Translation by Itamar Even-Zohar
Els Marges, 62, 1998
La principal contribució de Jakobson a I'anhlisi funcional de sistemes ha estat la seva insistenc... more La principal contribució de Jakobson a I'anhlisi funcional de sistemes ha estat la seva insistencia que cada esdeveniment particular no és una simple relació entre un codi implícit i un missatge actualitzat, sinó que tots dos estan condicionats per un conjunt complex de factors que es relacionen entre ells. En lloc d'una idealitzada relació unilateral codi-missatge, Jakobson proposa tot un seguit d'eixos combinatoris referits a tots els aspectes responsables en cada acte de comunicació. Per tant, el seu famós esquema dels factors per als actes de comunicació verbal pot ser adaptat --em sembla que molt
profitosament-- a l'analisi dels fets culturals en general.
Papers by Itamar Even-Zohar
This is a temporary electronic version and is likely to change. Please check the latest version b... more This is a temporary electronic version and is likely to change. Please check the latest version before quoting. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprduced in any form, by photostat, microform, retrieval system, or any other means, without prior written permission of the publisher. Permission is however granted here-with to print out this book or parts thereof for personal
A Semiotic Landscape. Panorama sémiotique

Teoria polisystemów* 1. System i polisystem w now oczesnym fu n kcjo n alizm ie: statyka -dynam i... more Teoria polisystemów* 1. System i polisystem w now oczesnym fu n kcjo n alizm ie: statyka -dynam ika Założenie, że zjawiska semiotyczne, czyli wzory komunikacji mię dzyludzkiej rządzone przez znaki (takie, jak: kultura, język, literatura, społeczeństwo) można zrozumieć i zbadać w sposób bardziej adekwatny, postrzegając je jako systemy, nie zaś konglomerat całkowicie różnych elementów, stało się jednym z wiodących poglądów w większości współ czesnych nauk humanistycznych. W miejsce pozytywistycznego groma dzenia danych, zbieranych bona fide na gruncie empirii i analizowanych na podstawie ich m aterialnej substancji, pojawiło się podejście funkcjonalistyczne, oparte na badaniu relacji. Założenie, że stanowią one syste my, otworzyło drogę hipotezom o tym, w jaki sposób działają różne ukła dy semiotyczne, a w konsekwencji umożliwiło osiągnięcie celu, który w miarę rozwoju nowoczesnej nauki uznano za nadrzędny. Polegał on na wykryciu praw rządzących różnorodnością i złożonością zjawisk, nie zaś na samej ich rejestracji i klasyfikacji. Ponieważ w ujęciach prefunkcjonalistycznych rzadko kiedy dążono do uchwycenia takich zasad, obiekty badań i obserwacji brane wcześniej za "zjawiska" właściwie nie pokry wały się ze "zjawiskami", na podstawie których można by stawiać hipote zy w ram ach podejścia funkcjonalistycznego. Pojęcie systemu umożliwiło zatem nie tylko adekwatne wyjaśnienie faktów "znanych", lecz także odkrycie tych całkowicie "nowych". Poza tym obiekty znane, dla których dawniej nigdy nie dopuszczano możliwości korelacji z informacjami z re guły związanymi z pewnym "faktem", teraz stały się dla tego "faktu" znaczące. Funkcjonalizm do głębi zmienił zarówno struktury, ja k i meto dy, zarówno pytania, jak i odpowiedzi -w każdej dyscyplinie, w której go wprowadzono. ' P o d s ta w a p r z e k ła d u : Itamar E v e n -Z o h a r , Polysystem Studies [= "Poetics To day" 11:1, 1990], Durham: Duke University Press, s. 9-27. Całość dostępna pod adresem internetowym: Przełożony szkic jest częścią wstępu teoretycznego do książki Polysystem Studies. Wszystkie zarysowane tu problemy zostały szerzej omówione w dalszej części pracy oraz zilustrowane przykładami z literatury rosyjskiej, hebrajskiej i w języku jidysz. Teorię polisystemów Even-Zohar rozwija systematycznie od lat 70.

The idea that socio-semiotic phenomena, i.e., sign-governed human patterns of communication (such... more The idea that socio-semiotic phenomena, i.e., sign-governed human patterns of communication (such as culture, language, literature), could more adequately be understood and studied if regarded as systems rather than conglomerates of disparate elements has become one of the leading ideas of our time in most sciences of man. Thus, the positivistic collection of data, taken bona fide on empiricist grounds and analyzed on the basis of their material substance, has been replaced by a functional approach based on the analysis of relations. Viewing them as systems, i.e., as networks of relations that can be hypothesized for a certain set of assumed observables ("occurrences " /"phenomena"), made it possible to hypothesize how the various socio-semiotic aggregates operate. The way was subsequently opened for the achievement of what has been regarded throughout the development of modern science as a supreme goal: the detection of the laws governing the diversity and compl...
Translation Translation, 2003
Poetics Today, 2019
This article proposes to acknowledge the decline, roughly since the 1950s, in the role of literat... more This article proposes to acknowledge the decline, roughly since the 1950s, in the role of literature as a major mechanism of life models, whether conservative or innovatory, and consequently to reevaluate the rationale of continuing literary studies as they are practiced today. This alleged decline does not mean that nonpractical texts, whether written or oral, have lost their various and often indispensable functions for socialization, developing skills, or emotional intelligence. It essentially means that the centrality of the sociopolitical role fulfilled by such texts—and not less significantly by its producers and promoters—has now shifted to other industries. At the same time, in the context of intergroup competition for status based on the possession of symbolic goods, literature seems to have preserved its prestige value.
Topicos Del Seminario, 2011
Viceversa Revista Galega De Traduccion, 1996
Teoria De Los Polisistemas 1999 Isbn 84 7635 368 5 Pags 71 98, 1999
Teoria De Los Polisistemas 1999 Isbn 84 7635 368 5 Pags 183 206, 1999
Anuario De Estudos Literarios Galegos, 2002
Mentres que a industria de ideas e indispensable para que calquera comunidade acade un nivel de s... more Mentres que a industria de ideas e indispensable para que calquera comunidade acade un nivel de subsistencia mais alo da supervivencia, as iniciativas relacionadas coa creacion de culturas distintas separadas poden finalmente donar este obxectivo cando a industria funciona inadecuadamente. Este perigo e algo inherente a propia naturaleza da iniciativa, xa que a redistribucion e a aplicacion de cambios de repertorio e algo mais complexo que substituir a maquinaria e os procedementos de produccion (o cal tampouco e pouca cousa). Este relatorio sinala varios parametros de funcionamentos inadecuado nesta industria vital.

II pluriterritorialismo comincio a scomparire come elemento letterario fondamentale con l'abb... more II pluriterritorialismo comincio a scomparire come elemento letterario fondamentale con l'abbandono, da parte di una vasta maggioranza del popolo ebraico, della lingua ebraica come il veicolo di un'espressione culturale laica. La lingua della Bibbia continuava a servire funzioni tradizionali deH'Ortodossia, ma solo in un limitato numero di usi specifici. Per le masse di ebrei parzialmente o totalmente laicizzati dell'Europa orientale (e piii tardi degli Stati Uniti), l'ebraico lascio il posto prima all'yiddisch e poi, gradualmente, alle lingue nazionali locali. II trapianto dell'ebraico in Palestina salvo in realta quell 'antica lingua dall'imminente pericolo di una totale scomparsa come veicolo culturale normale del popolo ebraico una funzione millenaria che era rimasta ininterrotta fino a quei giorni. Senza tale trapianto, dopo la fine del settecento, l'ebraico come lingua moderna sarebbe gradualmente scomparso, abbandonato da tutti salvo un pugno di accademici e di fanatici fautori di un patetico nazionalismo. Uno dei primi risultati del trapianto fu l'abbandono del multilinguismo, in favore dell'espressione esclusiva in lingua ebraica. Non piu frammentata secondo la suddivisione geografica della Diaspora, la letteratura ebraica e divenuta la prerogativa degli israeliani (1). La vasta maggioranza degli ebrei non-israeliani ha abbandonato l'uso dell'ebraico e il consu-
Poetics Today, 1979
... Facts of "literary life," ie, literary establishments such as criticism (not schola... more ... Facts of "literary life," ie, literary establishments such as criticism (not scholarship), publishing houses, periodicals and other mediating factors, are often "translation" functors of the "more remote" constraining socio-cultural system. ...

The idea that "natural speech" as well as written discourse can be organized is now commonly. acc... more The idea that "natural speech" as well as written discourse can be organized is now commonly. accepted. There is also evidence that natural speech contains more coherence indicators than written texts do. This article proposes that one type of organizer, pragmatic connectives such as "therefore, then, thus,.while, however, but" that have become void or depleted because they serve no real semantic function, emerged in Hebrew as the language gained its modern spoken form. These void pragmatic connectives (VPCs) entered the language with other transferred forms because the need for simulation of impromptu speech was pressing. It is argued that as Hebrew became established as a spoken language, the VPCs lost their connection with the culture they were drawn from and were later' augmented by independent VPCs emerging within vernacular Hebrew. This suggests that the emergence of VPCs anS other discourse organizers in languages follows a universal principle, with a larger repertoire emerging in vernacular than in literary language. (MSE)
Translation by Itamar Even-Zohar
profitosament-- a l'analisi dels fets culturals en general.
Papers by Itamar Even-Zohar
profitosament-- a l'analisi dels fets culturals en general.