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      PhilosophyDeleuze Studies
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      French LiteratureLiteratureAnimal StudiesGender and Sexuality
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      EthicsFilm StudiesDeconstructionGender
What would constitute a queer-feminist alliance from a schizoanalytic viewpoint? This essay argues that schizoanalysis may function as a new means to ally feminist and queer analytic machines by effecting a radical desexualization of... more
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      Feminist TheoryQueer TheoryGender and SexualityStrategic Alliances
Is the concept of queer translation yet another recent, unexciting addition to the theoretical toolbox of queer theory and translation studies? Or does it actually make a difference and offer an opportunity for both queer theory and... more
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      French LiteratureTranslation StudiesLiteratureQueer Theory
What could queer theory do and become had it not been so entrenched in the notion of sexuality? Holding queer theory to its promise to revolutionise our ways of thinking, Nir Kedem offers a forceful encounter between Deleuze’s work and... more
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      Queer StudiesQueer TheoryHIV/AIDSContinental Philosophy
"The relation of Orson Welles's 1962 virtuoso adaptation of Kafka's "The Trial" to the Holocaust is hard to overlook. Welles himself stated that he believed Kafka would have written The Trial differently after Auschwitz, a claim which... more
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      Film StudiesFilm AdaptationFranz KafkaFilm Adaptation Theory
The Remnant of the Kafkaesque: Orson Welles Adaptation of Franz Kafka's The Trial Ido Lewit, Film and Television Department. Tel-Aviv University In his 1962 adaptation of Franz Kafka's famous novel The Trial Orson Welles has... more
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      Film StudiesFilm AdaptationFranz KafkaAdaptation (Literature)
The cinematic quality of Kafka's prose, as noted by his biographer Max Brod, has been clear to many of the most important commentators on 20 th century art. Theodor Adorno, for one, claimed that Kafka's texts agitate the reader to the... more
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      German LiteratureFilm StudiesFilm TheoryFilm Adaptation
In this paper I seek to explore the impact of the Holocaust on Welles's 1962 rendition of Kafka's The Trial, hoping to shed a new light on this frequently examined adaptation, and to offer a discussion of the differences and affinities... more
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      Film StudiesFilm AdaptationFranz KafkaOrson Welles
Book Review of Johannes von Moltke's The Curious Humanist: Siegfried Kracauer in America (University of California Press, 2016)
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      German StudiesFilm StudiesFilm TheorySiegfried Kracauer
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      Film StudiesFilm-PhilosophyCoen BrothersFargo TV Series
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      David LynchTwin PeaksTwin Peaks: The Return
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      Film StudiesFilm AdaptationFranz KafkaAdaptation (Literature)
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      Moroccan LiteratureMohamed ChoukriArabic autobiographyContemporary Palestinian cinema
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      Palestinian LiteratureGhassan KanafaniSami Michael
This article offers a literary reading of Palestinian poet Fadwā Ṭ ūqān's autobiography, Riḥ lah ṣ aʿbah, riḥ lah jabaliyyah (A Mountainous Journey, 1985). This text's literary complexities have not yet been adequately addressed,... more
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      Arabic LiteraturePalestinian LiteratureLiterary studies
This study situates Hanan al-Shaykh’s Hikayati Sharhun Yatul (My Life: An Extended Commentary, 2005) within the realm of the autobiographical. At the crux of this inquiry are the contradictory strategies of self representation throughout.... more
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      Arabic LiteratureLebanese LiteratureArabic autobiographical writingsArabic autobiography
This article considers Shimon Ballas' 2009 autobiography Be-Guf Rishon in light of theories of selfhood in diaspora and border-crossings. It argues that the text's hybrid stance and multiple ruptures are articulated through a language of... more
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    • Shimon Ballas