Papers by Astadi Pangarso
Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Following publication of the original article, the authors identified that the given names and fa... more Following publication of the original article, the authors identified that the given names and family names of all authors were swapped. The author group has been updated above and the original article (Pangarso et al., 2022) has been corrected.
This study aims to determine the dominant factors that affect the discipline of employees. Quanti... more This study aims to determine the dominant factors that affect the discipline of employees. Quantitative researchwas conducted at PT. Pikiran Rakyat Bandung, Indonesia with 63 respondents. The method used is a factor analysis usingSPSS version 2.2 for Windows. The results of this study stated that the factors that most contribute (dominant) to the disciplineof employees performing work in accordance with the given instructions, employees can adapt to changes in the workprocedures at Pikiran Rakyat, employees work according to established procedures, and mutual respect between employees atPikiran Rakyat.

Penanganan pandemi COVID-19 semakin hari semakin menantang para pihak untuk dapat terus bekerja s... more Penanganan pandemi COVID-19 semakin hari semakin menantang para pihak untuk dapat terus bekerja secara efektif menekan pertambahan masyarakat yang terkonfirmasi positif <br>dan menekan seminimal mungkin angka kematian. Hal lain yang tak kalah pentingnya dampak sosial-ekonomi akibat kebijakan PSBB dan PSBL yang semakin dirasakan masyarakat <br>menuntut pemerintah daerah untuk bergerak cepat dan tepat menekan dampak yang lebih besar lagi.<br>Upaya-upaya strategis dan taktis telah dirancang oleh setiap pemerintah daerah melalui Gugus Tugas COVID-19 kabupaten/kota yang menjadi ujung tombak. Meski demikian dinamika yang terjadi di lapangan sangat membutuhkan kepemimpinan yang efektif yang mengedepankan scientific approach dalam setiap pengambilan kebijakan serta mampu secara taktis mengeksekusi setiap kebijakan yang telah ditetapkan.<br>Kepemimpinan sektor publik dalam hal ini sangat dibutuhkan dalam rangka menjawab berbagai tuntutan publik segera keluar dari kris...

Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 2022
PurposeDigital organisational culture is essential for organisations in the digital era. However,... more PurposeDigital organisational culture is essential for organisations in the digital era. However, examination of the role of digital organisational culture in government institutions remains limited. Thus, this study aims to investigate the influence of digital organisational culture on employee performance by considering empowering leadership as a predictor.Design/methodology/approachThis study analyses the research framework on the basis of a survey of 76 employees at the Indonesian Ministry of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform. The framework relating to the influence of digital organizational culture is tested using a mix of partial least square structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) and an examination of the essential circumstances (necessary condition analysis/ NCA).FindingsThe findings indicate that empowering leadership is a sufficient condition for digital organisational culture. Empowering leadership positively and significantly affects digital organisational cu...

The novelty of this research is by testing the conceptual framework for the consequence of transf... more The novelty of this research is by testing the conceptual framework for the consequence of transformational leadership and motivation (need for achievement) on work performance in a different context, scope, and population than existing research. This research uses quantitative research methods with detailed causality research. The sampling technique in this study was saturated sampling, which was 40 employees at PT PLN UWP IV Electric Maintenance Center. The data investigation approach used is multiple linear regression. The consequence of this study confirms the influence of transformational leadership and work motivation on performance, both partially and simultaneously. The results of this paper are persistent with the theory of transformational leadership and the theory of motivation for achievement. This research contributes scientifically to the consequence of transformational leadership, and work motivation on work performance also change management.
Tujuan tulisan ini adalah menginformasikan kumpulan dokumen ilmiah terindeks Scopus yang berhubun... more Tujuan tulisan ini adalah menginformasikan kumpulan dokumen ilmiah terindeks Scopus yang berhubungan dengan topik virus Covid-19 dan Pendidikan Tinggi secara umum. Selain itu juga dilanjutkan dengan mengumpulkan dokumen terindeks Scopus sesuai dengan konteks Indonesia. Kesimpulan dari tulisan ini adalah topik "<i>blended learning</i>" merupakan suatu topik yang penting terkait dengan virus covid-19 yang masih akan berpotensi untuk diteliti lebih banyak dalam diberbagai konteks dan <i>setting</i> penelitian empiris, khususnya terkait dengan pembelajaran daring pasca pandemi. Sampai dengan tanggal 18 April 2020 masih belum ditemukan dokumen didatabase Scopus tentang pembelajaran daring (<i>online learning</i>) terkait pandemi virus covid-19.

Based on a preliminary study of eightrespondents obtained the findings which quantitatively theda... more Based on a preliminary study of eightrespondents obtained the findings which quantitatively thedata shown that are still not meet the ideal value of theemployees' happiness. The purpose of this study are todetermine and analyze what factors of SDP programemployees happiness for at Bank BTN Branch HarmoniJakarta using factor analysis method. This type of researchis contextual confirmatory descriptive and quantitative,population in this study were employees of the SDP totaling66 people at Bank BTN Branch Jakarta Harmoni. Thesampling technique used in this study is nonprobabilitysampling techniques with incidental sampling type. Researchshows the amount contributed five factors formed is65.453% means the five factors will support the happinessfor SDP program Bank BTN's Harmoni Branch Jakartaemployees. Those five SDP program employees happinessfactors of BTN Harmoni branch, Jakarta are leadership,work relationship, work motivation, work skills dan workenvironment.

ABSTRACT This research aims to determine what factors most affect marketing employees discipline ... more ABSTRACT This research aims to determine what factors most affect marketing employees discipline at PT. Bhuana Ilmu Popular, Jakarta (BIP),Indonesia. The method used in this research is the factor analysis . Data collecting in this study conducted by distributing questionnaires to marketing employees BIP. The number of respondents who were taken in this research were 70 respondents using saturated sample technique. The variable that influence marketing employees discipline of BIP is the purpose and abilities; role model leadership; remmuneration; fairness; punishment; assertiveness and human relations. After processing the data then formed two factors . The amount of variance values generated in the process of factor analysis can be used to determine the factors that most influence the discipline of working at BIP. Percentage of variance values for employee ability factor is 54.065 % and the relationship between employees is 26.052 %. Based on the resulting variance , then the employee ability is the factors that most influence the discipline of BIP

Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 2022
Micro small medium enterprises (MSMEs) play an important role in a country's economy, so mana... more Micro small medium enterprises (MSMEs) play an important role in a country's economy, so managers must try to run their business according to the current concept of the green economy (GE). Green economy is an economic concept that makes environmental sustainability an important part of realizing sustainable development goals (SDGs). The performance of MSMEs in terms of GE is a measure of how successful an MSME is in implementing the GE concept. Apart from GE, an equally important element regarding MSMEs is business digitization/digitalization. In the era of society 5.0, MSMEs are increasingly affected by digital technology while running their business. With digitalization, MSME managers can run their company in a more environmentally friendly way to align with the GE concept. Not all MSMEs are ready to implement the GE concept and digitalization, which is a serious problem that deserves attention. To produce a tangible solution related to the implementation of the GE concept and...

This study aims to determine how the effect of financial incentives on performance. The backgroun... more This study aims to determine how the effect of financial incentives on performance. The background is a performance unit Funding Account Officer (Savings) who have not reached the targets set when the company has been providing financial incentives in the hope of the target can be achieved. This causal quantitative research using survey method through questionnaires. Population and sample are Officer Funding Account (Savings) PT. BPR Anugrah Dharma Yuwana Jember, East Java, Indonesia amounted to 32 people. The data were processed using simple regression analysis to test the hypothesis using the t test. Respondents regarding the provision of financial incentives to companies are very good. Financial incentives partially positive and significant effect on performance. Conclusion The study of financial incentives significantly influence the performance by 48.5%, while the remaining 51.5% explained that performance is affected by other factors. Keywords: Financial Incentives; Performance
This article was included in a popular science article writing competition at (warung... more This article was included in a popular science article writing competition at (warung sains dan teknologi)
Indonesian private higher education institution quality<br>

<b>Makalah ini telah dikirimkan ke Jurnal Matematika dan Sains Institut Teknologi Bandung&l... more <b>Makalah ini telah dikirimkan ke Jurnal Matematika dan Sains Institut Teknologi Bandung</b><b><br></b><b>Mohon membaca README.txt.rtf untuk mengetahui struktur folder dan data yang tersedia</b><br><br>AbstrakPandemi COVID-19 telah menjadi tragedi kemanusiaan abad ini. Seluruh negara di dunia sedang berpacu dengan waktu untuk melawan penyebaran dan dampak mematikan dari virus ini. Makalah ini adalah sebuah telaah meta secara ringkas (short/rapid communications) literatur tentang COVID-19/NCOV/Virus Corona yang ada dalam basis data komersial dan non komersial untuk mengetahui profil publikasi tentang Virus Corona di dunia dan melakukan asesmen singkat menggunakan prinsip-prinsip akses terbuka (open access) dalam penyebaran pengetahuan. Telaah literatur kemudian divisualisasikan menggunakan perangkat lunak pengolah tabel sederhana. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa basis data non komersial perlu digunakan juga oleh para peneliti karena mengindeks jumlah dokumen yang jauh lebih besar dibanding basis data komersial. Mayoritas publikasi terbit sebagai artikel di journal (peer reviewed journal) yang memiliki prestise tinggi (ditunjukkan dengan nilai JIF besar). Jurnal OA yang umumnya dipilih adalah yang berjenis Gold OA atau hybrid, walaupun biaya publikasinya (APC) sangat mahal (hingga USD 5000). Pilihan berikutnya adalah jurnal non OA yang dikelola asosiasi profesi JAMA. Risetnya sendiri dilakukan oleh beberapa negara saja: Asia (Cina, Jepang, India), AS, Eropa (UK dan Jerman), dan Arab Saudi. Bila dikaitkan dengan urgensi musibah pandemi, maka penelitian terutama yang dilaksanakan di negara-negara rendah representasinya (under-represented countries) perlu memaksimumkan publikasi via repositori (Green OA) dan peninjauan secara komunal untuk bersama-sama meninjau dan menguji validitasnya. Publikasi via jurnal dapat dilakukan sebagai langkah berikutnya.Kata kunci: COVID-19, pandemic, akses terbuka, jurnal prestise, penyebaran pengetahuan AbstractThe COVID-19 pandemic is a human tragedy of this century. All countr [...]
This study aimed to determine how much influence of transformational leadership style in influenc... more This study aimed to determine how much influence of transformational leadership style in influencing employee performance at PT PLN branch Pekanbaru Rayon Panam, Indonesia; in order to make improvements and innovations continue to develop the organization. The method used in this research is quantitative research methods using simple regression analysis. Variable transformational leadership has a positive influence on employee performance at PT PLN branch Pekanbaru Rayon Panam, and the influence is significant. The overall effect of transformational leadership on employee performance at PT PLN branch Pekanbaru Rayon Panam is 22%, and the 78% rest of it influenced by other variables outside of this research.

Jurnal Manajemen Indonesia, 2017
Sumber daya manusia mempunyai peran yang sangat penting sebagai pelaksana dari fungsi-fungsi mana... more Sumber daya manusia mempunyai peran yang sangat penting sebagai pelaksana dari fungsi-fungsi manajemen. Keberhasilan atau kegagalan pelaksanaan fungsi-fungsi manajemen tersebut sangat bergantung pada kualitas manusia yang menjalankannya. Fenomena dalam penelitian ini adalah turunnya jumlah pembaca surat kabar yang berbanding terbalik dengan jumlah perusahaan surat kabar yang terus bermunculan. Fenomena ini diduga dapat menimbulkan stress kerja bagi karyawan perusahaan surat kabar, untuk itu peneliti melakukan survey yang dilakukuan di awal penelitian tentang fenomena tersebut untuk mengetahui bagaimana kondisi stres karyawan perusahaan surat kabar seiring dengan fenomena yang terjadi saat ini. Dari hasil survey di awal penelitian dapat diketahui bahwa tingkat stres kerja karyawan berada pada kategori sedang. Untuk itu perlu diadakan penelitian lebih lanjut untuk mengetahui tingkat stres kerja pada keseluruhan. Penelitian ini dilakukan di PT.Pikiran Rakyat yang berlokasi di Jln. Asia...
Konflik keluarga kerja menjadi salah satu yang menarik untuk kajian sumber daya manusia. Terdapat... more Konflik keluarga kerja menjadi salah satu yang menarik untuk kajian sumber daya manusia. Terdapat hubungan yang unik antara pekerjaan dan keluarga. Dalam perubahan lingkungan yang cepat berubah di mana kompetisi semakin tinggi diikuti dengan konflik kerja yang meningkat. Faktor yang menyebabkan konflik tergantung pada latar belakang individu dan kebijakan organisasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis deskriptif untuk mengetahui kondisi konflik kerja pengemudi travel antar kota PT. XYZ dengan menggunakan kuesioner variabel penelitian menurut Greenhaus, J.H., and Beutell, N.J. dengan kuesioner yang disusun oleh Mawardi. Populasi sebanyak 1250 dan kuesioner yang disebar sesuai jumlah sampel (yang dihitung dengan rumus Slovin) sebanyak 100 orang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa adanya potensi konflik kerja dan keluarga dalam skala yang relatif kecil.

Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues, 2020
The purpose of this study is to empirically examine the mediation role of innovation ambidexterit... more The purpose of this study is to empirically examine the mediation role of innovation ambidexterity on the impact of absorptive capacity on sustainable competitive advantage from the previous researchers' data article publication. A survey of academic and nonacademic staff from sixty four private higher education institutions (PHEIs) in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia was conducted for the research. A total of five hundred and thirty completed questionnaires from 478 academic and 52 non academic staff were statistically analyzed using SPSS and smart PLS. Investigating sustainable competitive advantage related issues for PHIEs in Indonesia is important for a number of reasons, including supporting the vision of the Golden Indonesia generation 2045. Moreover, the impact of absorptive capacity on sustainable competitive advantage in the literature is remains unclear, thus a new theoretical framework is needed related to the concept of ambidexterity. The finding of this research shows that innovation ambidexterity partially mediates the effect of absorptive capacity on sustainable competitive advantage as proposed in the hypothesis. The implications of this study are discussed.
This data article shows the nexus between absorptive capacity (X), innovation ambidexterity (Y1) ... more This data article shows the nexus between absorptive capacity (X), innovation ambidexterity (Y1) and sustainable competitive advantage (Y2). There are three nexus points between the constructs, namely the direct nexuses of X to Y1, X to Y2 and the indirect nexus from X to Y2 through Y1. The raw data of 530 selfadministrated questionnaires were obtained from 64 nonvocational private higher education institutions in the Bandung area of West Java, Indonesia. Data analyzing were conducted using SPPS and Smart PLS. The data are useful as the data can be reproduced, reused and reanalysed. This data article also opens up better research opportunities going forward through collaboration with other researchers.

Jurnal Ilmu Manajemen & Ekonomika, 2017
The purpose of this research is to know the motivation conditions as well as to look at the facto... more The purpose of this research is to know the motivation conditions as well as to look at the factors that contributes that dominant factor and contribute to the motivation permanent lectures on Faculty Communication and Business of Telkom University. The research method is descriptive quantitative. The respondent in this study is permanent lectures on Faculty Communication and Business of Telkom University. Factor in this research totaled ten factors, consisting of quality supervision, existence, company policy, a good working place, relationships with co-workers, promotion, growth, recognition, obligations, and goal. Research data obtained from the dissemination of the questionnaire to 70 respondents and study of literature. Analytical using data techniques is descriptive analysis and analysis of the factors. Based on the results of the descriptive analysis, the motivation permanent lectures on the category “good” that amounted to 71%. The results of the analysis of the factors ment...

Advanced Science Letters, 2016
This paper objective is to explain conceptually about the idea to use sociometric badge for lectu... more This paper objective is to explain conceptually about the idea to use sociometric badge for lecturer generally in Indonesia higher education institution linked with organizational effectiveness perspective. Indonesian higher education institutions faced the globalization competition, therefore it would be challenge to check and improve Indonesian lecturer quality. Descriptive method used in this paper is based on linked secondary data (research journals). Based on Tri Dharma higher education in Indonesia, lecturers as knowledge worker have three main roles (as educator, researcher and community server). Every lecturer's roles have different interactions with different parties (internally and externally). These lecturer's three main roles is associated with the sociometric badge featurers which designed to collect face to face interactions data. This paper is unique because it links between the role-based lecturer face to face interactions, sociometric badge features and higher education institution from organizational effectiveness. Lecturer sociometric badge has the potential to collect important behavior data related to the interaction based Tridharma activity such as collaboration, leadership, communication style, conflict management, team work, role play. Furthermore, this paper has the potential to be a scientific basis for the empirical research on the detail activity analysis based on tridharma lecturers roles to known the Indonesian lecturer behavior face to face interactions pattern.
Papers by Astadi Pangarso
Keywords- Competing Value Approach; Merger; Organization Structure
Kata kunci: COVID-19, pandemic, akses terbuka, jurnal prestise, penyebaran pengetahuan