Therapeutic Recreation Journal
Engagement in leisure is difficult for many community-dwelling adults post-stroke, resulting in i... more Engagement in leisure is difficult for many community-dwelling adults post-stroke, resulting in increased sedentary and solitary leisure activity, and reduced leisure engagement and satisfaction. This, in turn, impacts long-term recovery, health, and quality of life. The aim of this study was to review the efficacy of in-home and community-based leisure education and leisure counseling on meaningful activity engagement and health outcomes for this population. A systematic review of the literature from 2005-2020 resulted in 2,017 references of which three met the inclusion criteria. Findings indicate that leisure education and leisure counseling improved quality of life, leisure satisfaction, autonomous leisure engagement, and leisure competence, as well as reduced depression and perceived barriers. Clinical implications and future research recommendations are provided.

Innovation in Aging, 2019
Competency concerns the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to perform specific job tasks. In... more Competency concerns the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to perform specific job tasks. In the field of recreational therapy (RT), four documents from the certification (NCTRC), accreditation (CARTE), and professional association (ATRA) broadly identify areas of competency for RTs. While broad competencies are defined, no specific competencies (i.e., diagnoses, assessments, interventions, theories) are identified. Sixty-seven RT experts, including 10 verified older adult experts with greater than five years experience and peer-reviewed publications, participated in three rounds of a Delphi study to gain content consensus. After experts in each setting identified key terms in the first round, experts reviewed the consolidated list twice to generate the final competency list. Next, all certified recreational therapists were invited to rate the extent that each competency item is being used in RT practice; the extent of their knowledge/skill for each item; and the degree of inte...

Therapeutic Recreation Journal, 2020
The American Therapeutic Recreation Association’s (ATRA) Competencies Study was the final phase o... more The American Therapeutic Recreation Association’s (ATRA) Competencies Study was the final phase of a two-part, multi-year study to better understand the competencies of Recreational Therapists (RTs) across treatment settings and service sectors. One thousand, three hundred and seventy seven RTs were assessed on 747 items within seven areas of RT practice identified in ATRA’s Delphi Study. Each RT rated the extent that each item is being treated, utilized, or provided in their RT practice, their perceived knowledge and skills in relation to the items, and if they were interested in gaining more knowledge related to each item. Results are reported regarding areas of RT practice that were highly, moderately, and lowly rated to further capture the scope of practice of RT as well as identify areas of strength and opportunity to bolster RT practice. Opportunities within the profession to apply these findings are discussed.

Therapeutic Recreation Journal, 2016
Regular engagement in physical activity (PA) for children and adolescents has been found to have ... more Regular engagement in physical activity (PA) for children and adolescents has been found to have protective health benefits by strengthening the skeletal system through weight bearing activity, assisting with weight maintenance, and enhancing psychosocial and mental health, as well as decreasing one's risk for developing secondary health problems, particularly metabolic dysfunction and cardiovascular disease (Carlon, Taylor, Dodd, & Shields, 2013). Interestingly however, prolonged engagement in sedentary activity, despite the amount of weekly engagement in PA, can also negatively affect metabolic and cardiovascular systems in youth, as both systems have different cellular responses (Carlon et al., 2013). The amount of PA and sedentary time in youth with cerebral palsy (CP) is particularly concerning. A systematic review of the literature by Carlon et al. (2013) found that youth with CP participate in 30% less PA than non-disabled peers according to Dutch PA guidelines that recommend one hour of daily moderate to vigorous PA for people under age 18 (World Health Organization, 2016), which is the same as U.S. PA guidelines for children and adolescents (Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, 2016). The researchers also found that youth with CP engage in an average of 28.6 hours of screen time per week (hours spent in front of a TV or computer), which is double the maximum recommendation of less than two hours a day for children age 5-17 years (Australian Government Department of Health, 2014). The U.S. does not currently have sedentary guidelines. To better understand how to enhance participation in regular PA and reduce prolonged sedentary behavior in youth with CP, five qualitative studies on perceived barriers and facilitators to PA engagement for youth with CP were summarized (
Therapeutic Recreation Journal, 2020
Based on expert consensus of 67 RT experts through the ATRA Delphi Study, a list of specific diag... more Based on expert consensus of 67 RT experts through the ATRA Delphi Study, a list of specific diagnostic populations served, interventions/modalities, techniques, standardized assessment tools, theories, education/training/ counseling topics utilized, and on-the-horizon treatment and issues were identified. This manuscript provides an overview of the study and its findings. The content from the ATRA Delphi Study was utilized to create the ATRA Competencies Study that was disseminated internationally to determine the extent that each item is currently served/utilized in practice, the extent of self-perceived knowledge and skills of each item, and the extent of interest in gaining more knowledge and skills related to each item. An overview of the ATRA Competencies Study and the findings are shared in a separate article.

American Journal of Recreation Therapy, 2017
Polytraumatic injuries, defined as two or more injuries sustained in the same incident that affec... more Polytraumatic injuries, defined as two or more injuries sustained in the same incident that affect multiple body parts or organ systems and result in physical, cognitive, psychological, or psychosocial impairments, emerged during Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) and Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF). These injuries are complex and require special care. In response, the US Veterans Health Administration established the polytrauma system of care (PSC) in 2005. Current research identifies recreational therapy (RT) is a primary healthcare service within the PSC; however, given its recent creation, little is known about the role and function of RT in this setting. This study explored the role and function of RT in the PSC using a Delphi design across five PSC sites in the United States, with special emphasis on RT assessments used, diagnoses seen, RT interventions applied, RT outcomes targeted, RT discharge planning processes, and team collaboration. Seven of a possible 30 recreational thera...

American Journal of Recreation Therapy, 2017
Veterans from Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF), Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF), and the Vietnam er... more Veterans from Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF), Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF), and the Vietnam era have sustained multiple injuries and disabilities as a result of their service, including Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), and depression. The use of outdoor recreation as a therapeutic modality for civilians with TBI has been found to correlate with greater self-awareness and positive affect, however, scarce literature exists regarding its use and outcomes for veterans. To explore this, a veteran from the Vietnam era reporting a history of depression who is involved with a white water kayaking group completed a series of surveys designed to measure its effect on perceived self-awareness and positive affect. The case study reported that involvement with the white water kayaking group improved his perceived self-awareness. The case study also reported the highest positive affect and lowest negative affect immediately after traveling down the river dur...

American Journal of Recreation Therapy, 2017
A significant number of military service members are returning from Operation Iraqi Freedom and O... more A significant number of military service members are returning from Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom with acquired brain injuries, and these injuries have been significantly linked with depression symptomology. The primary purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between current levels of participation in leisure-time physical activity (LTPA) and self-reported depressive symptoms in adults with a combat-related acquired brain injury. The study also examined if differences exist in reported levels of LTPA and depressive symptoms between demographic groups and the perceived psychosocial benefits of participation in LTPA for adults with a combat-related acquired brain injury. A cross-sectional survey design using self-reported measures was used; 33 participants completed the survey. Results indicate that there was no significant correlation between current level of participation in LTPA and self-reported depressive symptoms. A diagnosis of post-trauma...
Therapeutic Recreation Journal, 2016

Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 2013
Leisure may potentially play a key role in rehabilitation counseling, including psychiatric rehab... more Leisure may potentially play a key role in rehabilitation counseling, including psychiatric rehabilitation. Based on recovery and positive psychology frameworks in which meaning-making is a central concept, this study examined the role of leisure-generated meanings (LGMs) experienced by culturally diverse individuals with mental illness in potentially helping them better cope with stress, adjust to and recover from mental illness, as well as feel more actively engaged in life. One-on-one survey interviews were conducted with African ( n = 35), Hispanic/Latino ( n = 28), Caucasian ( n = 28), and Asian ( n = 8) American adults (aged between 23 and 78) (total n = 101) with mental illness (e.g., bipolar disorder, n = 32; major depression, n = 23; schizophrenia, n = 22) in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Using general linear modeling, we found that LGMs significantly predicted the adjustment to and recovery from mental illness, leisure stress-coping, leisure satisfaction, and perceived activ...

Loisir et Société / Society and Leisure, 2010
ABSTRACT There is a gap in knowledge concerning a full understanding of the meanings that people ... more ABSTRACT There is a gap in knowledge concerning a full understanding of the meanings that people seek to obtain within or from leisure engagements. Understanding these meanings is a foundational knowledge in promoting, strengthening, and changing healthy leisure behavior in society, consequently the need to synthesize what is currently known and offer direction for research is necessary. This paper systematically explains the key meanings that people seek to achieve via leisure, based on a comprehensive literature review. This literature review led to the identification of several overarching leisure-generated meaning groups : (1) connection/belonging, (2) identity, (3) freedom/autonomy, (4) power/control, and (5) competence/mastery. The literature review also suggested that when people achieve these meanings, they frequently experience outcomes of : (a) positive emotions, (b) positive thought-action and (c) human growth and development. Each of these overarching meanings and outcomes is described, and implications for research are discussed.
American Journal of Recreation Therapy, 2017
This systematic review of the literature aims to determine the psychosocial outcomes of participa... more This systematic review of the literature aims to determine the psychosocial outcomes of participation in adaptive sports for adults with spinal cord injuries (SCIs). The search yielded 68 articles, of which 14 met the inclusion criteria. Findings support the use of adaptive sports by recreational therapists to elicit positive psychosocial outcomes for adults with SCIs, although more research is needed. Recommendations for practice and future research are provided.
Therapeutic recreation journal, 2014
The “RT Wise Owls†website (, established in 2013 by the Therapeutic Recre... more The “RT Wise Owls†website (, established in 2013 by the Therapeutic Recreation (TR) program at Temple University, was initiated to publicly share recreational therapy (RT) research/synthesis projects developed by students under faculty mentorship, with the goal of strengthening access to, and use of, Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) within RT practice. Since its inception, the site has grown exponentially to address the needs of the profession and is now one of the most frequently visited RT information sites. Within the past year, the site has received over 11,000 visits from 31 different countries and the number of hits per day has more than doubled over the past year.

Therapeutic recreation journal, 2012
A collaborative small convenience sample survey of 26 adults with Type 2 Diabetes found increased... more A collaborative small convenience sample survey of 26 adults with Type 2 Diabetes found increased minutes of leisure-time physical activity (LTPA) when the following were experienced within LTPA: a sense of connection/belonging with individuals/groups, a sense of connection/belonging within the self, attributes that come from feeling a sense of connection/belonging with individuals/groups (e.g., feeling loved), a sense of building one’s identity, control/power over one’s self and things, competence/mastery, positive emotions of escalation (e.g., enjoyment), positive emotions of well-being (e.g., feeling self-satisfied), hope/optimism, and a continuation of one’s personal growth and development. Systemically structured leisure counseling, provided by a recreational therapist (RT) early in the disease process, aimed at identifying, exploring, and enhancing the experience of such personal meanings in LTPA may prove helpful in diabetes management. Suggestions for the inclusion of RT as ...
Therapeutic recreation journal, 2016

Therapeutic recreation journal, 2007
The International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF) is a revision of In... more The International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF) is a revision of International Classification of Impairment, Disabilities and Handicaps developed by the World Health Organization, that reflects a universal, integrative, and interactive approach to functioning, disability, and health. The ICF was endorsed by the 54th World Health Assembly on May 22, 2001 for international use, is supported by a number of health-related disciplines, and will likely be implemented in clinical settings in the near future. The ICF is a global model that provides classifications of health and functioning while allowing for a holistic approach to well-being, as well as provides a common language for health-care disciplines to describe health related states. The ICF is a tool that can be utilized in therapeutic recreation research and practice, as well as in the education of students. Thus, the purpose of this article is to introduce the ICF model and its components, as well as...

Therapeutic recreation journal, 2015
Search Terms: (Children OR Adolescents) AND (Autism) AND (Surf) AND (Social); (Children OR Adoles... more Search Terms: (Children OR Adolescents) AND (Autism) AND (Surf) AND (Social); (Children OR Adolescents) AND (Autism) AND (Therapeutic Surfing) AND (Social); (Children OR Adolescents) AND (Autism OR Developmental Disorder) AND (Therapeutic Surfing) AND (Social) Years: 2007-2015 Databases: SPORTDiscus, Academic OneFile, EBSCOhost, ERIC, Hospitality & Tourism Complete, PsycARTICLES, PsycINFO, Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection, and Google Scholar Number of articles: 6 Summary of Research Findings Children with autism may have difficulties forming and maintaining meaningful relationships with their peers (Reichow & Volkmar, 2009). These difficulties can lead to social isolation (Delaney & Madigan, 2009), and can impact their social, emotional and cognitive development, academic achievements (Stichter, Randolph, Gage, & Schmidt, 2007), and self-esteem (Chamberlain, Kasari, & Rotheram-Fuller, 2007). Thus, it is important to have children with autism involved in interventions to...
American Journal of Recreation Therapy

American Journal of Recreation Therapy
Successful community integration (CI) is a concern for transition-aged youth (TAY) with intellect... more Successful community integration (CI) is a concern for transition-aged youth (TAY) with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). TAY with IDD transitioning into adulthood show a decrease in community participation as they age, participate less frequently in the community, have less environmental support, have low employment rates, and tend to participate in more isolated, solitary, and passive activities. In an attempt to improve CI outcomes for this population, transitioning services are mandated in the public-school system; however, lack of compliance and a consistent model pose major concerns. Although developed for adults with schizophrenia spectrum disorders, the Independence through Community Access and Navigation (ICAN) intervention may be a relevant CI model for recreational therapists (RTs) to use with TAY with IDD. It is a theoretically grounded intervention designed to support participation in community activities through coparticipation with an RT and skill bui...
American Journal of Recreation Therapy
The purpose of this systematic review is to examine the efficacy of anger management intervention... more The purpose of this systematic review is to examine the efficacy of anger management interventions for individuals with traumatic brain injury (TBI). A total of 4,178 articles were identified of which six met the inclusion criteria. Anger management interventions included TBI education, anger education, emotional recognition, support, and maintenance of an anger log. Data were collected on eight outcomes (trait anger, anger expression-out, anger control, self-reported aggressiveness, anger recognition strategies, well-being, self-reported anger, and treatment satisfaction) with mixed findings. Suggestions for recreational therapy practice are provided. Further research is needed, particularly for the pediatric and adolescent TBI population.