Hey gang. Well, a few months later and it seems the postal system has become the Doctor's new arch enemy. That's *two* sneaky wormholes that sucked him to who knows where. Despite the incidents, I am glad that we tried to make this work. Thank you to those who helped to keep it going after one, then two, Doctors got lost. We even had some Donna's along the way.
Good and bad, I'm happy a group of fans could get together and attempt a little experiment like this. I love you guys for it! Sorry if I've been absent too much, life has been topsy turvy and the downs I've had have kept me shying away from everything...even, for the first time really, fandom. I hope you can forgive me. Thank you for sharing your fun moments and a piece of your lives with us. *tackleglomps* Is there such a thing as a group *tackleglomp*. If so, I'd like to give it a go. Although, that might just be called a tackle. Heh.
Under the cut is my own Donna TARDIS Boarding Pass along with a throwback to the first DT Calendar. Also, a plan for next year that... doesn't use the postal system at all!! *gasp*
( Picspam and thoughts underneath.Collapse )
- Current Mood:
OK, might be Whovian code for
did he get lost in the mail system again?
anyway i will morn the lost withthe other tens and donna.xx :(
- Current Mood:
hope to hear from you guys soon. hugs to the sisterhood.
happy new year mr Tennant!
I'm sorry again that this hasn't gone smoothly at all. Heh.
But, the consolation is that he'll be there for her when she returns and they can spend a bit of the New Year together!
- Current Mood:
In the meantime, look what I found! It's a Doctor; it's a TARDIS-sleigh; it's definitely the holidays!!!
Loooove you lot! <3
"Look at you, beaming away like you're father Christmas"
"Who says I'm not - Red bicycle when you were 12?"
- Current Mood:awake
My question is if you guys would like to go on in the original order, but like this:
January (Spending the beginning of the New Year with the Doctor! <3)
And then it the cute little (erm, I mean tall, skinny,
If there are any fun extra things that have been added on, we'll figure out what we want to do with those.
If you guys are cool with it, I'd be happy with it going this way as you could still get turns. *hugs*
- Current Mood:working
I've just contacted
*sigh* *pouts*
You know, I'm so sorry that this hasn't turned out to be a smooth thing. I'm going to see about sending something special to
*squishes you all tight* I do love you all. Thank you for taking part in this and we'll figure it out.
I'm off to do more investigating and thunk my forehead against a wall.
Talk to you soon!
Cat <3
- Current Mood:
do hope to hear from peeps
- Current Mood:
spaek later peeps
Maybe we'll…