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Exercise leads to simultaneous increases in mediators signaling apparently antagonistic functional responses such as growth factors and inflammatory mediators. The aim of the present study was to demonstrate the physiological effect of... more
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      Biological SciencesGrowth HormoneExerciseRecombinant Proteins
Studies have previously demonstrated that brief (4 weeks) passive range-of-motion exercise is beneficial for bone development in very low birth weight (VLBW) preterm infants. However, the optimal duration of exercise for bone development... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringBirth WeightCalcified tissueClinical Sciences
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      SportsChildExerciseAge Factors
It is becoming increasingly clear that physical activity in children plays a critical role in growth and development, therapy for certain chronic diseases and disabilities, and in the pediatric origins of a variety of bone, metabolic, and... more
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      InflammationOxidative StressGrowth HormoneGrowth
We evaluated the eVect of cold ice-pack application following a brief sprint-interval training on the balance between anabolic mediators [growth hormone (GH), insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), testosterone], catabolic markers... more
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      Human PhysiologySports MedicineBiomedicineMetabolism
We assessed the effect of a weight management programme on body weight, body mass index (BMI), and fitness in obese children and adolescents. The study was designed as a longitudinal, non-randomised, clinical experience of a 3 and 6 month... more
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      ObesityTreatmentTreatment OutcomeChildhood Obesity
We measured bone speed of sound in premature infants by quantitative ultrasound. A total of 44 neonates participated in the study including 29 premature infants (median birth weight 1264 g, range 578±2420 g; median gestational age 31... more
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      ObesityAdolescentBirth WeightChild
Objective: The aim of the present study was to determine physical activity (PA) and nutrition knowledge and preferences in low socio-economic status kindergarten children. Methods: Following height and weight measurement, 795 low... more
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Obesity blunts catecholamine and growth hormone responses to exercise in adults, but the effect of obesity on these exercise-associated hormonal responses in children is unclear. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to asses the... more
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      ObesityAnthropometryChildhood ObesityAdolescent
A relatively brief range of motion daily movement intervention was associated with greater weight gain and increased leptin levels in very -lowbirth -weight premature infants. This may suggest that at least part of the daily movements... more
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      Adipose tissueMovementStatistical SignificanceLeptin
In a study of 20 patients diagnosed with malignant ovarian germ cell tumors between 1961 and 1993, clinical and pathologic findings were evaluated. Of the 20 patients, seven (35%) had dysgerminoma, two (10%) endodermal sinus tumor, three... more
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      Surgical OncologyAdolescentChildCisplatin
We report the athletic, physiological and mitochondrial-related genomic data of an Israeli endurance runner. He is holding the Israeli record in 10,000, 5000, 1500 and 800 m run, along with being one of the best Israeli 400 m runners. We... more
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      GeneticsPolymorphismRunningMitochondrial DNA
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Background: Many volatile organic compounds are present in exhaled breath and may represent by-products of endogenous biological processes. Ethanol is produced via alcoholic fermentation of glucose by gut bacteria and yeast, while acetone... more
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      Blood GlucoseInsulinEthanolRegression Analysis
Submariners taking part in prolonged missions are exposed to environmental factors that may adversely affect bone health. Among these, relatively high levels of CO2, lack of sunlight exposure affecting vitamin D metabolism, limited... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringCarbon DioxidePhysical ActivityVitamin D
OBJECTIVE: Determination of bone strength of lower extremities in very low birth weight (VLBW) premature infants with central nervous system pathology resulting in reduced unilateral spontaneous leg movements.STUDY DESIGN: Quantitative... more
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      TibiaCentral Nervous SystemClinical SciencesNewborn Infant
Objective: To determine the effects of obesity on baseline levels of circulating granulocytes, monocytes, and lymphocyte subtypes in otherwise healthy children. Design: Two group comparison of leukocytes in normal weight control and... more
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      EducationObesityAnthropometryFlow Cytometry
We hypothesized that brief exercise of a small muscle group would lead to local rather than systemic alterations in cytokines, peripheral blood mononuclear cells, and mediators of angiogenesis. Fifteen men and eight women (age range 22-36... more
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      CytokinesBiological SciencesHuman Growth HormoneEpinephrine
To examine the immediate effect of three different types of popular exercise activities on food intake and preferences in normal weight and overweight children. Forty-four (22 overweight) age and gender matched, pre-pubertal children... more
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We determined relationships between aerobic fitness and performance indices (fastest sprint time -FS, total sprint time -TS, and performance decrement -PD) of repeated sprint tests (RST) in normal and overweight children (BMI%: 59.8±12.9... more
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