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Paperback “The Contract Total Amount” by Polina Shinkina [18 Oct 2017|08:15am]

“The Contract Total Amount” is a one-topic textbook from the series of the textbooks related to discussion of different aspects of business contract terms in the Chinese language. The textbook contains a number of useful phrases and words which might be used in the process of business negotiations.

The main purpose of this textbook is developing speaking skills by means of studying general questions. The skill of asking questions is very important in business talks with the Chinese trading partners as well as in business correspondence.

The grammar of this textbook presents different types of general questions, such as general questions with modal verbs and alternative questions. Each exercise includes one type of question and it makes the study process comfortable and easy to memorize.

Tags: Chinese, mandarin, business, trading, marketing, commercial, paperback, textbook, eBook, contract, dictionary, character, radicals, correspondence, decomposition, skills, speaking, writing, language, talks, negotiations, multiplication, number, subtraction, terms, division, alternative, discussion, question, quotation, addition, memorize
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“Supersonic Marketing Chinese Book 1” by Polina Shinkina [28 Jun 2017|04:44am]

Supersonic Marketing Chinese Book 1 by Polina Shinkina includes 10 marketing letters with the detailed glossaries, vocabularies and exercises for the new words learning.

Texts and analytical exercises in this textbook are based on the best self-teaching practices and turn the Chinese language learning into the everlasting chain of the greatest pleasure! From now on any kind of e-mail marketing correspondence in the Chinese language will be a great pleasure for you, both reading and writing!

Your outstanding knowledge how to write marketing letters push you forward to the frontline of the super-experienced and the most precious office employees.

Tags: Chinese, Chinese-English, addition, advanced, analysis, arithmetic, beginner, business, character, financial, mandarin, market, marketing, math, mathematics, multiplication, number, numerals, radical, self-learn, how, intermediate, self-study, speak, structural, textbook, trading, university, write, study, subtraction, commerce, commercial, language, learn, learning, letter, level, china, contract, correspondence, decomposition, dictionary, division, email, English-Chinese, finance, calligraphy
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“Supersonic Marketing Chinese Book 1” by Polina Shinkina [18 Jun 2017|06:49am]

Supersonic Marketing Chinese Book 1 by Polina Shinkina includes 10 marketing letters with the detailed glossaries, vocabularies and exercises for the new words learning.

Texts and analytical exercises in this textbook are based on the best self-teaching practices and turn the Chinese language learning into the everlasting chain of the greatest pleasure! From now on any kind of e-mail marketing correspondence in the Chinese language will be a great pleasure for you, both reading and writing!

Your outstanding knowledge how to write marketing letters push you forward to the frontline of the super-experienced and the most precious office employees.
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汉字分解。 Decomposition of the Chinese Character 道 dào ‘road’ [21 Apr 2017|05:09am]

首 shǒu head,
丷 bā eight,
一 yī one,
自 zì self,
丿 piě slash,
目 mù eye,
冂 jiōng down box,
三 sān three,
一 yī one,
二 èr two,
辶 chuò walk,
丶 zhǔ dot,
廴 yǐn move slowly,

首丷一自丿目冂三一二 辶丶廴

Breakdown, Character, Chinese, Decomposition, Analysis, Strokes, Language, Dictionary, Textbook, Break Down, Split, Analyze, Decompose, Learn, Memorize, Broken Down

More information: and
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汉字分解。 Decomposition of the Chinese Character 单 dān ‘bill’ [12 Apr 2017|08:25am]

丷 bā eight,
曰 yuē say,
冂 jiōng down box,
二 èr two,
十 shí ten,
一 yī one,
丨 gǔn line,

丷曰冂二 十一丨

Breakdown, Character, Chinese, Decomposition, Analysis, Strokes, Language, Dictionary, Textbook, Break Down, Split, Analyze, Decompose, Learn, Memorize, Broken Down

More information: and

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Mandarin Chinese Textbook for Beginners [08 Apr 2017|07:12am]

Mandarin Chinese Textbook for Beginners
Open the Door to Chinese Book 1 by Polina Shinkina
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Decomposition of the Chinese character 而 ér ‘but’ [07 Apr 2017|07:51am]

Decomposition of the Chinese character 而 ér ‘but’,

一 yī one,
丿 piě slash,
冂 jiōng down box,
丨 gǔn line,
丨 gǔn line,

而 一 丿 冂 丨 丨

NB. Synonyms: Structural analysis of the Chinese characters, Breakdown of the Chinese characters, Chinese characters split.

More information: and
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Lot 18 Parking Permit [24 Sep 2010|10:44am]

My parking permit was stolen out of my locked parked car yesterday.  It's for lot 18 on West Campus at the HSC, where my car was parked at the time.  If you see anyone selling or giving a permit away report them to the police.  Don't try to use the permit or you will be ticketed and immediately towed. It's already been reported stolen.

Gig 'em, Aggies!
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Here [21 Apr 2010|03:10pm]

In many lands and climes this April day
Proud sons of Texas A&M unite.
Our loyalty to country, school, we pray,
and seal our pact with bond of common might.
We live again those happy days of yore
on campus, field, in classroom, dorm, at drill
Fond memory brings a sigh -- but nothing more;
Now we are men and life’s a greater thrill,
On Corregidor    *    years ago today
A band of gallant Aggies, led by Moore,
Held simple rites which led to us doth all to say:
The spirit shall prevail through cannon roar.
Before we part and go upon our way,
We pause to honor those we knew so well;
The old familiar faces we miss so much today
Left cherished recollections that time cannot dispel.
Softly call the Muster,
Let comrade answer, “Here!”
Their spirits hover ‘round us
As if to bring us cheer!
Mark them ‘present’ in our hearts.
We’ll meet some other day
There is no death, but life etern
For our old friends such as they!
by Dr. John Ashton ‘06

* The third stanza is original to the poem and had been deleted over the years. It was intended that each year, the number of years since Corregidor would be inserted.

Source for text. Source for image.
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[05 Nov 2009|09:13pm]

In the wake of today's horrible Fort Hood tragedy, you can help!

All blood types are needed, especially O negative as it is universal.

The Blood Center of the Brazos Valley accommodates walk ins or you can call to find out how to help.
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[16 Aug 2009|10:40am]

[ mood | chipper ]

Don't forget if you are in town come by Bryan Towne Center today (by the new Target in Bryan) and give blood and/or donate supplies for the troops. We will be out there from 12PM to 4PM. We had a great turnout yesterday at Independence Harley Davidson in College Station. I am hoping today will be an even better day!

One person donating blood can save up to three lives! All donations at this drive should help someone in our community as it will be supplied to local hospitals such as St Joseph and College Station Medical Center. If you cannot donate during the drive today, you can still donate at the blood center. Visit for more information or you can email [email protected] if you need more information as well.

If you donate you will receive a discount coupon at one of several local restaurants, while supplies last.

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Cross posted from cityofbcs [13 Aug 2009|06:15pm]

[ mood | busy ]

Contact: Laura Garrison Beaty [email protected]

August 10, 2009

The Bryan College Station Jaycees and the Blood Center of the Brazos Valley request your help in making our next project a success.

On Saturday August 15th, Independence Harley Davidson will be collecting supplies to be sent to the troops overseas. A listing of needed items can be found on

On Sunday August 16th the Bryan-College Station Jaycees and The Blood Center of Brazos Valley will be out in force at Bryan Towne Center from 12PM to 4PM to continue the supply drive for soldiers as well as hold a blood drive to benefit the members of the community. To learn more about how you can Commit for Life by giving blood as well as frequently asked questions about blood donations at

Please come out and help us to support our troops and help save lives by donating with our community hospitals’ supplier, The Blood Center of Brazos Valley.

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Support our troops project link [10 Jul 2009|06:20am]


This is something I am doing over the next few days. Please feel free to take a moment if you can help out. :)
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alternative to owning a car [07 Jun 2009|11:48pm]

anyone know of a rideshare option in college station? the link below lists college station as a location with U Car Share, but it doesn't appear on their site.
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[19 Jan 2009|01:53pm]

  For Sale:

These are all Blinn textbooks, used last semester.

Texas: Crossroads of America by Jesus F. De La Teja.  Has the "Major Problems in Texas History" documents and essays.

Historical Atlas of Texas by A. Ray Stephens

Literature: An introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama by X,J, Kennedy.

The Mercury Reader for English 1301 Composition and Rhetoric

I have have some other books listed at

If you're interested in any of the books at, please comment here or e-mail me at this user name at gmail.
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Car Radio [12 Jan 2009|05:11pm]


I'm looking to get a new deck for a car... and I was wondering if anybody had a suggestions on where I could purchase it (that would install) in the B/CS region, other than Best Buy?

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Cheap 17" Monitor! [10 Jan 2009|05:16pm]

Does anyone want a 17" MAG monitor? It is an older model (not flat panel) but is in great working condition. I replaced with with my tax stimulus because I wanted a flat panel, otherwise I would still be using it. I can deliver it to anywhere in the BCS area if needed. I am only asking $20, and that is negotiable.

Or - does anyone know a place in town that buys used monitors?
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Quality Salon / Hair Stylist Recommendations? [11 Dec 2008|05:55pm]


I'm looking for a good place to get a haircut in B/CS. I'd prefer to go to someone that considers this a passion, not a job. (I.e., not Great Clips, etc.) Any recommendations are much appreciated!

Posted via

Edit: FYI, I wound up going to the French Door. They did a fairly good job (don't remember who it was that cut, though). Would recommend them in general.
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Radio MASH [01 Dec 2008|10:18pm]

[ mood | cheerful ]

The above site has all the info you need, come on out and help make Christmas special for Brazos Valley children who might not otherwise have much of a Christmas. It's all about the kids! The toy drive starts at 6AM on Thursday 12/4 and goes until 10AM Monday 12/8. Visit the above website for more information.

They accept new and gently used toys. If it's not working quite right but is in otherwise good condition, bring it anyhow, because we may be able to fix it before sending it out. (However if it's missing a remote, probably we can't replace that easily.) If you bring gifts they need to be unwrapped before we can distribute them, so please don't wrap them. Kids range in age from infants to teens. They are also in need of batteries, as we put new batteries in all the toys before they go out. You can also donate through paypal on the website. Please help if you can.

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Aggie Hurricane Relief Efforts [19 Sep 2008|12:11pm]

Anyone in the B/CS area that wants to help out with Hurricane Ike relief efforts might want to go here ( for a list of volunteer opportunities organized by Student Activities.  They need lots of volunteers, with all kinds of skill sets, and lots of supplies.

cross posted to my LJ and cityofbcs

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