Papers by Gül Caner Mercan
Yeni Yüzyıl journal of medical sciences (Online), May 17, 2024
KBB-Forum: Elektronik Kulak Burun Boğaz ve Baş Boyun Cerrahisi Dergisi, Feb 1, 2007
... MP, Lacy PD, Hughes J, Bouchier-Hayes D, Brennan P, O'Dwyer AJ, Donnelly Mj, Gaffney R, ... more ... MP, Lacy PD, Hughes J, Bouchier-Hayes D, Brennan P, O'Dwyer AJ, Donnelly Mj, Gaffney R, Maguire A, O'Dwyer TP, Timon CV, Walsh MA: Head and neck schwannomas-a 10 year review. J Laryngol Otol 2000; 114: 119-24. [ Abstract ]. 9) Storm FK, Eilber FR, Mirra J, Morton DL ...

PubMed, Apr 1, 2012
The trans-septal suturing method has been developed in septoplasty as an alternative to packing. ... more The trans-septal suturing method has been developed in septoplasty as an alternative to packing. This study was carried out to compare the postoperative results of trans-septal suturing with the anterior Merocel packing technique. The study involved 697 patients who underwent septoplasty. Following surgery, patients were randomly divided into two groups, one with trans-septal suturing and the other with Merocel packing. Patients were asked to record pain levels using a visual analogue scale. Postoperative symptoms and complications were compared. A total of 697 nasal operations were evaluated in the postoperative period considering pain, bleeding, haematoma, septal perforation synechiae and septal perforation. The results for haemorrhage, haematoma, synechiae and perforation were not statistically different (p > 0.05) between groups. In contrast, the level of postoperative pain in patients undergoing trans-septal suturing was significantly less than in the group who received Merocel packing (p < 0.05). Patients with Merocel packing had significantly more pain and nasal discomfort when assessed 1 week after intervention. Therefore, the trans-septal suturing technique may be the preferred option to provide higher patient satisfaction.
Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Aug 1, 2005
The adequacy of anesthesia and comfort during surgery was assessed for 100 consecutive patients u... more The adequacy of anesthesia and comfort during surgery was assessed for 100 consecutive patients undergoing middle ear surgery using local anesthesia, both by the patients themselves and by the surgeon. The possibility of inducing an iatrogenic facial weakness was also evaluated. Both the surgeon and the majority of patients were pleased with the quality of anesthesia and little adverse effects occured as a consequence of local anesthesia itself.

European Archives of Oto-rhino-laryngology, Nov 22, 2012
Currently, transnasal approaches are preferred widely for treating chronic dacryocystitis. Resten... more Currently, transnasal approaches are preferred widely for treating chronic dacryocystitis. Restenosis which count for the most common causes of failure in endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy (EDCR) reduces the success rate. We intended to make a large fistula, potentially minimizing granulation tissue, and synechiae by means of creating a large bony ostium and preserving mucosal flaps and intubation with silicone tube (STI). In this study, long-term follow-up results of EDCR with mucosa preservation were discussed. 126 patients underwent endonasal DCRs from January 2004 to March 2009. A large ostium was created preserving mucosa; nasal and lacrimal flaps were approximated and the new ostium was stented with silicone tube. Surgical success rate was 93 % with STI and with preservation of nasal and lacrimal flaps. In conclusion, EDCR is an easy surgical procedure with low complication rates. Intranasal pathologies can also be corrected in the meantime. Success depends on creating a large bony ostium and preventing restenosis. EDCR preserving nasal and lacrimal flaps with STI is recommended as an alternative procedure in chronic dacryocystitis with high success rates.

Türkiye klinikleri tıp bilimleri dergisi, 2012
Ö ÖZ ZE ET T Karbonmonoksit (CO) zehirlenmesi kimyasal madde inhalasyonuna bağlı zehirlenmelerde ... more Ö ÖZ ZE ET T Karbonmonoksit (CO) zehirlenmesi kimyasal madde inhalasyonuna bağlı zehirlenmelerde ön sırayı almakta ve başta kardiyovasküler ve santral sinir sistemi olmak üzere bütün sistemleri etkileyerek ölümcül komplikasyonlara neden olabilmektedir. Otolojik olarak da kokleovestibüler sistemde toksik ve hipoksik etkiyle fonksiyon bozukluklarına yol açabileceği bilinmekle birlikte, CO zehirlenmesine bağlı ani işitme kaybı oldukça nadir görülmektedir. CO zehirlenmesine bağlı bilateral ani işitme kaybı ile başvuran bir olgu bu ajanın sistemik etkileri yanı sıra olası otolojik etkilerini de vurgulamak amacıyla sunulmuş ve olası fizyopatolojik mekanizmalar tartışılmıştır. A An na ah ht ta ar r K Ke el li im me el le er r: : Karbonmonoksit zehirlenmesi; işitme kaybı, ani A AB BS ST TR RA AC CT T Carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning is the leading cause of intoxications that occur as a result of chemical agent inhalation, and affects all systems particularly the cardiovascular and central nervous system, causing fatal complications. Although it is known to cause cochleovestibular dysfunction, sudden hearing loss related to CO intoxication is encountered quite rarely. A case with bilateral sudden hearing loss occurring as a complication of carbon monoxide intoxication is presented in order to stress possible otologic effects which may occur besides systemic effects and possible physiopathologic mechanisms are discussed. K Ke ey y W Wo or rd ds s: : Carbon monoxide poisoning; hearing loss, sudden T Tu ur rk ki iy ye e K Kl li in ni ik kl le er ri i J J M Me ed d S Sc ci i 2 20 01 12 2; ;3 32 2((4 4)):

Journal of Laryngology and Otology, Apr 10, 2015
This study aimed to evaluate the clinical significance of maxillary sinus hypoplasia and isolated... more This study aimed to evaluate the clinical significance of maxillary sinus hypoplasia and isolated agenesis of the uncinate process in sinusitis aetiology. Three patients with isolated agenesis of the uncinate process and 27 patients with 43 maxillary sinus hypoplasia variations were recruited. The frequencies of sinusitis episodes and radiological findings were compared between patient subgroups. In all, 23 type I maxillary sinus hypoplasia, 13 type II maxillary sinus hypoplasia and 7 type III maxillary sinus hypoplasia variations were detected. Patients with isolated agenesis of the uncinate process underwent antibiotic treatment an average of 7 times per year, whereas those with types I, II and III maxillary sinus hypoplasia were treated 1.57, 3.22, and 5.75 times per year, respectively, over a 5-year period. The antibiotic treatment frequency for patients with isolated agenesis of the uncinate process was significantly higher than for those with types I and II maxillary sinus hypoplasia. Isolated agenesis of the uncinate process seems to play a stronger role than types I and II maxillary sinus hypoplasia in the pathophysiology of chronic sinusitis.
Cochlear Implants International, 2012
The aims of this study were to collect data on electrically evoked compound action potential (eCA... more The aims of this study were to collect data on electrically evoked compound action potential (eCAP) and electrically evoked stapedius reflex thresholds (eSRT) in HiResolution(TM) cochlear implant (CI) users, and to explore the relationships between these objective measures and behavioural measures of comfort levels (M-levels).

The Journal of Laryngology & Otology, 2017
Objective:Possible therapeutic and protective benefits of intratympanic autologous serum applicat... more Objective:Possible therapeutic and protective benefits of intratympanic autologous serum application in amikacin-induced ototoxicity were investigated.Methods:Twenty-four guinea pigs were separated equally into two groups: therapeutic (group A) and protective (group B). Transient evoked otoacoustic emissions were recorded before and after autologous serum application. Apoptotic cells were identified in the organ of Corti, spiral limbus and spiral ganglion by the terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick-end labelling (‘TUNEL’) method.Results:Transient evoked otoacoustic emission responses at 1, 1.4 and 2.8 kHz improved without significance after autologous serum application in group A (p > 0.05). A significantly protective effect of autologous serum was determined at 4 kHz in group B (p < 0.05). There were significantly fewer apoptotic cells at the spiral limbus in the therapeutic and protective groups compared to the control group (p < 0.05).Conclusion:Autol...

patient and can be incorporated to a hearing aid to assist hearing loss accompanying hearing loss... more patient and can be incorporated to a hearing aid to assist hearing loss accompanying hearing loss. Psychological criteria are as important as audiological criteria in patient selection to achieve success in tinnitus therapy. Objective: To assess the effectiveness of wide-band acoustic signals based on tinnitus frequency for each individual patient, delivered through a hearing-aid to aid in relief of tinnitus (Tinnitus masking therapy-TMT). Tinnitus handicap scales were used to assess the degree of relief both in 42 patients with normal hearing or some degree of hearing loss. Results: The relief from annoyance was 55.9% and decrease of negative effect on life was 67.2% after three months of treatment. Total rate for any degree of relief was 79.3% in normal hearing group, where in hearing-loss group it remained at 61.2%. Emotional, social and hearing-related scores were similar evaluated by different types of questionnaires. Intensity of masking noise was decreased gradually in all pa...

Turkish Archives of Otorhinolaryngology, 2019
Today's society is increasingly aware that the damaged and polluted environment has a negative im... more Today's society is increasingly aware that the damaged and polluted environment has a negative impact on the quality of life of the population. Environmental protection is considered to be a broad spectrum activity. Economic and social activities should be planned and implemented in the framework of environmental and sustainability principles. A significant impact on improving the quality of the environment is the implementation of these principles in the economic activities of both businesses and individual municipalities. The growing importance of environmental protection has an impact on all business activities, not only in the Slovak Republic, but also in all the advanced world economies. Businesses need to adjust to this new trend if they want to achieve competitiveness in the field of sustainable production and environmentally sound production of their products and services on a domestic and, in particular, globalized foreign market. The aim of the paper is to analyze the costs incurred for the protection of the environment in SR conditions.

Early Child Development and Care, 2019
ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between the psychosocial probl... more ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between the psychosocial problems, quality of life and parenting styles in children with hearing impairment. A total of 84 children (42 children with hearing impairment and 42 healthy children) and their parents were included. The emotional, behavioural, peer and school-related problems were significantly higher, and self-esteem levels were significantly lower in the case group compared to the healthy children. We also determined that the parents of children with hearing impairment had overprotective and authoritarian parenting styles compared. The findings showed that there was a significant correlation between the emotional problems of children and the overprotective and authoritarian parenting style. These findings indicated that the intervention should not focus solely on the existing disabilities of these children. It also pointed at the importance of the parental attitudes in both the treatment and protection of mental health.

The Journal of Tepecik Education and Research Hospital, 2014
Çocuklardaki adenotonsillektomilerde desfluran ve sevofluran'ın postoperatif derlenme özellikleri... more Çocuklardaki adenotonsillektomilerde desfluran ve sevofluran'ın postoperatif derlenme özellikleri ve komplikasyon oranlarını karşılaştırmak. Gereç ve Yöntem: ASA skoru I olup soğuk bıçak tonsillektomi ve adenoid küretaj ameliyatında anestezik ajan olarak desfluran (27) ve sevofluran (27) kullanılan, 54 çocuk geriye dönük değerlendirildi. Her iki ajanla anestezi sonrasında derlenme ve göz açma süreleri ile postoperatif kusma, öksürük ve laringospasm oranları karşılaştırıldı. Bulgular: Ortalama yaş desfluran grubunda 6+0.41 (3-11),-11 kız, 16 erkek-ve sevofluran grubunda ise 6+0.46 (3-12),-9 kız, 18 erkek-olarak hesaplandı. Her iki grup arasında yaş, cinsiyet, vücut kitle indeksi ve operasyon süresi açısından istatiksel olarak anlamlı fark yoktu (p>0.05). Ortalama göz açma süresi desfluran kullanılan olgularda 3.3+0.3 (1.3-7.5) dakika, sevofluran kullanılan olgularda 6.3+0.5 (2.5-10.5) dakika olarak ölçüldü. Desfluran grubunda göz açma süresi istatiksel olarak anlamlı oranda kısa bulundu (p=0.03, p<0.05). Derlenme süreleri 35.56 dakika (desfluran) ve 34.67 dakika (sevofluran) ile her iki grupta biribirine yakın olarak saptandı (p=0.07, p>0.05). Postoperatif kusma, öksürük ve

The Journal of Tepecik Education and Research Hospital, 2011
Hamartom ya da hamartoma geliştiği organda normal olarak mevcut bulunan oluşturucu unsurlarla ano... more Hamartom ya da hamartoma geliştiği organda normal olarak mevcut bulunan oluşturucu unsurlarla anormal bir karışımdan oluşan, tümör görünümlü bir doku malformasyonudur. Bu doku normal bir görünümde olsa da, fonksiyonları değişiktir. Çoğunlukla iyi huylu tümörlerdir. Neoplazmların aksine hamartomlar devamlı olarak çoğalma yeteneklerinin olmaması, kendilerini sınırlayan bir çoğalma ile sonuçlanırlar. Hamartomlar akciğer, karaciğer, böbrek, intestinal sistemden köken alma eğilimindedirler. Ancak üst solunum yollarında çok sık görülmezler. Nazal hamartomlar (NH) nadir olmakla birlikte yaygın olarak nazal septum ya da nazal kavite kaynaklıdırlar. Histolojik olarak yaygın alt tip serömüköz bezden değil solunumsal epitelden orijin alan glandular elemanların varlığıyla karakterize olan Respiratuar Epitelial Adenomatoid Hamartom (REAH)'dur. Bu özellik onları glandular elemanların serömüköz bezden orijin aldığı inflammatuar poliplerden ayırır. Hamartomaların etiyopatogenezi bilinmemektedir. Bu sunumumuzda REAH tespit edilen bir olgumuz ve nazal kaviteden orjin alan bu tümör tipinin literatürü gözden geçirilecektir.

The Journal of Laryngology & Otology, 2015
Objective:This study aimed to evaluate the clinical significance of maxillary sinus hypoplasia an... more Objective:This study aimed to evaluate the clinical significance of maxillary sinus hypoplasia and isolated agenesis of the uncinate process in sinusitis aetiology.Methods:Three patients with isolated agenesis of the uncinate process and 27 patients with 43 maxillary sinus hypoplasia variations were recruited. The frequencies of sinusitis episodes and radiological findings were compared between patient subgroups.Results:In all, 23 type I maxillary sinus hypoplasia, 13 type II maxillary sinus hypoplasia and 7 type III maxillary sinus hypoplasia variations were detected. Patients with isolated agenesis of the uncinate process underwent antibiotic treatment an average of 7 times per year, whereas those with types I, II and III maxillary sinus hypoplasia were treated 1.57, 3.22, and 5.75 times per year, respectively, over a 5-year period. The antibiotic treatment frequency for patients with isolated agenesis of the uncinate process was significantly higher than for those with types I an...

Kulak burun boğaz ihtisas dergisi : KBB = Journal of ear, nose, and throat
In this study, in vivo histopathological and radiological findings in rabbit septum through laser... more In this study, in vivo histopathological and radiological findings in rabbit septum through laser, radiofrequency (RF) and Cottle's method were investigated. This study was conducted between November 2007 and February 2008 on 36 New Zealand rabbits aged four-to-six months and weighing 1.5 to 2 kg. Subjects were divided into six equal groups. The first group was defined as the control group. Next four groups consisted of subjects where RF or laser was either applied transmucosal or directly to the cartilage. Cottle's method was used in the sixth group. Histopathological and radiological changes were investigated in each group. Histopathological changes in mucosa were not significantly different from those of control group. However, post-intervention changes in cartilage were significantly different, compared to the control group. The highest mucosal and submucosal reaction and damage in cartilage with ossification was found in Cottle group. It was found that radiofrequency wa...

Acta otorhinolaryngologica Italica : organo ufficiale della Società italiana di otorinolaringologia e chirurgia cervico-facciale, 2012
The trans-septal suturing method has been developed in septoplasty as an alternative to packing. ... more The trans-septal suturing method has been developed in septoplasty as an alternative to packing. This study was carried out to compare the postoperative results of trans-septal suturing with the anterior Merocel packing technique. The study involved 697 patients who underwent septoplasty. Following surgery, patients were randomly divided into two groups, one with trans-septal suturing and the other with Merocel packing. Patients were asked to record pain levels using a visual analogue scale. Postoperative symptoms and complications were compared. A total of 697 nasal operations were evaluated in the postoperative period considering pain, bleeding, haematoma, septal perforation synechiae and septal perforation. The results for haemorrhage, haematoma, synechiae and perforation were not statistically different (p > 0.05) between groups. In contrast, the level of postoperative pain in patients undergoing trans-septal suturing was significantly less than in the group who received Mero...
Journal of Otology & Rhinology, 2013
How we do it: A Method for Placement and Easy Removal of Anteriorly and Posteriorly Placed Fixati... more How we do it: A Method for Placement and Easy Removal of Anteriorly and Posteriorly Placed Fixation Sutures for Intranasal Splints: Increased Postoperative Comfort In order to reduce the complication rate after nasal septal surgery, several measures have been described. With the use of septal mucosal quilting sutures to stabilize mucosal flaps, many surgeons have abandoned using nasal packing. This technique also helps to close any mucosal tears and may help prevent septal perforation.

The Turkish Journal of Ear Nose and Throat, 2012
Wegener's granulomatosis (WG) is a granulomatous widespread necrotizing vasculitis, sometimes pro... more Wegener's granulomatosis (WG) is a granulomatous widespread necrotizing vasculitis, sometimes progressing rapidly, characterized by a tendency to involve the upper and lower respiratory tracts, and in most cases, the kidneys. Otologic manifestations may be seen during the course of the disease, however, they are not frequently seen as the first and only presenting feature. The presence of anticytoplasmic antibodies versus neutrophil polymorphonucleate granules (c-ANCA) is highly specific for the diagnosis of WG, being positive in 97% of the cases. The early diagnosis and the timely medical treatment result in high rates of remission of this potentially lethal disease. In this article, we report a case of WG presenting with acute serous otitis media, progressing to suppurative otitis media and granulomas as the first and only symptom, which was refractory to medical therapy during follow-up and which was diagnosed with further examination.
Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Medical Sciences, 2012
ŞEKİL 1: Hastanın tedavi öncesi saf ses hava ve kemik yolu odyogramı ve hava yolu eşikleri.
Papers by Gül Caner Mercan