Papers by Alfonso Totosaus
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. eBooks, Apr 14, 2010

Revista colombiana de investigaciones agroindustriales, Sep 9, 2021
RESUMEN Con el propósito de mejorar la elaboración de quesos tipo fresco, se experimentó con dife... more RESUMEN Con el propósito de mejorar la elaboración de quesos tipo fresco, se experimentó con diferentes tipos de almidón o su combinación con goma xantana en un sistema modelo, con el fin de determinar el efecto sobre el rendimiento, volumen de lactosuero liberado, sinéresis, humedad, además de las propiedades fisicoquímicas dureza, adhesividad, cohesividad y resorteo. Se utilizaron almidón de trigo, almidón de papa, almidón modificado Gelamil y Nifragel al 5 % (p/v) o su combinación con goma xantana (1 %, p/v) en un sistema lácteo coagulado. El uso de almidones con goma xantana resultó en un mayor rendimiento y menor volumen de lactosuero liberado, menor sinéresis y mayor humedad, debido a las propiedades de retención de agua. Esta característica repercutió en texturas más duras pero adhesivas, además de ser menos cohesivas y elásticas, debido a la menor movilidad del agua dentro del sistema. Bajo condiciones experimentales, los almidones nativos (trigo y papa) en combinación con la goma xantana actuaron como relleno en este tipo de sistemas lácteos coagulados mejorando la interacción electrostática con las caseínas, con mayor impacto en la retención de humedad en alimentos "tipo queso". Palabras clave: almidón de trigo; almidón de papa; almidones modificados; rendimiento quesero; sinéresis; desuerado. In order to improve the production of fresh cheese, different types of starch or its combination with xanthan gum were experimented with in a model system, in order to determine the effect on yield, volume of whey released, syneresis and humidity, in addition to physicochemical properties of hardness, adhesiveness, cohesiveness and spring. Wheat starch, potato starch, Gelamil and Nifragel modified starch 5 % (w/v) or their combination with xanthan gum (1 % w/v) were used in a coagulated dairy system. The use of starches with xanthan resulted in a higher yield and lower volume of whey released, lower syneresis and higher humidity due to water retention properties. This characteristic resulted in harder but more adhesive textures, but less cohesive and elastic due to lower water mobility within the system. Under experimental conditions, native (wheat and potato) starches in combination with xanthan act as fillers in this type of coagulated dairy systems, improving the electrostatic interaction with caseins, with a greater impact on moisture retention in "cheese-like" foods.

Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft & Technologie, Jul 1, 2018
The thermal properties of low fat, and low fat and sugar ice cream formulations, in which agave f... more The thermal properties of low fat, and low fat and sugar ice cream formulations, in which agave fructans were used as a sugar and fat, were evaluated by Modulated Differential Scanning Calorimetry. Approximately 3.0 g/100 mL of agave fructans promoted a positive effect on thermal properties for both types of formulation, showing a significantly lower (P<0.05) fraction of frozen water. The highest concentration of agave fructans resulted in the highest percentage of non-frozen water (P<0.05). The addition of agave fructans led to a significantly higher (P<0.05) glass transition temperature. Glass transition incited a change in heat capacity as moisture and agave fructans increased. Agave fructans had the ability to reduce the number and formation of ice crystals, and hence the melting temperature of ice cream. The samples with longer melting time resulted in a reduction of energy, showing low enthalpy values. The quantity of agave fructans used as fat and sugar replacer affected the infrared spectroscopy spectra, and led to an increase in the magnitude of the bands, especially in the O-H group that corresponds to polymeric hydrogen bonding between agave fructans and water.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Feb 1, 2013

Food Hydrocolloids, Nov 1, 2020
Declaración de obra original Yo declaro lo siguiente: He leído el Acuerdo 035 de 2003 del Consejo... more Declaración de obra original Yo declaro lo siguiente: He leído el Acuerdo 035 de 2003 del Consejo Académico de la Universidad Nacional. «Reglamento sobre propiedad intelectual» y la Normatividad Nacional relacionada al respeto de los derechos de autor. Esta disertación representa mi trabajo original, excepto donde he reconocido las ideas, las palabras, o materiales de otros autores. Cuando se han presentado ideas o palabras de otros autores en esta disertación, he realizado su respectivo reconocimiento aplicando correctamente los esquemas de citas y referencias bibliográficas en el estilo requerido. He obtenido el permiso del autor o editor para incluir cualquier material con derechos de autor (por ejemplo, tablas, figuras, instrumentos de encuesta o grandes porciones de texto). Por último, he sometido esta disertación a la herramienta de integridad académica, definida por la universidad.
Nacameh, Dec 30, 2011
Las salchichas son alimentos de alto consumo en México, y al ser bajas (ca. 10%) en grasa pueden ... more Las salchichas son alimentos de alto consumo en México, y al ser bajas (ca. 10%) en grasa pueden utilizadas para enriquecer la dieta incluyendo ingredientes funcionales o nutracéuticos como grasas y aceites vegetales. El reemplazo o incorporación de aceites o grasas vegetales en salchichas cocidas puede mejorar su perfil nutricional al ofrecer productos cárnicos funcionales.

Ciencia Y Tecnologia Alimentaria, Dec 1, 2004
In meat industry, meat marination could be employed to preserve and enhance the value of fresh cu... more In meat industry, meat marination could be employed to preserve and enhance the value of fresh cuts considered as hard with low commercialization and added value. The objective of this work was to determine the use of calcium chloride marinating in a vacuum tumbling system in order to increase meat tenderness, determined the texture (as shear force) and the final calcium concentration. Marinating conditions were established in four tumbling levels (turns per minute, TPM): 1000, 2000, 3000 and 4000. Control was a sample without tumbling and marinated by immersion 48h at 4°C in same calcium chloride solution (150 mM). Results shown that the number of TPM had no significantly effect (P>0.05) on the studied variables, but the samples treated in vacuum tumbling were more tender (lower shear force values), improving the mechanical characteristics of the lower commercial value meat cuts.
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. eBooks, Apr 14, 2010

Food Science and Technology, 2022
In recent years, agro-industrial by-products derived from processing and consumption mainly of fr... more In recent years, agro-industrial by-products derived from processing and consumption mainly of fruits have become an important source of bioactive products, as fiber with or without prebiotic potential, and polyphenols with antioxidant activity against free radicals. In this research the chemical composition, including dietary fiber, besides polyphenols and TEAC, mean growth rate and mean duplication time, and prebiotic activity score of mango peel flour and potato peel flour were determined to evaluate the feasibility as functional ingredient in yogurt. Yogurt formulated with mango peel flour presented lower syneresis and higher viscosity during storage, as compared to yogurts with potato peel flour or control yogurt. Higher titratable acidity and lower pH was the reflect of the prebiotic capacity of both peel flours, with no detrimental effect on consumer acceptance. Mango peel flour and potato peel flour, with a prebiotic capacity potential due their dietary fiber content and polyphenols content, can be employed as prebiotic to improve probiotics colonization of gastrointestinal tract, with a concomitantly effect on host health.

Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, Jun 19, 2015
Fruit peels are agroindustrial co-products that can be employed as a source of dietary fiber and ... more Fruit peels are agroindustrial co-products that can be employed as a source of dietary fiber and bioactive compounds with an effect on the physicochemical and structural characteristics of cooked meat products. The potential of these fruit peels as a functional ingredient in cooked meat products was evaluated. Yield, moisture, expressible moisture, oxidative rancidity and textural profile analysis, besides electron scanning microscopy, were determined in cooked sausages inoculated with thermotolerant lactic acid bacteria. Cactus pear peen flour increased the moisture in the sausages, but in inoculated sausages, lower expressible moisture was observed, resulting in harder but less cohesive and less resilient structure. Cactus pear peel flour decreased the oxidative rancidity during storage. Microstructure analysis showed that the production of exopolysaccharides by the employed strain could explain the differences in the texture results. The use of fruit peels as a source of bioactive compounds (fiber, antioxidants and prebiotic) enhanced the development of thermotolerant lactic acid bacteria in cooked sausages during storage. Practical Applications Fruit peels become an environmental issue due first to the large volume that is generated during their process, generating large amount of organic matter. These co-products are a cheap source of bioactive compounds, such as fiber, prebiotics and antioxidants. In this research, cactus pear peel flour and pineapple peel flour were employed as a functional extensor in cooked meat sausages, inoculated with thermotolerant lactic acid bacteria, in order to promote the development of a symbiotic cooked meat product. Fiber content in both types of flour increased water retention, decreasing oxidative rancidity as well. The use of these types of flour in the inoculated sausages led to changes in textural properties, which could be due to the growth of thermotolerant lactic acid bacteria during storage. In this view, fruit peels could be employed as a source of bioactive compounds (fiber and antioxidants) that can enhance the development of beneficial bacteria after and before processing, such as thermotolerant lactic acid bacteria.

Grasas Y Aceites, Aug 26, 2016
The use oleogels (defined as edible oils entrapped in a three-dimensional network employing a sel... more The use oleogels (defined as edible oils entrapped in a three-dimensional network employing a self-assembled structuring agent) has recently been proposed to replace saturated fat or trans-fats in foods. In this work the effects of different cellulose derivative mixtures (Avicel, ethyl cellulose and a-cellulose) on lipid stability, glass transition temperature and the texture of soybean oil oleogels were determined by employing a mixture design approach. Avicel affected lipid stability, increasing the oxidative rancidity and peroxide values of oleogels. Oleogels with higher proportions of Avicel also presented higher transition temperatures. A higher percent of ethyl cellulose and a-cellulose in the oleogel mixture resulted in a more stable system with lower oil rancidity and lower glass transition temperatures. In addition, Avicel resulted in a softer and less tacky texture, an important characteristic to consider for food applications.
International Journal of Food Properties, Jul 18, 2008
A mixture design approach was employed to determine the effect of κ-and λ-carrageenans of Oaxaca ... more A mixture design approach was employed to determine the effect of κ-and λ-carrageenans of Oaxaca cheese fat reduction on melting (Schreiber and Melt Area), color, protein, moisture, and yielding. Melting was affected mainly by the fat content, but κ-carrageenan seems to improve this property. Color was affected by fat content, with a relatively profiting effect of λ-carrageenan, related to higher moisture content and higher cheese yielding. Incorporation of low concentrations of carrageenans allowed a considerable fat reduction with no ...

International Journal of Food Science and Technology, Mar 14, 2013
Summary Agroindustrial by-products derived from fruit processing are an important source of bioco... more Summary Agroindustrial by-products derived from fruit processing are an important source of biocompounds that can be used as functional food ingredients. The objective of this work was to evaluate cactus pear and pineapple peel flours as an alternative carbon source during fermentation using bacteria with probiotic potential. The total fibre content of both flours was over 60%, with total soluble carbohydrate content around 20%, indicating a good carbon source for lactic acid bacteria. Kinetic parameters indicate that peel flours are a suitable carbon source because the lactic acid bacteria grow (mean growth rate constant, k, values close to glucose, 1.52 h) and acidify the culture media (maximum acidification rate, Vmax, approximately 1.60 pH × 10−3 min−1). There was no difference in prebiotic potential or prebiotic activity score for both the peel flours. Pediococcus pentosaceus performs better during fermentation. In this respect, cactus pear and pineapple peel flours can be used as functional ingredients due to their fermentable properties.

Food Science and Technology, Sep 1, 2019
Many people base their food consumption on corn flour tortillas (tortillas), which has deficienci... more Many people base their food consumption on corn flour tortillas (tortillas), which has deficiencies in protein. For that reason, the aim in this work was to incorporate Lupinus flour, a legume that is high in protein, into maize tortillas, and to evaluate the texture profile analysis (TPA) and adhesiveness in the doughs at various percentages of Lupinus flour addition, including 2.5%, 5% and 7.5%. Doughs treated with 2.5%, 5% and 7.5% Lupinus flour had higher adhesiveness values of 2.84, 2.38 and 4.62 N, respectively. The same effect was observed for the hardness measurements of the same treatments (2.38, 2.56 and 2.84 N, respectively). Based on the adhesiveness results, the doughs were subsequently used to make tortillas. The lowest tensile strength was found in the 7.5% treatment, with a value of 3.35 N, and the highest tensile strength was 6.61 N, corresponding to the 2.5% treatment. Rollability and inflation were good in the samples from the 2.5% and 7.5% treatments, without breaks and with full blister formation, while in the 5.0% treatment, 25% rupture was observed, and inflation was only medium. The color was light yellow in the 5.0, 7.5, and 2.5% treatments, which was equal to the control.

Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture, Nov 8, 2020
This work aimed to study the relationship between meat emulsion in both raw and cooked states emp... more This work aimed to study the relationship between meat emulsion in both raw and cooked states employing two different types of starch, potato, and wheat, in meat batters formulated with different fat percent. Emulsion stability as related to water retention capacity, thermal denaturation temperature, and enthalpy plus thermal diffusivity were determined in the raw and cooked state. There was an inherent difference in potato starch functionality, with higher emulsion stability and yield, but the Pearson correlation analysis and PCA demonstrated that water holding capacity and the denaturation enthalpy resulted in higher cook yield as a consequence of lower expressible moisture. This results in establishing the importance to maintain meat extensors as starches functionality before and during mixing and thermal processing to obtain better yield and less water release in fat-reduced meat products, both important quality parameters, related to sensory (juiciness) and texture (hardness) properties of comminuted meat products.
Elsevier eBooks, 2012
: Packaging of muscle-based foods has been a common practice since frozen foods were first exploi... more : Packaging of muscle-based foods has been a common practice since frozen foods were first exploited commercially. Like any other preservative technique, freezing muscle foods retards microbial growth and enzymatic activity, but also has implications for food quality. Ice crystal size represents a major concern because tissue damage can result in dripping losses during thawing. Recent advances in freezing techniques include methods for developing small ice crystals and modifying crystallization rates, such as high-pressure assisted freezing. Selecting appropriate freezing temperatures can contribute to extending shelf life, as can using packaging materials with selective permeability. The development of new synthetic packing materials has made it possible to package meat, poultry and seafood products more safely and attractively.

International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, Aug 1, 2004
Fat and sodium chloride were reduced in a sausage formulation including kappa-carrageenan and oth... more Fat and sodium chloride were reduced in a sausage formulation including kappa-carrageenan and other salts, as potassium and calcium chloride, in different concentrations, in order to compensate the ionic strength during myofibrillar protein extraction and solubilisation, and to promote the carrageenan stable conformation and gelation. Four different treatments were employed reducing fat from 15 to 10% and sodium chloride from 2.5 to 1.5% and 1%. Potassium chloride was added at 0.5% to all the treatments, and calcium chloride to 0.5% and 0.01% in the last two. The cooking yield was higher for all the treatments but expressible moisture was not significantly different, meaning that the water is not chemically entrapped by carrageenan at the ionic strength conditions employed. However, since no detrimental cooking losses or fat release were detected, myofibrillar proteins maintain a good functionality at these conditions together with kappa-carrageenan. Low-fat sodium-reduced treatment results were slightly darker but redder than the control, probably due to less fat in the formulation. Textural profile analysis demonstrated that, at the fat level employed and the different sodium, potassium and calcium chloride concentrations, similar textures could be created. Sensory analysis indicated that from the formulations employed, 1.5% NaCl with 0.5% KCl and 0.01% CaCl(2) was similar in controlling flavour (juiciness) and texture (hardness). These results established the possibility to reduce significantly the fat and sodium chloride content employing kappa-carrageenan with potassium and calcium chloride, without detrimental effects on texture and sensory characteristics.

Journal of Functional Foods, Nov 1, 2017
Waste from foods processing are being widely studied due their content of many value added ingred... more Waste from foods processing are being widely studied due their content of many value added ingredients, like dietary fiber and bioactive compounds. The opportunities for recovery of components with a great economic potential from by-products are diverse. Apple marc derived from cider production and cactus pear peel flour, a popular consumed fresh fruit, besides inulin as control, were employed for coencapsulation of probiotic thermotolerant lactic acid bacteria in alginate ionotropic gel matrix. Lactic acid bacteria viability, enhanced acid conditions resistant, where a higher microcapsule size was related to better viability and longer times resisting acid conditions. Inulin and apple marc resulted in higher microcapsules size (close to 100 mm) that could be employed to ensure the delivery of probiotic strains in colon throughout the gastro intestinal tract.
Papers by Alfonso Totosaus