mirror after an amputation and participants' perceptions of what health care professionals should know about mirrors. Design: Hermeneutic phenomenology. Methods: Focus groups were... more
Self-reflection is paramount to the development of professionalism and serves as the foundation of adult education and lifelong learning. Pedagogical approaches in health sciences programs that promote selfreflection are growing in... more
Summary: This presentation explores the mirror experience for amputees, discovered using Ricoeur’s phenomenology. The trajectory of that experience is described, and implications for nursing practice considered. Learning Activity:... more
Summary: This presentation offers a glimpse into the embodied shame that lingers years after military sexual trauma for women veterans. Viewing self in a mirror, being in public, and intimacy are experiences that are lived in shameful... more
PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION African American (AA) women have a higher mortality rate for cervical and other cancers and are less likely to have received the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine than White women. Mothers play a significant family... more
This study explored the feasibility of educating nurses on an emotionally sensitive topic using video. The aim was to educate nurses on how to assist individuals who have had an amputation of a limb in viewing themselves in the mirror.... more
Purpose: Reflective practitioners embody the ability to critique their own clinical thinking about the dilemmas that frequently arise in professional practice and everyday life. Conflicting evidence exists on whether or not... more
Date Presented 04/01/2022 Lymphedema affects a significant number of women with breast cancer, and self-management programs (SMPs) are important in the long-term management of this chronic condition. This quasi-experimental study explored... more
Aim: The first aim of this study was to explore the lived experiences of parents caring for their autistic children and their experiences with safety for these children. The second aim was to elicit safety recommendations from the parents... more
Date Presented Accepted for AOTA INSPIRE 2021 but unable to be presented due to online event limitations. Lymphedema affects 65% of women with breast cancer. Self-management programs (SMPs) are used to manage lymphedema. The study... more
Date Presented 04/22/2023 This qualitative descriptive research aimed to determine the wording and final items for the Child Assessment of Self-Care (CAS), a child’s self-report of self-care that addresses the Model of Human Occupation... more