This paper puts ‘commitment’ under the microscope, and intends to address the questions concernin... more This paper puts ‘commitment’ under the microscope, and intends to address the questions concerning entrepreneurial behavior, leading to entrepreneurial success; “What is entrepreneurial commitment and how is it developed?” An ‘Entrepreneurial Commitment Metrics’ was constructed and distributed to 600 successful entrepreneurs throughout Malaysia and data was analysed using the Component-Based Structural Equation Modeling (CB-SEM). In doing so, the Partial Least Squares (PLS) methodology was applied. This study holds that entrepreneurial commitment is shaped by the entrepreneur’s affective, normative and continuous components and is the force that binds and directs the entrepreneur to perform entrepreneurially. More paramount is the discovery of seven antecedents of the three components of commitment, and on the distinctiveness behavioral aspects of both commitment and motivation, untying the intellectual complexity and meaning of commitment in the entrepreneurial process. The Entrepreneurial Commitment Model is later presented.

Do normative factors contribute to the shaping of entrepreneurial commitment and entrepreneurial ... more Do normative factors contribute to the shaping of entrepreneurial commitment and entrepreneurial success? Eight successful entrepreneurs were interviewed and an interpretative phenomenological analysis was conducted to explore what entrepreneurial commitment truly means to the entrepreneur and how it is interpreted specifically in the context of normative factors. It is found that all eight successful entrepreneurs stressed on “responsibility”, “righteousness”, and “moral obligations” as the main factors shaping perseverance and a strong determination to succeed. Our exploratory finding forms new grounds in explaining the components of entrepreneurial commitment, particularly in a normative context. We also suggest policy makers and those involved in entrepreneurship development to relook into the existing entrepreneurship curricula and to introduce more subjects on virtues that shape normative commitment in the entrepreneur.

The researcher’s interest in the topic of entrepreneurial commitment was stimulated initially by ... more The researcher’s interest in the topic of entrepreneurial commitment was stimulated initially by theoretical and practical observations: What makes some entrepreneurs so highly committed to entrepreneurship and how might this sense of commitment be instilled in others? This doctoral thesis puts ‘commitment’ under the microscope, and intends to address the questions concerning entrepreneurial behavior, and leading to entrepreneurial success. The main emphasis of this thesis is to explore what entrepreneurial commitment is, how it is developed, and whether it can be profiled across entrepreneurial phases, levels of success, race and gender. To allow for a rigorous examination, a blend of two methodologies was utilized – the Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis in Phase 1, and the Component-Based Structural Equation Modeling (CB-SEM) in Phase 2 of this research. In Phase 1, six successful entrepreneurs were interviewed using the phenomenological approach. In this phase, the first research objective was accomplished; a common conceptualization of commitment in the entrepreneur was established. ‘Commitment’ is seen as the force that binds the entrepreneur to his/her tasks and daily responsibilities, and that this ‘force’ affects goal achievement and performance in some way. This finding led to the construction of the conceptual Model of Entrepreneurial Commitment, which was then empirically tested using the CB-SEM approach in Phase 2. A questionnaire, the Entrepreneurial Commitment Metrics, was developed and distributed to entrepreneurs throughout Malaysia. 402 completed sets were returned and findings led to the accomplishment of the remaining three research objectives. This phase concluded with a comprehensive discussion on how entrepreneurial commitment is developed and how it is profiled across entrepreneurial phases, success levels, race and gender. This research holds that entrepreneurial commitment is shaped by the entrepreneur’s affective, normative and continuous commitments and is the force that binds and directs the entrepreneur to perform entrepreneurially. Passion, values and personality form the entrepreneur’s affective commitment, while internalized norms and the feelings of responsibility and righteousness form the entrepreneur’s normative commitment. Lack of alternatives and the magnitude of investments, form the entrepreneur’s continuous commitment. This thesis furthermore illustrates that commitment and motivation are distinct concepts in the entrepreneurial process. Another pioneering and enticing discovery reveals the magnitude of commitment and performance are at their highest in the growth phase of a business, in ‘above average’ successful entrepreneurs, in Chinese entrepreneurs, and in female entrepreneurs. These valuable findings demystify our understanding of entrepreneurial commitment in a Malaysian setting, and may allow for further efforts to nurture entrepreneurial commitment at a national level. The final chapter concludes with highlighted suggestions on these proposed efforts.

Introduction -Nations around the globe are racing to position themselves as highly socially-respo... more Introduction -Nations around the globe are racing to position themselves as highly socially-responsible administrations in the eyes of their people. The Malaysian government recently launched the Kedai Rakyat 1Malaysia (KR1M) chain of stores, aiming to fulfill the basic needs of its lower income bracket citizens, and more importantly, aspiring to circuitously portray its stand on upholding corporate social responsibility values. Objective -Aimed to investigate customers" overall acceptance of the KR1M business model as an immense CSR initiative by the government. Methodology -350 KR1M customers were surveyed in three KR1M outlets to investigate their overall acceptance towards KRIM, and to see the types of customers" characteristics, levels of awareness, deduction of quality and issues surrounding the marketing mix. Findings -Not only do customers applaud the cheap and good quality products under the KR1M label, the government"s timely move to introduce the KR1M concept ignites a positive attachment of its people and to the brand itself. Conclusion -With encouraging feedback from its people, the Malaysian government illustrates how it is fully committed towards building a platform for CSR and social entrepreneurship. This study allows for longitudinal investigations on the sustainability of the KR1M model, and as a CSR archetype for replication by other nations.
The Asian financial crisis of 1997 resulted in Malaysian commercial banks seeking to strengthen t... more The Asian financial crisis of 1997 resulted in Malaysian commercial banks seeking to strengthen their corporate governance, transparency and disclosure levels. The aim of this research is to review corporate governance in relation to ownership structure of domestic owned banks in terms of government connected ownership and foreign ownership of commercial banks in Malaysia. This research has given a brighter insight into corporate governance and bank performance in selected Malaysian commercial banking institutions. The findings have also provided useful information to investors, bankers and regulators pertaining to the importance of the role of corporate governance practices in the Malaysian banking system and its performance. Different types of bank ownership have had different concerns about implementing corporate governance practices among commercial banks in Malaysia.

Our paper aims to explore and reveal what, exactly, binds the successful entrepreneur to
his/her... more Our paper aims to explore and reveal what, exactly, binds the successful entrepreneur to
his/her desires to persevere and succeed; in other words, “what makes the successful
entrepreneur affectively committed to superior entrepreneurial achievements?” In-depth
interviews of six successful entrepreneurs were conducted. Interpretative Phenomenological
Analysis was applied to reveal the patterns and themes interpreted as affective entrepreneurial
commitment. We find that affective commitment is the main component of commitment
influencing entrepreneurial performance, and that passion in pursuing goals, coupled with
positive inherited and learned values, and the possession of exceptional personality are found to
positively influence the successful entrepreneurs’ aspirations to endure the challenges and
unpredictable failures, showing how important it is to truly understand the mindset of the
successful entrepreneur, specifically on the factors contributing to high levels of commitment.
The finding paves ways for those directly involved in entrepreneurship development to boost
entrepreneurial commitment by channeling the right curricula to prospective entrepreneurs,
especially during their first years in business. Instilling passion, values and the right personality
may perhaps contribute to the curricula ingredients. Those emotionally struggling with failure
would find the curricula as a valuable foundation for guidance and psychological strength. Our
work contributes to the underdeveloped, yet much anticipated knowledge on entrepreneurial
commitment and may benefit future empirical studies aimed at understanding commitment,
particularly in the successful entrepreneur.

The maritime sector is inevitably germane to the bulk of the world trade, and hence stands as a v... more The maritime sector is inevitably germane to the bulk of the world trade, and hence stands as a vital industry, predominantly for an efficiency-driven nation like Malaysia. Hence, efficient maritime management is indeed essential to drive and sustain the fast-paced, and challenging Malaysian maritime environment. Nonetheless, zooming into an education perspective, while progressively experiencing growth, Malaysia is still lagging in terms of quality education associated to maritime management. Our paper aims to identify the issues encircling the maritime management education in Malaysia, and is targeted to all entities concerned with the growth of maritime management education in the region. A case study of the Netherlands Maritime Institute of Technology, a newly established maritime institution in Malaysia is presented, placing the main challenges and issues faced in the first 3 years of operations under the microscope. We find that under the academic lens, one of the most troubling issues encompassing high-quality maritime management education is the lack of experienced and academically qualified teaching staffs, the lack of qualified module advisors and assessors, and insufficient and unsuitable references, all of which depressingly affects holistic teaching and learning. The phenomenological experiences of both the academics and top management in relation to academic difficulties revealed in our case study paves the way for other parties involved with the promotion and upgrade of maritime management education to find the best and efficient solution that would result in the excellence of maritime management education in Malaysia.
Keywords: Maritime education, Maritime management education, Quality in maritime education, Issues in maritime education, Case Study in Maritime Education.

Our paper aims to abridge sound theoretical views and research trends from the literatures on com... more Our paper aims to abridge sound theoretical views and research trends from the literatures on commitment, motivation and entrepreneurship, and to conceptualize a model on Entrepreneurial Commitment. Recent researches of workplace behavior suggest commitment as a division of motivation where both constructs affect performance and are distinct in its own forms. Even so, studies synchronizing these two constructs in the entrepreneurship literature, however, have yet to surface. The separate roles of commitment and motivation in the entrepreneurial process are still ambiguous. In this light, a review on studies relating commitment, motivation and entrepreneurial performance is documented. The paper ends with a hypothetical model conceptualizing the antecedents of entrepreneurial commitment as well as the relationships between entrepreneurial commitment, motivation and entrepreneurial performance. Our work contributes to the underdeveloped, yet much anticipated knowledge on entrepreneurial commitment, benefitting future empirical studies aimed at understanding commitment and its associations with motivation, particularly in the successful entrepreneur.

This paper embarks to contribute as a critical review of the more recent seminal and landmark wor... more This paper embarks to contribute as a critical review of the more recent seminal and landmark works in the fields of entrepreneurship education and gaming. The phenomenon of interest here is to explore on the topical issues related to the learning process in entrepreneurship. Our central aim is to demonstrate that there is still ample room for improvement in the learning process applied in our undergraduate classrooms, primarily on the emphasis of developing entrepreneurial inclination and intention. For instance, can games be of help in our undergraduate classrooms? We take into serious consideration the vast potential games and simulations have in our classrooms and aspire to contribute to the experiential and active learning pedagogy, breaking new grounds and creating momentous impact to the perception of gaming as credible pedagogical features in classrooms. Seeing that graduate entrepreneurship and the development of professional knowledge workers are central current international topics of concern, this paper arrives at the exact time towards reenergizing the pedagogical features of entrepreneurship education.

Pembangunan keusahawanan telah berkembang dari segi kepentingan di Malaysia. Kepentingan keusahaw... more Pembangunan keusahawanan telah berkembang dari segi kepentingan di Malaysia. Kepentingan keusahawanan kepada pertumbuhan ekonomi Malaysia dibuktikan dengan jumlah dan kepelbagaian polisi dan alatan sokongan yang wujud untuk usahawan, termasuk dana, kemudahan fizikal dan perkhidmatan nasihat perniagaan. Penubuhan sebuah kementerian khas untuk usahawan -Kementerian Pembangunan Usahawan -dalam tahun 1995, jelas menunjukkan kepentingan yang kerajaan letakkan pada isu keusahawanan dan pembangunan keusahawanan. Kementerian ini seharusnya bertindak sebagai agensi utama dalam pembangunan keusahawanan di samping menyusun aktiviti keusahawanan secara umum (Ariff dan Abubakar, 2003) Dinamakan semula sebagai Kementerian Keusahawanan dan Pembangunan Koperasi (MECD) pada tahun 1998, ia sekarang merupakan agensi utama dalam pembangunan keusahawanan dan koperasi. Dengan memberi perhatian khusus kepada pembangunan keusahawanan, Malaysia berusaha menyediakan persekitaran yang sesuai yang akan menggalakkan dan membantu pertumbuhan usahawan yang tulen, progresif, bersemangat 2

Abstract. Our paper melds two streams of knowledge, entrepreneurship education
and gaming, via B... more Abstract. Our paper melds two streams of knowledge, entrepreneurship education
and gaming, via Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy of Educational Objectives to develop
a conceptual model for board game development. The conceptual development of
the board game is specifically tailored for teaching the theories and competencies
required for the establishment, survival and growth stages in the entrepreneurial
venture process. We began with a discussion on the critical success factors of a
board game, focusing mainly on why people appreciate certain board games than
the rest. Discussion follows with an overview of Bloom’s and colleagues’ seminal
works on learning theories, leading us to hypothetically propose the use of the
Taxonomy Table as part of effective game development. Lastly, the importance of
identifying the level of objectives of the prospective game is detailed to allow for a
more comprehensive planning across a continuum. We conclude with a
conceptual model of effective board game development and the prospects of board
gaming in our classrooms.
Keywords: Entrepreneurship Education, Board Game Learning, Game-Based
Learning, Entrepreneurial Learning, Educational Objectives, Taxonomy Table

The flourishing worldwide Halal food industry needs an excellent and reliable traceability system... more The flourishing worldwide Halal food industry needs an excellent and reliable traceability system to ensure that consumers are persistently well protected from unconsciously consuming non-halal food which is against the Islamic law or the Shari"ah. There are various types of traceability systems being implemented by different food industries, not only in Malaysia but around the world. However, in perspective to the Malaysian Halal industry, there are countless cases discovered by the authorities and the consumers signifying for a better traceability system to be implemented by industry players, in particular the supply chain stakeholders. This paper aims to explore how knowledge management can be a commanding tool for an effective traceability system in our Halal food industry supply chain. The paper kicks off with an overview of the Halal concept followed by a discussion on traceability systems in the Halal food industry as well as the different traceability systems that have been implemented in other food industries globally. The Knowledge Management concept is then discussed and trailed with how it can be used as a tool in the traceability system. The final part of this paper proposes how the knowledge-based system can contribute as an effective traceability system in the Halal food supply chain.
his/her desires to persevere and succeed; in other words, “what makes the successful
entrepreneur affectively committed to superior entrepreneurial achievements?” In-depth
interviews of six successful entrepreneurs were conducted. Interpretative Phenomenological
Analysis was applied to reveal the patterns and themes interpreted as affective entrepreneurial
commitment. We find that affective commitment is the main component of commitment
influencing entrepreneurial performance, and that passion in pursuing goals, coupled with
positive inherited and learned values, and the possession of exceptional personality are found to
positively influence the successful entrepreneurs’ aspirations to endure the challenges and
unpredictable failures, showing how important it is to truly understand the mindset of the
successful entrepreneur, specifically on the factors contributing to high levels of commitment.
The finding paves ways for those directly involved in entrepreneurship development to boost
entrepreneurial commitment by channeling the right curricula to prospective entrepreneurs,
especially during their first years in business. Instilling passion, values and the right personality
may perhaps contribute to the curricula ingredients. Those emotionally struggling with failure
would find the curricula as a valuable foundation for guidance and psychological strength. Our
work contributes to the underdeveloped, yet much anticipated knowledge on entrepreneurial
commitment and may benefit future empirical studies aimed at understanding commitment,
particularly in the successful entrepreneur.
Keywords: Maritime education, Maritime management education, Quality in maritime education, Issues in maritime education, Case Study in Maritime Education.
and gaming, via Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy of Educational Objectives to develop
a conceptual model for board game development. The conceptual development of
the board game is specifically tailored for teaching the theories and competencies
required for the establishment, survival and growth stages in the entrepreneurial
venture process. We began with a discussion on the critical success factors of a
board game, focusing mainly on why people appreciate certain board games than
the rest. Discussion follows with an overview of Bloom’s and colleagues’ seminal
works on learning theories, leading us to hypothetically propose the use of the
Taxonomy Table as part of effective game development. Lastly, the importance of
identifying the level of objectives of the prospective game is detailed to allow for a
more comprehensive planning across a continuum. We conclude with a
conceptual model of effective board game development and the prospects of board
gaming in our classrooms.
Keywords: Entrepreneurship Education, Board Game Learning, Game-Based
Learning, Entrepreneurial Learning, Educational Objectives, Taxonomy Table
his/her desires to persevere and succeed; in other words, “what makes the successful
entrepreneur affectively committed to superior entrepreneurial achievements?” In-depth
interviews of six successful entrepreneurs were conducted. Interpretative Phenomenological
Analysis was applied to reveal the patterns and themes interpreted as affective entrepreneurial
commitment. We find that affective commitment is the main component of commitment
influencing entrepreneurial performance, and that passion in pursuing goals, coupled with
positive inherited and learned values, and the possession of exceptional personality are found to
positively influence the successful entrepreneurs’ aspirations to endure the challenges and
unpredictable failures, showing how important it is to truly understand the mindset of the
successful entrepreneur, specifically on the factors contributing to high levels of commitment.
The finding paves ways for those directly involved in entrepreneurship development to boost
entrepreneurial commitment by channeling the right curricula to prospective entrepreneurs,
especially during their first years in business. Instilling passion, values and the right personality
may perhaps contribute to the curricula ingredients. Those emotionally struggling with failure
would find the curricula as a valuable foundation for guidance and psychological strength. Our
work contributes to the underdeveloped, yet much anticipated knowledge on entrepreneurial
commitment and may benefit future empirical studies aimed at understanding commitment,
particularly in the successful entrepreneur.
Keywords: Maritime education, Maritime management education, Quality in maritime education, Issues in maritime education, Case Study in Maritime Education.
and gaming, via Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy of Educational Objectives to develop
a conceptual model for board game development. The conceptual development of
the board game is specifically tailored for teaching the theories and competencies
required for the establishment, survival and growth stages in the entrepreneurial
venture process. We began with a discussion on the critical success factors of a
board game, focusing mainly on why people appreciate certain board games than
the rest. Discussion follows with an overview of Bloom’s and colleagues’ seminal
works on learning theories, leading us to hypothetically propose the use of the
Taxonomy Table as part of effective game development. Lastly, the importance of
identifying the level of objectives of the prospective game is detailed to allow for a
more comprehensive planning across a continuum. We conclude with a
conceptual model of effective board game development and the prospects of board
gaming in our classrooms.
Keywords: Entrepreneurship Education, Board Game Learning, Game-Based
Learning, Entrepreneurial Learning, Educational Objectives, Taxonomy Table