Papers by Muhamad Azrino Gustalika

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2018
Sugarcane is a unique grass variety that allows many cuts for more than a few years. Plant growth... more Sugarcane is a unique grass variety that allows many cuts for more than a few years. Plant growth is very slow in the early stages that takes 25-30 days to complete germination and 90-95 more days to complete the tillers. Small scale sugarcane farmers generally do not have direct access to sugar mills but through loggers. Sugarcane farmer must increase cost for the loggers by themself. Sugarcane farmers often forgot the time at the moment when they planted sugarcane. This study proposes a new approach to establish detection of maturity of sugarcane before harvesting by detecting through stem of sugarcane. This study illustrates the maturity of sugarcane. This study used its own datasets of 300 stem images of sugarcane and to differentiate into three categories, immature, semi-mature, and mature. The study is divided into two processes, the first one is extraction using the RGB color feature and Gabor texture feature, and the second is the classification process using the Support Vector Machine, Naive Bayes and Artificial Neural Network methods. Based on the trial it is known that Support Vector Machine has the best results with precision and recall of 87,4% and 85,7% respectively.

Jurnal Pertahanan: Media Informasi ttg Kajian & Strategi Pertahanan yang Mengedepankan Identity, Nasionalism & Integrity
Indonesia is a country in the ring of fire and one of the most disaster-prone countries on the pl... more Indonesia is a country in the ring of fire and one of the most disaster-prone countries on the planet. As a result of these characteristics, Indonesia is vulnerable to earthquakes at any time. For the children, the earthquake was a traumatic experience. They were overcome with panic and dread. The victims of earthquakes and tsunamis are also susceptible to nightmares related to the natural disasters they have witnessed. As a result, there is a need for early childhood learning development media to deal with earthquakes, one of which is an android application. This program is designed for early childhood earthquakes and children’s attempts to comprehend earthquakes. For media development, this study uses the System Development Life Cycle method with Waterfall methodology and BlackBox testing. The results of the application test using BlackBox when generating all scenarios were successfully executed according to the expected results using three different device brands, including Xiaom...

Indonesia has many dances in each region. Traditional dance and folk dance are dances that existe... more Indonesia has many dances in each region. Traditional dance and folk dance are dances that existed in Indonesia before the development of contemporary dance. As one of the local cultures in each area, dance art is included in local content at the elementary to high school level. The changing curriculum has disrupted local cultural education in the world of education some time ago. In addition to these factors, the lack of interactive learning media at least affects. The purpose of this study is to develop a learning pattern for folk dance as a local culture in Indonesia through an interactive mobile application. In addition, this research is used to help preserve and introduce the folk dance arts of each region to students in Indonesia. Gamification can be an alternative for developing folk dance learning. What usually happens is the lack of innovation in conventional learning media to attract students' interest in studying local culture, especially folk dance as a local content...

Jurnal Ecotipe (Electronic, Control, Telecommunication, Information, and Power Engineering)
Untuk mengukur suatu perangkat lunak lebih spesifik berbasis telepon seluler smartphone dapat dit... more Untuk mengukur suatu perangkat lunak lebih spesifik berbasis telepon seluler smartphone dapat diterima oleh pengguna maka dilakukan pengujian Usability. Untuk membuat quisioner yang dapat digunakan untuk melakukan pengujian System Usability Scale (SUS) yang dinyatakan valid dan reliabel. Quisioner diuji menggunakan Expert Review dan Product-Moment Coefficient untuk uji validitas, serta Cronbach Alfa untuk uji reliabilitas. Berdasarkan hasil uji yang dilakukan didapatkan 10 butir quisioner untuk uji SUS dengan seluruh butir dinyatakan valid secara Expert Review dan Product-Moment Coefficient, serta reliabel dengan skor Cronbach Alfa 0,778086452. Terdapat beberapa penelitian terkait pembuatan quisioner untuk uji SUS dimana bahasa yang digunakan bahasa indonesia dan bahasa inggris dengan jumlah pertanyaan sebanyak 10 butir. Penelitian ini sendiri memberikan opsi lain quisioner dengan mengadopsi penelitian yang sudah dilakukan dengan melakukan pengujian validitas dan realibilitas untuk...

Abstrak: Seiring perkembangan teknologi dan informasi, banyak hal yang dapat merubah kehidupan ma... more Abstrak: Seiring perkembangan teknologi dan informasi, banyak hal yang dapat merubah kehidupan masyarakat melalui teknologi. Hal ini terjadi dikarenakan setiap manusia harus memiliki keahlian sesuai dengan kemajuan zaman. Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto memfasilitasi hal itu melalui tridarma perguruan tinggi yakni dosen melakukan pengabdian kepada masyarakat agar masyarakat bisa memperoleh kemampuan yang di butuhkan saat ini. Melalui pengabdian masyarakat di harapakan memapu menjembantani antara pihak yang akan melakukan pelatihan dengan pihak kampus yakni Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto. Institut Telkom Purwokerto bekerja sama dengan Korem 071 Wijayakusuma dalam hal peningkatan kualitas terhadap peserta pelatihan dengan menggunakan pelatihan desain grafis. Pelatihan ini di ikuti sebanyak 31 peserta dari anggota dan keluarga Korem 071 Wijayakusuma. Oleh karena itu pelatihan ini sangat di butuhkan agar para peserta bisa mengembangkan dan menerapkan hasil dari pelatihan ini ...

Tidak bisa dipungkiri bahwa dalam kehidupan sehari-hari kita membutuhkan yang namanya pekerjaan. ... more Tidak bisa dipungkiri bahwa dalam kehidupan sehari-hari kita membutuhkan yang namanya pekerjaan. Sering kali dalam mencari informasi lowongan pekerjaan, pelamar biasanya menggunakan cara manual, yaitu dengan mendatangi perusahaan untuk melihat papan pengumuman yang berisi lowongan pekerjaan, melakukan pencarian di media cetak seperti koran, majalah, brosur atau dengan informasi dari mulut ke mulut. Proses tersebut memiliki kekurangan karena pelamar harus mendatangi perusahaan yang dituju dan itu membutuhkan waktu yang cukup lama kemudian pelamar juga harus menanyakan persyaratan apa saja yang harus dibawa pada saat melamar di perusahaan tersebut. haversine formula adalah persamaan yang digunakan dalam navigasi, yang memberikan jarak lingkaran besar antara dua titik pada permukaan bola (bumi) berdasarkan bujur dan lintang . Pada Penelitian ini akan memberikan solusi yakni membuat aplikasi yang dapat memberitahukan informasi lowongan kerja beserta kriteria dari lowongan pekerjaan ters...

Each campus has technology that is used to communicate and exchange information using technology ... more Each campus has technology that is used to communicate and exchange information using technology in the form of a website. The use of the website itself has penetrated into the world of education, one of which is the laboratory on campus. Laboratory on campus cannot be separated from the existence of a practicum assistant. Every semester the faculty of informatics opens registration for practicum assistants, but there are obstacles that candidates who register still use the manual method in their selection. So they need the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method. This study uses the Simple Additive Learning method which will increase the highest score level of 1.39 with the weight indicator used in the selection of practicum assistants and get an average score of 4.9 out of 5.0 so that it is very effective for admins (laborers) to manage and lecturers, to see recommendations for prospective practicum assistants, the best are web-based
Papers by Muhamad Azrino Gustalika