Papers by Marcello Fidanzio
Early Christianity, 13 , 2022
Cave 3Q was discovered and excavated by the archaeologist Henri de Contenson in 1952. As opposed ... more Cave 3Q was discovered and excavated by the archaeologist Henri de Contenson in 1952. As opposed to other caves, in this instance findings were thus recorded in their archaeological context. New archival research has retrieved part of the unpublished field documentation, allowing the identification of the find spot of the Copper Scroll and of the other archaeological materials. Moreover, new field investigations have made it possible to reconstruct the post depositional processes that affected the materials deposited in the cave, in particular the manuscripts. This paper offers new elements to the discussions about the Copper Scroll and the possible scenarios of its deposition in Cave 3Q. The paper also proposes a re-evaluation of the interpretations by Joseph Patrich, who re-excavated Cave 3Q in 1986.
Khirbet Qumrân and Aïn Feshkha IV A, 2019
Proceedings of an international conference entirely dedicated to the caves of Qumran. Archaeologi... more Proceedings of an international conference entirely dedicated to the caves of Qumran. Archaeologists and manuscript scholars perform a typological and a distributional analysis on the contents of the caves of the Qumran area and the other finds in the Dead Sea region.
Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2020

Rivista Teologica di Lugano RTLu XXII, 2017
The paper presents the report about the excavations at Qumran cave 11Q, carried out from 9th to 1... more The paper presents the report about the excavations at Qumran cave 11Q, carried out from 9th to 19th March 2017 by the Istituto di cultura e archeologia delle terre bibliche of the Facoltà di Teologia di Lugano (ISCAB-FTL) and by the Università della Svizzera Italiana (USI). Previous archaeological excavations, undertaken by Roland de Vaux (1956) and Joseph Patrick (1988 and 1991), were published in brief preliminary reports only. The 2017 archaeological campaign, complemented by speleological and geological investigation, enriched the dossier for the forthcoming final report. Among the main results are: the discovery of an upper chamber;
the opening of a sounding in an area barely interested by previous excavations; the analysis of the entrance area and the natural factors which may concur to the closure of the cave; the documentation of 11Q morphology employing modern technology (3D scan).
Revue de Qumran, 2017
Le 8 Février 2017 un communiqué de presse annonçait de nouvelles découvertes dans une grotte à Qu... more Le 8 Février 2017 un communiqué de presse annonçait de nouvelles découvertes dans une grotte à Qumrân qui aurait contenu des manuscrits et qu’on proposait de numéroter 12. Au mois de janvier j’ai eu la possibilité de visiter les fouilles et, après la publication du communiqué de presse, de revoir son directeur, l’archéologue Oren Gutfeld de l’Université hébraïque de Jérusalem. Les résultats des fouilles, dont la publication est attendue, intéresseront sans nul doute les spécialistes de la recherche sur les grottes de Qumrân. Sont ici proposés un aperçu des informations rendues publiques et quelques réflexions préliminaires sur les débats qui ont suivi.

Palestine Exploration Quarterly, 2017
Qumran Cave 1Q was the first site of Dead Sea scroll discoveries. Found and partly emptied by loc... more Qumran Cave 1Q was the first site of Dead Sea scroll discoveries. Found and partly emptied by local Bedouin, the cave was excavated officially in 1949 and published in the series Discoveries in the Judaean Desert (Volume 1) in 1955. Contents of the cave are found in collections worldwide, and in different institutions in Jerusalem and Amman. While the scrolls are the most highly prized artefacts from this cave, in archaeological terms they are part of an assemblage that needs to be understood holistically in order to make conclusions about its character and dating. This study presents all of the known items retrieved from the cave, including those that are currently lost, in order to consider what we might know about the cave prior to its emptying and the changes to its form. It constitutes preliminary work done as part of the Leverhulme funded International Network for the Study of Dispersed Qumran Caves Artefacts and Archival Sources [IN-2015-067].
Lugano-Siena, Eupress-Cantagalli, 2017
Revue Biblique 122 (2015)
Lugano: Eupress, 2014
Il Concilio Vaticano II si è espresso attraverso diversi generi di documenti; in ordine crescente... more Il Concilio Vaticano II si è espresso attraverso diversi generi di documenti; in ordine crescente d'importanza: dichiarazioni, decreti, costituzioni. Tra le quattro costituzioni conciliari due sono definite «dogmatiche», la Lumen gentium e la Dei Verbum, oggetto del nostro incontro. Questo indica che i padri conciliari hanno voluto impegnare al più alto livello la loro autorità nel documento di cui ci occupiamo; effettivamente gli argomenti trattati sono tra i più importanti: la Rivelazione di Dio, la Sacra Scrittura, la Tradizione della Chiesa. La Dei Verbum è stata definita come «fondamento» e «portale d'ingresso» dell'intero edifico conciliare.

Rivista Teologica di Lugano, 2013
Con questa lezione si apre il V anno dei corsi intensivi estivi a Gerusalemme. Ho avviato questa ... more Con questa lezione si apre il V anno dei corsi intensivi estivi a Gerusalemme. Ho avviato questa proposta a partire da un dato di fatto che accomuna diverse facoltà: per chi studia la Scrittura in Europa, e non ha la possibilità di passare un anno a Gerusalemme, spesso l'accostamento all'ambiente biblico resta ai margini o addirittura escluso dal percorso accademico. Partecipare ad un corso in loco, anche in forma intensiva, mette a confronto con quello che giustamente è stato definito il «Quinto Vangelo», utile per leggere gli altri. In effetti la permanenza a Gerusalemme offre la possibilità, non solo di confrontare i dati geografici e storici appresi sui libri con quanto si constata visitando il paese, ma anche di rendersi conto di quanto la vita quotidiana in queste regioni possa portare ad una più grande familiarità e ad una rinnovata attenzione al testo biblico.
Milano, Vita e Pensiero, 2011
Papers by Marcello Fidanzio
the opening of a sounding in an area barely interested by previous excavations; the analysis of the entrance area and the natural factors which may concur to the closure of the cave; the documentation of 11Q morphology employing modern technology (3D scan).
the opening of a sounding in an area barely interested by previous excavations; the analysis of the entrance area and the natural factors which may concur to the closure of the cave; the documentation of 11Q morphology employing modern technology (3D scan).