Papers by Khairiyah Mohd Yusof

Due to the numerous challenges facing engineering education, it should be reformed especially in ... more Due to the numerous challenges facing engineering education, it should be reformed especially in engineering curricula, teaching methods and teachers' preparation. Regarding the mobile learning innovations and lack of research about its capabilities for facilitating engineering education reform, this paper aims to investigate and synthesize mobile learning potentials to support the reforming process by reviewing existing studies. The reviewed papers were analyzed using theme analysis method. Providing more opportunities to achieve professional skills and improving personal, authentic and collaborative learning activities, enhancing the quality, accessibility and acceptability of learning resources are the main benefits of mobile learning for engineering education. A number of major challenges faced by Engineering Education necessitate it's reform. These include declining interest in studying engineering among high school students, low professional skills such as communication skills, critical, analytical and creative thinking among engineering graduates, improving teaching and learning theories and educational technologies, shifting program accreditation focus from documentation to outcome-based, decreasing traditional engineering jobs (Felder, 2012). Based on the cognitive/social constructivist education paradigm, Felder (Felder, 2012) asserted that engineering curricula, teaching methods and instructors' preparation approach should be reformed to solve or reduce challenges in engineering education. Effective use of educational technologies is one of his key recommendations for facilitating engineering education reform. Due to the huge potential of mobile learning innovation to facilitate engineering education reform, providing a conceptual framework to organize and describe mobile learning potentials, help the researchers to have a big picture from this innovation for directing their researches to improve effective use of mobile learning for engineering education in their context. Furthermore, it helps the practitioners to provide general policies, strategies, or professional methods to use existing mobile learning facilities and experiences effectively in their institute or organization. Furthermore, it helps the practitioners to provide general policies, strategies, or professional methods to use existing mobile learning facilities and experiences effectively in their institute or organization. Regarding the mentioned reasons, the main objective of this paper is synthesizing mobile learning potentials for facilitating engineering education reform through proposing a conceptual framework. To achieve this objective, the research papers about engineering education reform and mobile learning applications for engineering education were reviewed and analyzed through theme analysis method. This method enabled researchers to reveal domains and their relationships together (Onwuegbuzie et al., 2012; Creswell, 2013). In this paper we discuss mobile learning definitions and its importance at first. Next, we propose a framework to elaborate on the roles which mobile learning can play to facilitate engineering education reforming based on Felder's recommendations (Felder, 2012) and the framework comprising characteristics of m-learning experiences which was proposed by Kearney, Schuck (Kearney et al., 2012). 2.0 AN OVERVIEW OF MOBILE LEARNING There are attempts to define mobile learning based on the novelty or the functionality of the device. Some researchers define it simply as " learning through mobile devices " (Creswell, 2013). However, as discussed by Traxler (Kearney et al., 2012), if mobile learning is defined based on technology, it could fall into the trap of becoming obsolete. The Kearney, Schuck (Onwuegbuzie et al., 2012), suggested a pedagogical framework for mobile learning based on Traxler's approach to mobile learning (Baharom, 2013). From their perspective, three characteristics particular to mobile learning experiences are: personalization, authenticity, and collaboration without any time-space limitation. In his framework, personalization means providing selectable, intentional and customized learning experiences aligned with motivational and socio-cultural theories for learning. Authenticity means learning experiences that are practical

Effective use of educational technology depends on knowledge of why and how to utilize technology... more Effective use of educational technology depends on knowledge of why and how to utilize technology to solve teaching and learning problems. The present study first conducts a systematic literature review of the limited studies undertaken on multimedia instruction applications for engineering education to critique the current status of knowledge in this area. The conventional qualitative content analysis method was employed for data analysis. The results highlighted the incompatibility of three basic educational elements i.e. engineering curriculum, educational resources and engineering students' learning characteristics all of which posed major challenges in teaching and learning engineering courses. Multimedia instruction enhances engineering students' understanding of engineering concepts, procedures, problems and solutions through direct visualization. Furthermore, it could indirectly assist students in achieving higher order learning levels and skills through enhancing or supporting educational resources and increasing students' motivation. Mobile multimedia instruction and a student-generated multimedia learning approach to improve engineering education are suggested for future research.

Multimedia and mobile learning instructions are two important educational technologies which can ... more Multimedia and mobile learning instructions are two important educational technologies which can be combined to have more effective teaching and learning experience. Regarding the lack of study in this area, the aim of this study is to answer the question as to why mobile multimedia instruction should be used and how it should be designed, especially for engineering education. The reasons for using mobile multimedia learning and instruction for engineering education are: migrating users from desktop to mobile, ubiquitous support, compatibility with net generation learning styles, increasing students' motivation, supporting situated learning and increasing engineering students' professional skills. In addition, design-based research method is suggested for developing mobile multimedia learning instructional design for engineering education is proposed and a first version of mobile multimedia instructional design principles by combining and synthesizing existing design principles of mobile and multimedia learning is suggested.
... [3] Mohd. Kamaruddin AH, Mohd. Ariffin AH, Mimi Haryani H., Khairiyah MY (2004). ... Proceedi... more ... [3] Mohd. Kamaruddin AH, Mohd. Ariffin AH, Mimi Haryani H., Khairiyah MY (2004). ... Proceedings of the Conference on Engineering Education, Kuala Lumpur, Dec 14-15, 2004. [5] Syed Ahmad Helmi SH, Khairiyah MY, Mohd. Kamaruddin AH, Mimi Haryani H. (2005). ...
Being a leading technological higher education institute in the country, Universiti Teknologi Mal... more Being a leading technological higher education institute in the country, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) is aggressively encouraging teaching staff to enhance teaching and learning to produce graduates who are relevant in today's highly competitive world. To achieve this goal, grassroots awareness and training campaign, followed by encouragements are rigorously made.

This paper discusses the development of artificial neural network (ANN) models for a crude oil di... more This paper discusses the development of artificial neural network (ANN) models for a crude oil distillation column. Since the models were developed for real time optimisation (RTO) applications, they are steady-state, multivariable models. Training and testing data used to develop the models were generated from a reconciled steady-state model simulated in a process simulator. The radial basis function networks (RBFN), a type of feedforward ANN model, were able to model the crude tower very well, with the root mean square error for the prediction of each variable less than 1%. Grouping related output variables in a network model was found to give better predictions than lumping all the variables in a single model; this also allowed the overall complex, multivariable model to be simplified into smaller models that are more manageable. In addition, the RBFN models were also able to satisfactorily perform range and dimensional extrapolation, which is necessary for models that are used in RTO.
... It is nol surprising, therefore, to see srudies reportingthat students can onlv recall70% ol ... more ... It is nol surprising, therefore, to see srudies reportingthat students can onlv recall70% ol ihe marerial presented during the firs! ten minures and 20% oithe malerial ofthe last ten minules (Feider and Brcnr, 199,1; Fraser, 2002). ...

1wt% of Rhodium (Rh) on Magnesium Oxide (MgO) catalyst have been investigated for carbon dioxide ... more 1wt% of Rhodium (Rh) on Magnesium Oxide (MgO) catalyst have been investigated for carbon dioxide reforming of methane (CORM) with the effect of oxygen. The effect of temperature, O 2 /CH 4 ratio and catalyst weight on the methane conversion, synthesis gas selectivity and H 2 /CO ratio were studied. With the help of experimental design, two mathematical approaches: empirical polynomial and artificial neural network were developed. Empirical polynomial models correlation coefficient, r, was above 85%. However, the feed forward neural network correlation coefficient was more than 95%. The feed forward neural network modeling approach was found to be more efficient than the empirical model approach. The condition for maximum methane conversion was obtained at 850°C with O 2 / CH 4 ratio of 0.14 and 141 mg of catalyst resulting in 95% methane conversion. A maximum of 40% hydrogen selectivity was achieved at 909°C, 0.23 of O 2 /CH 4 ratio and 309 mg catalyst. The maximum H 2 /CO ratio of 1.6 was attained at 758°C, 0.19 of O 2 /CH 4 and 360 mg catalyst.
Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society, Jul 3, 2010
Engineering educators are currently concerned with producing graduates who have mastery of knowle... more Engineering educators are currently concerned with producing graduates who have mastery of knowledge and generic or "soft" skills. A blend of both attributes would equip graduating engineers with critical thinking and problem solving skills, continuous self-learning abilities, and teamwork and communication skills. However, being burdened with heavy course requirements that must be fulfilled within a specified time frame, teachers tend to adopt didactic teaching approaches while students tend to rote learn what ever that has been spoonfed, which tend to produce graduates with qualities far from the desired outcome. The million-dollar question is: how can we produce the desired quality of engineering graduates within the restricted amount of time?

This paper presents the development artificial neural network (ANN) models for three steady state... more This paper presents the development artificial neural network (ANN) models for three steady state chemical engineering systems, which are 1) a crude oil distillation column for use in real time optimisation, 2) physical properties of palm oil components, and 3) pore size determination for membrane characterization. Although studies on ANN applications in chemical engineering in the literature are more concentrated on utilising dynamic models, there has been an increasing trend for diverse application of ANN to model steady state systems. For the crude oil distillation column standard radial basis function (RBF) gave sufficiently accurate predictions. For the physical properties of palm oil components, a multi layer perceptron (MLP) network model was able to give a much better prediction of the density of trilaurin than a thermodynamic correlation that is based on group contribution method. For pore size determination of an asymmetric membrane, stacked network gave slightly better prediction than the more commonly used single MLP network. On the whole, this study shows that there is high potential for various applications of ANN models in chemical engineering.

In this paper, the authors describe efforts in promoting the implementation of problem-based lear... more In this paper, the authors describe efforts in promoting the implementation of problem-based learning (PBL) in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Johor Bahru, Malaysia, which is essentially the groundwork phase of the university-wide PBL project. The move to train a core-group of lecturers to implement PBL was initiated in 2002. The litmus test on the effectiveness and the possible applicability of PBL in engineering courses at UTM was conducted in the 2003/04-1 semester in Process Control and Dynamics, a required subject for fourth year students in the Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Chemical and Natural Resources Engineering. The outcome of the pilot implementation was highly successful, that the department allowed PBL to be implemented in other classes. This also encouraged other faculties to promote PBL implementations. Since then, there have been several implementations in the Faculty of Chemical and Natural Resources Engineering, the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and the Faculty of Civil Engineering.
Page 1. Proceedings of the 2005 Regional Conference on Engineering Education December 12-13, 2005... more Page 1. Proceedings of the 2005 Regional Conference on Engineering Education December 12-13, 2005, Johor, Malaysia 1 Problem-Based Learning Session O5-001 Assessing the effectiveness of Problem Based Learning ...
... The diameter of final primary particles is H ≈ 1.2 1.5 µm (50 70% conversion). Figure 1 S... more ... The diameter of final primary particles is H ≈ 1.2 1.5 µm (50 70% conversion). Figure 1 Scheme of PVC grain formation Page 3. ... Page 4. AMY TAN SIEW WERN, KHAIRIYAH & SHAHRIR 240 2.1 Reaction Kinetic Scheme ...
Papers by Khairiyah Mohd Yusof