[09 Jun 2008|11:36pm] |
For those of you who don't know, I play an entire classic ep (7", 10", 12" or even cdep) on the 3rd week of each month. For next month's ep, I'm letting the listeners vote on what it should be. Here are the choices (in alphabetical order):
B.G.K. - "White Male Dumbiance" 7"ep Citizen's Arrest - 7"ep False Confession - 7"ep F.U.'s - "Kill For Christ" 7"ep Necros - "IQ 32" 7"ep Plaid Retina - 7"ep S.O.A. - "No Policy" 7"ep Sik Mentality - "Bad World" 12"ep Stalag 13 - "In Control" 7"ep Youth Brigade (DC) - 7"ep
When you vote for one of the above, you can write in a choice of your own as well (just remember it has to be over 15 years old, and punk, hardcore, etc., and of course one I've never played before- I'll put a list of all the past ones at the bottom of this bulletin ). The last time I did this, the winner was one I didn't put on the list to vote for (the Sick Pleasure 7"ep), so that might happen again (just be sure that if you write one in, you vote for one of the ones above as well). Here's the ones that have been played so far (behind cut): ( Read more...Collapse )
deadthyme is now available as a podcast
Also check out the deadthyme website where you can find a list of every song ever played (alphabetized by band), every playlist, links, dj info, etc...
[23 Sep 2006|11:10am] |
[19 Sep 2006|01:54pm] |

Shows!!! |
[04 Sep 2006|12:16am] |
The Golden Age's CD Release Show!

[01 Sep 2006|05:08pm] |
[12 Jul 2006|10:41pm] |
 On an unrelated note, check out my band's new song: BAM!!!
[21 May 2006|10:05pm] |
If any hardcore band would be interested in playing in Wichita Falls, Texas on June 7th HIT ME UP. :)
[email protected]
Shows!!! |
[05 Apr 2006|10:01am] |
Go to this!!!


[13 Nov 2005|09:38am] |
Not my show, but go anyway!

[31 Oct 2005|02:22pm] |
[20 Oct 2005|10:29am] |


It's Where Eagles Dare, they're better than you. Go bask in their awesomeness.
[10 Oct 2005|09:35pm] |
[06 Sep 2005|02:44pm] |

The Contender will be getting rid of most of their merch, so some sweet deals will be posted at the merch table...
P.S. SnakeMan's Lament will also be playing.
[18 Aug 2005|10:47pm] |