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Several trials conducted in Israel questioned the role of the Jewish leadership in the Holocaust and raised the problematic image of the Judenrat among the survivors. In the Barenblat trial (1963), the state prosecuted Hirsh Barenblat who... more
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      Israel StudiesHolocaust Studies
I Am Writing These Words to You reveals Chajka Klingers' soul-searching response to the existential conflicts that plagued her while writing her diaries. Still in the grip of the nightmare of the last deportation, of torture by the... more
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      Gender HistoryPolish HistoryJewish HistoryEarly Modern Jewish History
The article examines the history of only one document, but one from which a painful and far-reaching historical episode radiates, a three-tiered episode: the event itself, the struggle for its memory or oblivion, and the serpentine ways... more
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      Israel StudiesHolocaust StudiesAntifascismModern Jewish Studies
This article deals with a short period in the life of the Central and Eastern European Jewish communities after the Holocaust and focuses on a unique chapter which appears to be relatively neglected at present: the relations between the... more
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    • Jewish History
The subject of my paper is a problematic one. Regarding the place of the Judenrat in the context of the holocaust collective memory, we find that it is still confusing and intriguing one. We can feel deep sorrow for the millions of Jews... more
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      Holocaust StudiesModern Jewish History
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    • Holocaust Studies
Recognizing the suffering of the other is a difficult and complicated concept. It is difficult not only for two nations fighting each other, but also for people who believe in democratic values like tolerance and human rights.
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      Holocaust StudiesHistory TeachingJewish-Arab relations
Jewish socialist solidarity in the Holocaust: Introductory remarks Solidarity is the cornerstone of every socialist idea. Therefore, research on Jewish socialist movements in the Holocaust, particularly the Zionist pioneering youth... more
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      Jewish HistoryHolocaust StudiesSolidarity movementsHistory of Socialism
A common cliché about writing in general and about the Holocaust in particular is that it provides catharsis, psychological relief and emotional release. In the case of the diary of Chajka Klinger, however, I wish to categorically deny... more
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      Israel StudiesHolocaust StudiesHolocaust LiteraturePost-Holocaust Literature
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Hashomer Hatzair communication center in Switzerland (1941 – 1945), was the heart of a unique international network, which connected youth movements activists in occupied Europe, and their comrades in Palestine and in other Allies states... more
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      Israel StudiesJewish HistoryHolocaust StudiesModern Jewish History
Hashomer Hatzair communication center in Switzerland (1941 – 1945), was the heart of a unique international network, which connected youth movements activists in occupied Europe, and their comrades in Palestine and in other Allies states... more
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      Israel StudiesHolocaust StudiesGlobal NetworkRescue and Resistance
The paper deals with the images and self images of the survivors in Israel during the creative years (1945-1960), as reflected in the Israeli newspapers. The research focuses on two kinds of Israeli newspapers: (a) Leading daily Hebrew... more
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      Holocaust StudiesModern Jewish HistoryKibbutzAncient Greek Cultural & Social History
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Gdy nie ma narodu, nie potrzebna tego 1 awangarda-bo dla kogo ona była, jak nie dla niego?!". Napisane przez Chajkę Klinger zdanie stanowi jaskrawe i rzadko spotykane ujęcie powstania w getcie, które przedstawiła w swych pamiętnikach.... more
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