Temple University
Students at a midsize southern university (N=241) were surveyed for newspaper readership habits with emphasis on acquisition of political news. Student were asked their preference(s) for campus newspaper content, currently a weekly... more
This research explores longitudinal assessment as a valid indicator of student learning in an undergraduate capstone research course. Pretest/posttest results were gathered from juniors and seniors (N=134) over six semesters,... more
The current study investigates the curriculum strategy chosen by one smaller program to address statistical learning. Changes were implemented addressing basic numerical and basic statistical concepts within ACEJMC Standard Two. An... more
This study focuses on midsize newspaper coverage of the New York Times v. Sullivan case that strengthened press freedom. A content analysis of articles from 29 northern, 25 southern and six multistate metropolitan newspapers identified... more
Much attention has been devoted towards improving the quality of education that a student receives, particularly with respect to those competencies and skills that are widely accepted as essential to a successful career. Regardless of the... more
This study focuses on midsize newspaper coverage of the New York Times v. Sullivan case that strengthened press freedom. A content analysis of articles from 29 Northern, 25 Southern and six multistate major metropolitan newspapers... more
This national survey of working journalists examined the extent to which they have adopted smartphones in their work and how that adoption has changed their routines and practices. Results show that most journalists have smartphones and... more
Observational studies of journalists on social media platforms suggest that journalists are beginning to develop personal brands using social media. Similar studies suggest that journalists covering specialty areas such as health are more... more
Using Twitter, journalists may pass along comment from other users without, at least ostensibly, taking accountability for that message. Minimizing responsibility and editorial oversight, as is the case with retweets, allows a different... more
Researchers have explored the role of organizational and personal branding in journalism, paying particular attention to digital media and social network sites. While these studies have observed a rise in the incorporation of branding... more
This study investigates news consumption on mobile devices with the goal of identifying where mobile devices fit into people's media repertoires and how consumption patterns on them are different from those on other platforms. Results... more