Papers by Muhammad-Jamil Abubakar
Environmental Technology and Science Journal, Jul 31, 2023

The purpose of this study is to examine the significant impacts of skilled workers towards achiev... more The purpose of this study is to examine the significant impacts of skilled workers towards achieving sustainable construction practices. The objectives of the study include identifying sustainable construction practices and evaluate the degree of agreement to which skilled workers influence sustainable construction practices from construction professionals‘ views. A sample of 576 construction professionals were randomly selected from the list of registered construction professionals‘ organisations, out of which 290 responses were received. Data analysis include Relative Importance Index (RII) for ranking comparison among the construction professionals on a scale range from 1-5. Kendall‘s coefficient of concordance was used to evaluate the degree of agreement between construction professionals related to the ranking of each group of the practices. The results of RII revealed that improve project delivery, value for money, improve work quality, reduction of wastages of construction ma...

International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 2019
There is a growing trend worldwide, primarily developed and some developing countries, of the pub... more There is a growing trend worldwide, primarily developed and some developing countries, of the public sector moving from conventional procurement system towards the more sustainable and environmental-friendly approach. The need to consider economic, environmental as well as social aspects of projects before embarking on it yield enormous benefits to the present and future generations. This study seeks to assess the level of awareness and readiness of public procurement experts on Sustainability in north-eastern Nigeria. The study targeted procurements experts in Bauchi and Gombe state working at Due-process unit, a focal point that ensures efficiency, transparency and effectiveness in all procurements (goods and services), and issue certificate of compliance to across the state. A total of seventy-three (73) questionnaire forms were administered to the respondents to rank, based on their experience, social, economic and environmental factors in a Linkert-like scale of five-point. Fif...

International Journal of Business and Management, 2012
While job satisfaction is a major concern in today's organizations, there is little empirical res... more While job satisfaction is a major concern in today's organizations, there is little empirical research concerning Quantity Surveyors in public sector in Nigeria. Primary data were sourced through survey of Quantity Surveyors in various ministries and parastatals by adopting Job Satisfaction Questionnaire used by previous researchers to elicit information under the two headings for general satisfaction scale to indicate their satisfaction or dissatisfaction with research variables along a five-point scale. The data were subjected to descriptive statistics, this paper examined the the major variables affecting job satisfaction amongst Quantity surveyors working in Nigerian public sectors at federal level. The research revealed that Quantity Surveyors in public service are more satisfied with their when adequate recognition is given and opportunities for advancement are encouraged. The result of the correlation also showed that strong positive relationship existed between adequate recognition opportunities and feeling of accomplishment derived from the job with the r-value of 85%. The research recommended that advancement opportunity in career progression and professional development such as in-house training should be encouraged to improve quality service delivery and also practice of job development and job enrichment in the workplace which is vital tool to satisfy employees and make them happy should be given adequate attention.

International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET), 2021
There is a strong premonition that a future successful sustainable construction implementation pi... more There is a strong premonition that a future successful sustainable construction implementation pivots partly upon a manifestation of sustainable construction understanding among the professionals in the industry. This research stands to advocate that a distinct manifestation of sustainable construction concept by AEC professionals reflects the knowledge kept, which mirrors the understanding thus provides a plausible starting point for future successful implementation of sustainable construction practices. Using Nigeria AEC industry's current effort in sustainable construction as the backdrop, this research aimed to determine latent factors that characterise sustainable construction understanding among professionals in the AEC industry. Research data was gathered via a survey carried out on 580 construction professionals. Data were analysed by way of EFA and CFA (using PLS-SEM). Findings from the structural model developed showed seven latent factors which includes awareness, political, passive culture, knowledge, demand, financial and attitude. The latent factors derived from this research provide a context-specific understanding of sustainable construction concept by AEC professionals in its indigenous setting as a basis for future implementation of sustainable construction practices.

Sustainability is picking up noticeable quality among experts in the ongoing time, because of the... more Sustainability is picking up noticeable quality among experts in the ongoing time, because of the worldwide battle against the pulverization of the earth by the exercises of man which are frequently avoidable. The development business over the globe fundamentally adds to the debasement of the earth in such a significant number of regards; consequently the idea of manageability was instituted and incorporated into the business so as to moderate the hazard. In any case, incorporating the idea of manageability into the development business isn't sufficient; the idea must be processed and grasped by partners in the field. The simple stage at which the idea can be acknowledged and outfit is from the embryonic phase of understudies in the field of development industry. With regards to this exploration, which is arranged in Nigeria, the perception was the shortage of research that planned to comprehend the learning picked up by understudies in development field about the idea of supportability in their different fields of concentrate inside the development business. In that capacity, this examination set out to research the information of understudies in the development business at one of the Polytechnic establishments situated in a suburb city in Kaduna State, Nigeria. This study intends to organize practicality into the thinking and educating of designing in Nigerian tertiary establishments from a hypothetical route to a strong one by modifying present enlightening technique and practice similarly as working up a guide for its Awareness, Development, Sustainability, Tertiary, Institution ©Journal of Applied Sciences & Environmental Sustainability 11 (5): 43-48, 2019 e-ISSN 2360-8013 44 | P a g e utilization. This paper reveals that reasonability in designing is multidimensional and requires the ability to fundamentally separate, process and mull over how prudent game plans might be organized in the Nigerian built Environment. Achieving sustainability related focuses in development ventures is dynamically getting to be prevalent. While a few partners for the most part remember it as essential, there are others with contrasting assessments.

The purpose of this study is to examine the significant impacts of skilled workers towards achiev... more The purpose of this study is to examine the significant impacts of skilled workers towards achieving sustainable construction practices. The objectives of the study include identifying sustainable construction practices and evaluate the degree of agreement to which skilled workers influence sustainable construction practices from construction professionals' views. A sample of 576 construction professionals were randomly selected from the list of registered construction professionals' organisations, out of which 290 responses were received. Data analysis include Relative Importance Index (RII) for ranking comparison among the construction professionals on a scale range from 1-5. Kendall's coefficient of concordance was used to evaluate the degree of agreement between construction professionals related to the ranking of each group of the practices. The results of RII revealed that improve project delivery, value for money, improve work quality, reduction of wastages of construction materials, better use of local materials to reduce carbon emission and minimisation of resources consumption are the top five impacts of skilled workers towards sustainable construction. The results of Kendall's coefficient of concordance revealed that a high agreement between construction professionals occurred in the ranking of the impacts of skilled workers related to each group of the practices. The findings revealed that the most significant impacts of skilled workers arise from improvement on organisational performance and environmental efficiency. It was recommended that efforts should be geared towards the supply of skilled workers for improved sustainable construction practices.

International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT), 2019
There is a growing trend worldwide, primarily developed and some developing countries, of the pub... more There is a growing trend worldwide, primarily developed and some developing countries, of the public sector moving from conventional procurement system towards the more sustainable and environmental-friendly approach. The need to consider economic, environmental as well as social aspects of projects before embarking on it yield enormous benefits to the present and future generations. This study seeks to assess the level of awareness and readiness of public procurement experts on Sustainability in northeastern Nigeria. The study targeted procurements experts in Bauchi and Gombe state working at Due-process unit, a focal point that ensures efficiency, transparency and effectiveness in all procurements (goods and services), and issue certificate of compliance to across the state. A total of seventy-three (73) questionnaire forms were administered to the respondents to rank, based on their experience, social, economic and environmental factors in a Linkert-like scale of five-point. Fifty-three (53) questionnaires were returned, and Cross-tabulation was used to compare the respondents' background information, which shows that most of those with training on Sustainability are engineers with a bachelor's degree. Descriptive statistics and Friedman's ANOVA were used to, which ranked gender, race, religious discrimination, the factor with highest mean score thus ranked first, while Similar working experience, lowest responsive tender and excellent workmanship were ranked second, third and fourth respectively. Friedman's ANOVA with the stepwise step-down comparison, with a significant factor of 0.05, ranked using energy saver appliance and fair working condition as the most significant factors. The study recommends that other geopolitical zones of the country should also embark on the same study.
This paper explores how construction and other organisations apply Building Information Modeling ... more This paper explores how construction and other organisations apply Building Information Modeling (BIM) contributed to the creation of Building Lifecycle Information Management Platform (BLMP) to manage and control project and other shared parameters.

While job satisfaction is a major concern in today's organizations, there is little empirical res... more While job satisfaction is a major concern in today's organizations, there is little empirical research concerning Quantity Surveyors in public sector in Nigeria. Primary data were sourced through survey of Quantity Surveyors in various ministries and parastatals by adopting Job Satisfaction Questionnaire used by previous researchers to elicit information under the two headings for general satisfaction scale to indicate their satisfaction or dissatisfaction with research variables along a five-point scale. The data were subjected to descriptive statistics, this paper examined the the major variables affecting job satisfaction amongst Quantity surveyors working in Nigerian public sectors at federal level. The research revealed that Quantity Surveyors in public service are more satisfied with their when adequate recognition is given and opportunities for advancement are encouraged. The result of the correlation also showed that strong positive relationship existed between adequate recognition opportunities and feeling of accomplishment derived from the job with the r-value of 85%. The research recommended that advancement opportunity in career progression and professional development such as in-house training should be encouraged to improve quality service delivery and also practice of job development and job enrichment in the workplace which is vital tool to satisfy employees and make them happy should be given adequate attention.
Papers by Muhammad-Jamil Abubakar