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Our research explores novel forms of smart spaces that support full body interaction with smart objects instrumented with audio, light, and motion sensors and actuators, virtual worlds on medium-large displays , and smart lights, and are... more
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      Smart spacesSmart ObjectsSmart Class Rooms
The advent of contemporary mobile devices and their increasing computing power and location capabilities combined with the most innovative Web technologies has provided mobile users with new possibilities to share experiences on-the-go.... more
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      Linked DataWeb TechnologySemantic AnnotationSemantic Search
The spectrum scarcity is a known problem for a multitude of services. Several bands have been licensed, and nowadays it is difficult to find unused spectrum. Cognitive radio networks have been proposed as a possible solution to contrast... more
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      Cognitive Radio NetworksDynamic Spectrum AccessCognitive Wireless NetworksTV White Spaces
In the recent years, wireless communication experienced a huge growth, and nowadays many services are built on top of it. Much of the user demands comes from indoor environments, in which obstructions like walls and floors decrease the... more
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    • Cognitive Radio Networks
The advent of contemporary mobile devices and their increasing computing power and location capabilities combined with the most innovative Web technologies has provided mobile users with new possibilities to share experiences on-the-go.... more
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      Linked DataWeb TechnologySemantic AnnotationSemantic Search
Application Platforms and related APIs are becoming the foundations for emerging eco-systems of online applications/services. End-users are more and more choosing devices and services based on the available offers in the respective... more
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Telecommunication and Internet services are constantly subject to changes, seeking the customer's full satisfaction. Enriching these services with innovative approaches such as context-aware, mobile, adaptable and interactive... more
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Traditional TV was based on a time-dependent and passive paradigm of use: the availability of audiovisual contents was pre-defined by a rigid scheduling, and user's role was to choose among limited alternatives. A potential for active TV... more
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      Interaction DesignLong Tail