Temple University
Public Health
Improving smoking intervention trial retention in underserved populations remains a public health priority. Low retention rates undermine clinical advancements that could reduce health disparities. To examine the effects of recruitment... more
With rising valuation of mineral commodities, mining has been envisioned as a profitable industry regardless of many challenges that it entails. This comprehensive review provides the state of knowledge about several aspects of the metal... more
Marbled salamanders (Ambystoma opacum) have individually variable dorsal pigmentation patterns. But it is unclear whether or not dorsal pigmentation is associated with variables such as body size and sex. In this study, we test the... more
Understanding the potential uptake and biodistribution of engineered nanoparticles (ENPs) in soil-grown plants is imperative for realistic toxicity and risk assessment considering the oral intake of edibles by humans. Herein, growing... more
To tackle growing antibiotic resistance (AR) and hospital-acquired infections (HAIs), novel antimicrobials are warranted that are effective against HAIs and safer for human use. We hypothesize that near-atomic size positively charged... more
This study investigated the potential impacts of lowconcentration citrate-coated silver nanoparticles (citrate−nAg; 2 μg L −1 as total Ag) on the interactions of Daphnia magna Straus (as a prey) with the predatory dragonfly (Anax junius:... more
Evaluation of Colloidal Stability and Ecotoxicity of Metal-based Nanoparticles in the Aquatic and Terrestrial Systems by Lok Raj Pokhrel Intrinsic to the many nano-enabled products are atomic-size multifunctional engineered nanomaterials,... more
The increasing applications of different nanomaterials in the myriad of nano-enabled products and their potential for leaching have raised considerable environmental, health and safety (EHS) concerns. As systematic studies investigating... more
Natural amelioration of Zinc oxide nanoparticle toxicity in fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-gracum) by arbuscular mycorrhizal (Glomus intraradices) secretion of glomalin,
Particle size and concentration dependent toxicity of copper oxide nanoparticles (CuONPs) on seed yield and antioxidant defense system in soil grown soybean (Glycine max cv. Kowsar
Herein, we investigated potential phytotoxicity of zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnONPs) on seed yield, focusing on particle size-, morphology-, and concentration-dependent responses of multiple antioxidant defense biomarkers, in soil-grown... more
Particle size-, morphology-, and concentration-dependent effects of ZnONPs tested. 2. All Zn compounds (ZnONPs, Zn 2+) promoted seed yield up to 160 mg/kg. 3. Spherical 38nm ZnONPs elicited the least oxidative stress, except at 400 mg/kg.... more
In order for nanotechnology to be sustainably applied in agriculture, emphasis should be on comprehensive assessment of multiple endpoints, including biouptake and localization of engineered nanomaterials (ENMs), potential effects on food... more
To address the unprecedented global public health crisis due to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), we designed and developed a novel antiviral nano-drug, called SNAT (Smart Nano-Enabled Antiviral Therapeutic),... more