iraj rezaei
PHD in Archaeology, historic period, Iran
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Papers by iraj rezaei
رودها نامهاي قديمي و باستاني خود را همچنان حفظ كرده اند. با اينحال در اثر گذشت زمان چنان تغييراتي در ريخت و شكل شمار زیادی از جاينامها حاصل شده كه درك مفهوم و ريشه آنها دشوار است. بسياري از اين
جاينامها ريشه در يك زبان ايراني كهن داشته و امروزه نيز معادل هايي براي آنها يا واژه هاي تشكيل دهندة
آنها در برخي زبانها و گويشهاي ايراني نو يافت مي شود. در اين نوشتار وجه تسميه چهار جاينام قديمي یعنی
ري، گندي شاپور، خراسان و مریوان مورد بحث قرار گرفته است. نگارندگان معتقدند كه به دلايل
زبان-شناختي و جغرافيايي، احتمالا وجه تسميه ري به گونه اي با مفهوم واژه راه در ارتباط است. درباره
وجه تسميه شهر گندي شاپور كه در متون اوايل دوره اسلامي عمدتا به شكل جندي سابور ثبت شده، نيز
دو گزينه پيشنهاد شده است: گزينه نخست اين جاينام را به معني سپاه شاپور يا اردوگاه نظامي شاپور
و گزينه دوم آن را به معني دهكده شاپور مي داند. درباره جاينام خراسان نيز نگارندگان معتقدند كه اين
جاينام يك تركيب مادي، به معني خاستگاه خورشيد يا مشرق بوده است. درباره جاينام مریوان
نگارندگان معتقدند كه مفهوم اين نام احتمالا با يكي از گزينه هاي مهرپيروز، مهرآب يا مرداب در ارتباط است.
In recent years, the world has encountered a new great crisis called “the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria”, ISIS or “Daesh”. Undoubtedly one of the most important and influential factors for Daesh unexpected military successes, are using uncommon terrorism and war crimes. Apart from daily political analyses, The most notable topic for author is the strange similarity between Daesh's brutal Military style and war’s method of the Neo-Assyrian state; an ancient government that ruled over Mosul and its surrounding areas for several centuries from the beginning of the first millennium B.C and according to historical documents none of the ethnic groups in the region had been safe from its assaults and Harassment. In this research, we have tried to adopt various historical and archaeological evidences with events of recently years and restore undisputed Similarity between Daesh Military methods with terrible war style of ancient Assyrians. Some of the ancient Assyrians actions, which are being implemented today by Daesh consist of: Forcible entry, looting and plundering, torture and humiliation, forced migration, captivity and enslavement, sexual violence and rape to women, the genocide and mass murder of ethnic and religious groups, and the extensive destruction of religious and historical monuments. The result of this study shows that the commission of such actions by the Assyrians led to the gradual formation of a revolutionary core among other nations, and ultimately led to overthrow and everlasting collapse them, a similar fate that has been foreseen for the ISIS from the very beginning too.
مرت أكثر من ثمانية عقود على تقديم أدموندز ’Edmonds لقبر قزقاپان المنحوت في الصخر، ولكن لا يزال هناك غموض وأسئلة تتعلق بعدد من المواضيع ذات العلاقة بهذا القبر خصوصا ما يتعلق بالتسلسل الزمني . الى حد هذا اليوم هناك تواريخ مختلفة مقترحة لهذه النصب التذكارية من العصور الميدية والأخمينية والسلوقية والبارثية . ولكن من جميع هذه العصور او الفترات ليس هناك أي منها مقبول من قبل أغلبية العلماء الأثريين ولا يزال الاختلاف في وجهات النظر حولها جاريا لحد الآن . في هذا البحث وبعد مراجعة وتحليل الآراء السابقة، تتم مناقشة وتقييم العوامل الأخرى التي لها تأثير على التسلسل الزمني لهذا النصب . وتبين نتائج هذا البحث أنه بأخذ عدد من العوامل المؤثرة في التسلسل التاريخي لقزقاپان بالاعتبار، فأن التأريخ الأكثر احتمالا لهذا القبر هو القرن الرابع قبل الميلاد المرادف للعصر الأخميني المتأخر والسلوقي المبكر. وأستنتج من ذلك أن قزقاپان له مرجعية ميديه ولكن ليس تسلسل ميدي زمني .
of the mentioned area has been preserved on a native genotype of pomegranate of Uramanat region.
The mentioned pomegranate which is called Karalli, is native to Uramanat and its physical features are different from other genotypes of pomegranate in the same region. This new finding, in addition to Tang-i var inscription, largely confirms the possibility of the adaptation of ancient Karalla/ Karalli with modern Uramanat (Kurdish Hawraman), and so confirms the opinion of those researchers who used to seek for ancient Karalli within Uramanat region.
Uramanat is a special geographical area covered with high and steep mountains and narrow and
deep valleys. It is very rich in water sources, but rarely has plains and flat lands. This natural
feature, which distinguishes Uramanat from its neighboring areas, was a main reason that
foreigners, including the Assyrian warlike kings could not gain permanent and easy access to the
region throughout history. Regarding the available evidence, it seems that some sites in the
mentioned Uramanat region which have occupation layers of Iron age III, have links in some aspects with the material culture of the old inhabitants of the ancient Karalla. Future excavations in Uramanat will undoubtedly promote a good leap in our knowledge about Karalla and forced Assyrian presence in western Iran.
KEYWORDS: Neo-Assyrian period, Karalla, Uramanat, Karali pomegranate, Tangi-var
Karalla was a well-known ancient toponym in the eastern regions of Assyria, located in the west of modern Iran whose name has often been recorded in the Assyrian inscriptions as Karalla, and sometimes in other forms such as Karalli, Karallu, Karallum, Karllaia, and Karallaja (see: ARAB II: 10, 23, 79. 703; Saggs, 1958: 196; Parpola 1970: 200; Zadok, 2002: 96). All the available inscriptions of the New Assyrian period that refer to this toponym belong to the reign of Sargon II (721-705 BC). It is clear in at least in three cases that the Assyrians' campaign to the land of Karalla was due to the revolt of the residents of that region against the Assyrians. So far, significant efforts have been made by various researchers to locate the ancient Karalli based on the Neo-Assyrian inscriptions. For example, F. Josti located the ancient Karalla between Daghestan and Ghilan; E. Wright located it in the upper parts of Sardasht valley (Wright, 1943: 177, map.1);L. Levine located it in the area of Lake Zaribar in Marivan (Levine, 1974: 110), and G Frame located it in the area of Tang-i var inscription in Uramanat (Frame, 2013: 438).
This article aims at opening a new window to the ancient Karalla by introducing a new linguistic clue and adapting it to the archaeological evidence and geographical features of the mentioned region. Our assumption is that the important inscription and relief of Tang-i var which deals with the events of the expedition to Karalla, was erected within the mainland of ancient Karalla. Some of the main questions that this research seeks to answer are:
1. What other evidence, in addition to the relief and inscription of Tang-i var, can be directly related to the ancient Karalla?
2. Based on the available evidence, which of the areas suggested by researchers' is the most applicable to the Karalla?
3. In what ancient sites and geographical areas the archaeological materials related to the ancient Karalla could be found?
The present study, which has been conducted with a historical approach and a descriptive-analytical method based on the library sources and interrogation with Uramanat natives, aims at finding an appropriate answer to the above questions.
In addition to the Tang-i var inscription whose location in Uramanat area reinforces the possibility of the theory of researchers such as Frame to be correct, there is another interesting clue showing that the ancient Karalla can largely be adapted with today's Uramanat geographically. While producing more than ten pomegranate genotypes in Uramanat has put this region at the center of one of the most important areas
producing this fruit in western Iran, the author, quite coincidentally, found that one of the most favorite pomegranate genotypes in the area is called "Karalli". However, the name "Karalli" does not have any known and specific roots in the local Hawrami dialect as well as in the well-known Kurdish and Persian language dictionaries. In addition, the natives of this region have no preconceived notions about the meaning of this name. Therefore, the author believes that there is a logical and sound connection between the ancient roots of the word Karalli and its connection with the land of Karalla mentioned in the inscriptions of the neo-Assyrian period. In Assyrian inscriptions the term KUR (land), and in some cases, the term URU (city) is often used before the name of Karalla / Karalli (see Parpola 1970: 200). The author thinks that the name is composed of two parts: Kar + ali, the first part of which is a common spatial prefix, probably meaning city, or the equivalent of the word "karu" meaning trading station in Akkadian and Assyrian languages. (see CAD K, 231 sv kāru A; Oppenheim 1977: 91). But the second part, āli / ālu probably refers to the "ruler of a city" (CAD: ā, 388 see. Ālu).
There are important reasons that show the ancient Karlli is the same modern Uramanat. Firstly, the important inscription and relief of Tang-i var, which deals with the events of the Assyrian expedition to Karalla, erected in Uramanat area. Secondly, in the Assyrian inscription of Tang-i var, a mountain called
"Anna" is mentioned, the name of which is probably recoverable in the name of today's Zinana mountain, on which the inscription is carved. Third, the Tang-i var inscription states that the people of Karalla inhabited in an area of steep mountains, a description perfectly consistent with the mountainous and
impassable region of Uramanat. Finally, the author's study shows that the ancient name has been preserved to this day on a native pomegranate genotype in Uramanat region, known as Karlli. Therefore, the remnants
of the Iron Age III settlements in the counties of Paveh, Kamyaran, and the southern part of Marivan, and the southern part of Sanandaj Valley, as well as the northern and northwestern parts of Salas Babajani,Javanroud and Ravansar counties, as well as Some parts of Uramanat around the city of Halabja in Iraqi Kurdistan which are located near the ancient Zamua, are most likely in direct contact with the Karalli and
the material culture of the people of that land. This area, which has a special natural geographical boundaries and even in some respects, its own special cultural features, is now known to everyone as Uramanat.
نتیجۀ این دیدار مشخص شد که نقوش برجستۀ آرامگاه مذکور نسبت به تصاویر قدیمی همین اثر که در سال 1934 میلادی
توسط سی.جی. ادموندز منتشر شده، تغییرات و تفاوتهای قابل توجهی را نشان می دهند. اهمیت این موضوع از آن جهت است
که هرنوع اظهار نظر علمی دربارۀ قیزقاپان به ویژه در بحث گاهنگاری این اثر و هویت شناسی نقوش نمادین آن، در درجۀ نخست
مستلزم آگاهی دقیق از چند و چون تغییرات ایجاد شده و اطمینان از اصالت نقوش برجسته و نمادین آن خواهد بود. پس از
تفحص و پرس و جوی بیشتر مشخص شد که اثر مذکور در سالهای اخیر توسط یک مرمتگر بومی کُرد به نام »آکام عمر«
مرمت شده است. این موضوع بهانه ای شد تا به سراغ شخص مذکور رفته و به بررسی چند و چون کار وی و نیز تغییراتی که در
ظاهر آرامگاه ایجاد شده، بپردازم. نوشتار پیش رو به بررسی تفاوت نقوش قیزقاپان در وضعیت مرمت شده کنونی نسبت به آرشیو
تصاویر قدیمی ادموندز و فونگال و نیز شرح اقدامات مرمتی صورت گرفته بر روی این اثر خواهد پرداخت
The city of Sarpol-e Zahab, based on the historical texts and its numerous and famous ancient monuments, has a long history. The existence of the two important rock reliefs, Annubanini, and Iddi(n)-Sîn on a rock at the center of the city, indicates that the place was under the control of the Zagros tribes of Lullubi and Simurrum during the late 3rd and early 2nd millenniums BC. Since then, during the Median, Achaemenid, Parthian, Sassanid, and the Islamic periods, the city has maintained its importance and has repeatedly experienced interval periods of flourish, and decay. This paper discusses the ancient settlements located in Sarpol-e Zahab, some historical features of this region, and the evolution of the toponyms related to it. It can be concluded that from the beginning of the second millennium BC to the Islamic era, the name of the mentioned location has appeared in Akkadian, Greek, Arabic, and Persian texts in various recordings, yet close to one another (Khalmān,Almān, Armān, Halmān, Khalā and Halvān). The author believes that the name of Halwān (and not Hulwān which is often seen in Islamic texts), is a name with Iranian roots, consisting of two components of Hal (mountain) and wan (water), probably mountain river. Today, the name is still used in the form of Alwan in the local Kurdish language to refer to a river that flows through the city of Sarpol-e Zahab. According to Al-Maqdisi (c. 945/946 – 991), the city of Halwan had eight gates at that time: the name of the gates of Baghdad and Khorasan testifies the position of this city on the way of Great Khorasan road. The Bāqāt Gate refers to gardens of this region which according to Islamic historians, some of its fruits, such as pomegranate and fig, were famous. The Mosallā Gate is also dedicated to the Muslim population of the city. But I believe that the name of the gate of Mājakān (Māj + suffix Kān) is rooted in the ancient word of Magu which indicates the existence of followers of a pre-Islamic religion (Zoroastrianism or Mithraism) in the city. Māj is probably Arabization form of the local pronunciation of Māg. The Barqit or Parqalit Gate is probably derived from the Beliefs of those inhabitants of the city who were followers of Manichaeism or Christianity. The two gates of Yahud and Yahudyieh also indicate the significant population of Jews in Halwān at that time. Therefore, the analysis of the texts and some names related to the old city shows that in the past, as well as the present, the city has held a significant ethnic-religious diversity.
شهر سرپل ذهاب، به گواهی متون تاریخی و آثار باستانیِ
مشهور و پرشمارش، پیشینهای دور و دراز دارد. وجود دو نقش برجستۀ مهم آنوبانینی و ایدی(ن)- سین بر صخرهای در مرکز شهر حکایت از آن دارد که این مکان، در اواخر هزارۀ سوم یا اوایـل هـزارۀ دوم پ.م. در اختـیار اقـوام زاگرس نشینِ لولوبی و سیموروم بوده است. پس از آن نیز در دوره های ماد، هخامنشی، اشکانی، ساسانی و اسلامی، مکان یادشده همچنان اهمیت خود را حفظ کرده و بارها دوره های آبادانی و رونق و گاهی هم زوال و خاموشی را پیموده است. این مقاله به بررسی پیشینۀ استقرارهای باستانی واقـع در محـدودۀ شـهر امروزیِ سرپل ذهاب، برخی ویژگـی های تاریـخی این دیار و سیر تحـول جایـنام های مرتـبـط با آن می پردازد. نتیجه آنکه از ابتدای هزارۀ دوم پ.م تا دورۀ اسلامی، نام مکان مورد بحث در متون و منابع گوناگون به زبان های اکدی، یونانی، عربی و فارسی، به صورت های مختلف اما نزدیک به هم، چون «خَلمان»، «اَلمان»، «اَرمان»، «حَلمان»، «خَلا» و «حلوان»، ثبت شده است. به علاوه تجزیه و تحلیل متون و برخی اسامی خاص مرتـبـط با شـهر قدیم نشان می دهد که در گذشته نیز، همچون امروز، شهر مذکور دارای تنوع قومی- مذهبی قابل توجهی بوده است
شناسی و خاستگاه آن اظهارنظر کرده اند. بااینحال هیچگاه مدارك موجود، برای دستیابی به یك نتیجه گیری نهایی و قطعی کافی
نبوده است. برخی از پژوهشگران پیشینۀ نقش پیکرۀ درون ماه را به پیش از دورۀ هخامنشی رسانده و بر این باورند که هنر آشور نو
خاستگاه این نقش بوده است. از طرفی این احتمال نیز وجود دارد که نقش پیکرۀ درون ماه یك نقشمایۀ ابداعی کامالً ایرانی (ماد
یا هخامنشی) باشد. بعلاوه تاکنون گزینه های متنوع و متفاوتی چون اهورامزدا، خدای ماه، میترا، خورنۀ شاهی، شاه مُرده یا زنده
و ... برای هویت نقش پیکرۀ درون ماه پیشنهاد شده است. نوشتار پیش رو ضمن بررسی پیشینۀ نقش پیکرۀ درون ماه و
تجزیه و تحلیل آراء پژوهشگران پیشین دربارۀ هویت آن، به این نتیجه منتهی شده است که در میان گزینه های متعدد پیشنهادی
برای هویت نقش مذکور، دو گزینۀ بسیار محتمل وجود دارد؛ 1 .شاه 2 .خدایی غیر از اهورامزدا. در حالت اول محتملترین گزینه
شاه مُرده یا متوفی و در حالت دوم محتملترین خدای پیشنهادی، میترا خواهد بود.
The Encircled Male Bust is one of the most mysterious symbols of ancient Iran and as yet, many researchers have commented on its identity and origin. However, the evidences have not been enough to achieve a certain, ultimate result. Some researchers relate the Encircled Bust to the pre-Achaemenid period and believe that its origin goes back to Assyrian art. On the other hand, there is the possibility that the Encircled Bust is a purely Iranian innovative motif (Median or Achaemenian). So far, there have been various hypotheses proposing that the Encircled bust could be Ahura-Mazda, the Moon God, Mithra, Xwarneh, or alive or dead king. Reviewing the history of the Encircled Bust and analyzing previous opinions, this research concludes that there are two candidates for the identification of this motif: 1. King, 2. a god other than Ahura-Mazda. In the first case, the most possible option is the dead king and in the second case the most possible case is the god of Mithra.
رودها نامهاي قديمي و باستاني خود را همچنان حفظ كرده اند. با اينحال در اثر گذشت زمان چنان تغييراتي در ريخت و شكل شمار زیادی از جاينامها حاصل شده كه درك مفهوم و ريشه آنها دشوار است. بسياري از اين
جاينامها ريشه در يك زبان ايراني كهن داشته و امروزه نيز معادل هايي براي آنها يا واژه هاي تشكيل دهندة
آنها در برخي زبانها و گويشهاي ايراني نو يافت مي شود. در اين نوشتار وجه تسميه چهار جاينام قديمي یعنی
ري، گندي شاپور، خراسان و مریوان مورد بحث قرار گرفته است. نگارندگان معتقدند كه به دلايل
زبان-شناختي و جغرافيايي، احتمالا وجه تسميه ري به گونه اي با مفهوم واژه راه در ارتباط است. درباره
وجه تسميه شهر گندي شاپور كه در متون اوايل دوره اسلامي عمدتا به شكل جندي سابور ثبت شده، نيز
دو گزينه پيشنهاد شده است: گزينه نخست اين جاينام را به معني سپاه شاپور يا اردوگاه نظامي شاپور
و گزينه دوم آن را به معني دهكده شاپور مي داند. درباره جاينام خراسان نيز نگارندگان معتقدند كه اين
جاينام يك تركيب مادي، به معني خاستگاه خورشيد يا مشرق بوده است. درباره جاينام مریوان
نگارندگان معتقدند كه مفهوم اين نام احتمالا با يكي از گزينه هاي مهرپيروز، مهرآب يا مرداب در ارتباط است.
In recent years, the world has encountered a new great crisis called “the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria”, ISIS or “Daesh”. Undoubtedly one of the most important and influential factors for Daesh unexpected military successes, are using uncommon terrorism and war crimes. Apart from daily political analyses, The most notable topic for author is the strange similarity between Daesh's brutal Military style and war’s method of the Neo-Assyrian state; an ancient government that ruled over Mosul and its surrounding areas for several centuries from the beginning of the first millennium B.C and according to historical documents none of the ethnic groups in the region had been safe from its assaults and Harassment. In this research, we have tried to adopt various historical and archaeological evidences with events of recently years and restore undisputed Similarity between Daesh Military methods with terrible war style of ancient Assyrians. Some of the ancient Assyrians actions, which are being implemented today by Daesh consist of: Forcible entry, looting and plundering, torture and humiliation, forced migration, captivity and enslavement, sexual violence and rape to women, the genocide and mass murder of ethnic and religious groups, and the extensive destruction of religious and historical monuments. The result of this study shows that the commission of such actions by the Assyrians led to the gradual formation of a revolutionary core among other nations, and ultimately led to overthrow and everlasting collapse them, a similar fate that has been foreseen for the ISIS from the very beginning too.
مرت أكثر من ثمانية عقود على تقديم أدموندز ’Edmonds لقبر قزقاپان المنحوت في الصخر، ولكن لا يزال هناك غموض وأسئلة تتعلق بعدد من المواضيع ذات العلاقة بهذا القبر خصوصا ما يتعلق بالتسلسل الزمني . الى حد هذا اليوم هناك تواريخ مختلفة مقترحة لهذه النصب التذكارية من العصور الميدية والأخمينية والسلوقية والبارثية . ولكن من جميع هذه العصور او الفترات ليس هناك أي منها مقبول من قبل أغلبية العلماء الأثريين ولا يزال الاختلاف في وجهات النظر حولها جاريا لحد الآن . في هذا البحث وبعد مراجعة وتحليل الآراء السابقة، تتم مناقشة وتقييم العوامل الأخرى التي لها تأثير على التسلسل الزمني لهذا النصب . وتبين نتائج هذا البحث أنه بأخذ عدد من العوامل المؤثرة في التسلسل التاريخي لقزقاپان بالاعتبار، فأن التأريخ الأكثر احتمالا لهذا القبر هو القرن الرابع قبل الميلاد المرادف للعصر الأخميني المتأخر والسلوقي المبكر. وأستنتج من ذلك أن قزقاپان له مرجعية ميديه ولكن ليس تسلسل ميدي زمني .
of the mentioned area has been preserved on a native genotype of pomegranate of Uramanat region.
The mentioned pomegranate which is called Karalli, is native to Uramanat and its physical features are different from other genotypes of pomegranate in the same region. This new finding, in addition to Tang-i var inscription, largely confirms the possibility of the adaptation of ancient Karalla/ Karalli with modern Uramanat (Kurdish Hawraman), and so confirms the opinion of those researchers who used to seek for ancient Karalli within Uramanat region.
Uramanat is a special geographical area covered with high and steep mountains and narrow and
deep valleys. It is very rich in water sources, but rarely has plains and flat lands. This natural
feature, which distinguishes Uramanat from its neighboring areas, was a main reason that
foreigners, including the Assyrian warlike kings could not gain permanent and easy access to the
region throughout history. Regarding the available evidence, it seems that some sites in the
mentioned Uramanat region which have occupation layers of Iron age III, have links in some aspects with the material culture of the old inhabitants of the ancient Karalla. Future excavations in Uramanat will undoubtedly promote a good leap in our knowledge about Karalla and forced Assyrian presence in western Iran.
KEYWORDS: Neo-Assyrian period, Karalla, Uramanat, Karali pomegranate, Tangi-var
Karalla was a well-known ancient toponym in the eastern regions of Assyria, located in the west of modern Iran whose name has often been recorded in the Assyrian inscriptions as Karalla, and sometimes in other forms such as Karalli, Karallu, Karallum, Karllaia, and Karallaja (see: ARAB II: 10, 23, 79. 703; Saggs, 1958: 196; Parpola 1970: 200; Zadok, 2002: 96). All the available inscriptions of the New Assyrian period that refer to this toponym belong to the reign of Sargon II (721-705 BC). It is clear in at least in three cases that the Assyrians' campaign to the land of Karalla was due to the revolt of the residents of that region against the Assyrians. So far, significant efforts have been made by various researchers to locate the ancient Karalli based on the Neo-Assyrian inscriptions. For example, F. Josti located the ancient Karalla between Daghestan and Ghilan; E. Wright located it in the upper parts of Sardasht valley (Wright, 1943: 177, map.1);L. Levine located it in the area of Lake Zaribar in Marivan (Levine, 1974: 110), and G Frame located it in the area of Tang-i var inscription in Uramanat (Frame, 2013: 438).
This article aims at opening a new window to the ancient Karalla by introducing a new linguistic clue and adapting it to the archaeological evidence and geographical features of the mentioned region. Our assumption is that the important inscription and relief of Tang-i var which deals with the events of the expedition to Karalla, was erected within the mainland of ancient Karalla. Some of the main questions that this research seeks to answer are:
1. What other evidence, in addition to the relief and inscription of Tang-i var, can be directly related to the ancient Karalla?
2. Based on the available evidence, which of the areas suggested by researchers' is the most applicable to the Karalla?
3. In what ancient sites and geographical areas the archaeological materials related to the ancient Karalla could be found?
The present study, which has been conducted with a historical approach and a descriptive-analytical method based on the library sources and interrogation with Uramanat natives, aims at finding an appropriate answer to the above questions.
In addition to the Tang-i var inscription whose location in Uramanat area reinforces the possibility of the theory of researchers such as Frame to be correct, there is another interesting clue showing that the ancient Karalla can largely be adapted with today's Uramanat geographically. While producing more than ten pomegranate genotypes in Uramanat has put this region at the center of one of the most important areas
producing this fruit in western Iran, the author, quite coincidentally, found that one of the most favorite pomegranate genotypes in the area is called "Karalli". However, the name "Karalli" does not have any known and specific roots in the local Hawrami dialect as well as in the well-known Kurdish and Persian language dictionaries. In addition, the natives of this region have no preconceived notions about the meaning of this name. Therefore, the author believes that there is a logical and sound connection between the ancient roots of the word Karalli and its connection with the land of Karalla mentioned in the inscriptions of the neo-Assyrian period. In Assyrian inscriptions the term KUR (land), and in some cases, the term URU (city) is often used before the name of Karalla / Karalli (see Parpola 1970: 200). The author thinks that the name is composed of two parts: Kar + ali, the first part of which is a common spatial prefix, probably meaning city, or the equivalent of the word "karu" meaning trading station in Akkadian and Assyrian languages. (see CAD K, 231 sv kāru A; Oppenheim 1977: 91). But the second part, āli / ālu probably refers to the "ruler of a city" (CAD: ā, 388 see. Ālu).
There are important reasons that show the ancient Karlli is the same modern Uramanat. Firstly, the important inscription and relief of Tang-i var, which deals with the events of the Assyrian expedition to Karalla, erected in Uramanat area. Secondly, in the Assyrian inscription of Tang-i var, a mountain called
"Anna" is mentioned, the name of which is probably recoverable in the name of today's Zinana mountain, on which the inscription is carved. Third, the Tang-i var inscription states that the people of Karalla inhabited in an area of steep mountains, a description perfectly consistent with the mountainous and
impassable region of Uramanat. Finally, the author's study shows that the ancient name has been preserved to this day on a native pomegranate genotype in Uramanat region, known as Karlli. Therefore, the remnants
of the Iron Age III settlements in the counties of Paveh, Kamyaran, and the southern part of Marivan, and the southern part of Sanandaj Valley, as well as the northern and northwestern parts of Salas Babajani,Javanroud and Ravansar counties, as well as Some parts of Uramanat around the city of Halabja in Iraqi Kurdistan which are located near the ancient Zamua, are most likely in direct contact with the Karalli and
the material culture of the people of that land. This area, which has a special natural geographical boundaries and even in some respects, its own special cultural features, is now known to everyone as Uramanat.
نتیجۀ این دیدار مشخص شد که نقوش برجستۀ آرامگاه مذکور نسبت به تصاویر قدیمی همین اثر که در سال 1934 میلادی
توسط سی.جی. ادموندز منتشر شده، تغییرات و تفاوتهای قابل توجهی را نشان می دهند. اهمیت این موضوع از آن جهت است
که هرنوع اظهار نظر علمی دربارۀ قیزقاپان به ویژه در بحث گاهنگاری این اثر و هویت شناسی نقوش نمادین آن، در درجۀ نخست
مستلزم آگاهی دقیق از چند و چون تغییرات ایجاد شده و اطمینان از اصالت نقوش برجسته و نمادین آن خواهد بود. پس از
تفحص و پرس و جوی بیشتر مشخص شد که اثر مذکور در سالهای اخیر توسط یک مرمتگر بومی کُرد به نام »آکام عمر«
مرمت شده است. این موضوع بهانه ای شد تا به سراغ شخص مذکور رفته و به بررسی چند و چون کار وی و نیز تغییراتی که در
ظاهر آرامگاه ایجاد شده، بپردازم. نوشتار پیش رو به بررسی تفاوت نقوش قیزقاپان در وضعیت مرمت شده کنونی نسبت به آرشیو
تصاویر قدیمی ادموندز و فونگال و نیز شرح اقدامات مرمتی صورت گرفته بر روی این اثر خواهد پرداخت
The city of Sarpol-e Zahab, based on the historical texts and its numerous and famous ancient monuments, has a long history. The existence of the two important rock reliefs, Annubanini, and Iddi(n)-Sîn on a rock at the center of the city, indicates that the place was under the control of the Zagros tribes of Lullubi and Simurrum during the late 3rd and early 2nd millenniums BC. Since then, during the Median, Achaemenid, Parthian, Sassanid, and the Islamic periods, the city has maintained its importance and has repeatedly experienced interval periods of flourish, and decay. This paper discusses the ancient settlements located in Sarpol-e Zahab, some historical features of this region, and the evolution of the toponyms related to it. It can be concluded that from the beginning of the second millennium BC to the Islamic era, the name of the mentioned location has appeared in Akkadian, Greek, Arabic, and Persian texts in various recordings, yet close to one another (Khalmān,Almān, Armān, Halmān, Khalā and Halvān). The author believes that the name of Halwān (and not Hulwān which is often seen in Islamic texts), is a name with Iranian roots, consisting of two components of Hal (mountain) and wan (water), probably mountain river. Today, the name is still used in the form of Alwan in the local Kurdish language to refer to a river that flows through the city of Sarpol-e Zahab. According to Al-Maqdisi (c. 945/946 – 991), the city of Halwan had eight gates at that time: the name of the gates of Baghdad and Khorasan testifies the position of this city on the way of Great Khorasan road. The Bāqāt Gate refers to gardens of this region which according to Islamic historians, some of its fruits, such as pomegranate and fig, were famous. The Mosallā Gate is also dedicated to the Muslim population of the city. But I believe that the name of the gate of Mājakān (Māj + suffix Kān) is rooted in the ancient word of Magu which indicates the existence of followers of a pre-Islamic religion (Zoroastrianism or Mithraism) in the city. Māj is probably Arabization form of the local pronunciation of Māg. The Barqit or Parqalit Gate is probably derived from the Beliefs of those inhabitants of the city who were followers of Manichaeism or Christianity. The two gates of Yahud and Yahudyieh also indicate the significant population of Jews in Halwān at that time. Therefore, the analysis of the texts and some names related to the old city shows that in the past, as well as the present, the city has held a significant ethnic-religious diversity.
شهر سرپل ذهاب، به گواهی متون تاریخی و آثار باستانیِ
مشهور و پرشمارش، پیشینهای دور و دراز دارد. وجود دو نقش برجستۀ مهم آنوبانینی و ایدی(ن)- سین بر صخرهای در مرکز شهر حکایت از آن دارد که این مکان، در اواخر هزارۀ سوم یا اوایـل هـزارۀ دوم پ.م. در اختـیار اقـوام زاگرس نشینِ لولوبی و سیموروم بوده است. پس از آن نیز در دوره های ماد، هخامنشی، اشکانی، ساسانی و اسلامی، مکان یادشده همچنان اهمیت خود را حفظ کرده و بارها دوره های آبادانی و رونق و گاهی هم زوال و خاموشی را پیموده است. این مقاله به بررسی پیشینۀ استقرارهای باستانی واقـع در محـدودۀ شـهر امروزیِ سرپل ذهاب، برخی ویژگـی های تاریـخی این دیار و سیر تحـول جایـنام های مرتـبـط با آن می پردازد. نتیجه آنکه از ابتدای هزارۀ دوم پ.م تا دورۀ اسلامی، نام مکان مورد بحث در متون و منابع گوناگون به زبان های اکدی، یونانی، عربی و فارسی، به صورت های مختلف اما نزدیک به هم، چون «خَلمان»، «اَلمان»، «اَرمان»، «حَلمان»، «خَلا» و «حلوان»، ثبت شده است. به علاوه تجزیه و تحلیل متون و برخی اسامی خاص مرتـبـط با شـهر قدیم نشان می دهد که در گذشته نیز، همچون امروز، شهر مذکور دارای تنوع قومی- مذهبی قابل توجهی بوده است
شناسی و خاستگاه آن اظهارنظر کرده اند. بااینحال هیچگاه مدارك موجود، برای دستیابی به یك نتیجه گیری نهایی و قطعی کافی
نبوده است. برخی از پژوهشگران پیشینۀ نقش پیکرۀ درون ماه را به پیش از دورۀ هخامنشی رسانده و بر این باورند که هنر آشور نو
خاستگاه این نقش بوده است. از طرفی این احتمال نیز وجود دارد که نقش پیکرۀ درون ماه یك نقشمایۀ ابداعی کامالً ایرانی (ماد
یا هخامنشی) باشد. بعلاوه تاکنون گزینه های متنوع و متفاوتی چون اهورامزدا، خدای ماه، میترا، خورنۀ شاهی، شاه مُرده یا زنده
و ... برای هویت نقش پیکرۀ درون ماه پیشنهاد شده است. نوشتار پیش رو ضمن بررسی پیشینۀ نقش پیکرۀ درون ماه و
تجزیه و تحلیل آراء پژوهشگران پیشین دربارۀ هویت آن، به این نتیجه منتهی شده است که در میان گزینه های متعدد پیشنهادی
برای هویت نقش مذکور، دو گزینۀ بسیار محتمل وجود دارد؛ 1 .شاه 2 .خدایی غیر از اهورامزدا. در حالت اول محتملترین گزینه
شاه مُرده یا متوفی و در حالت دوم محتملترین خدای پیشنهادی، میترا خواهد بود.
The Encircled Male Bust is one of the most mysterious symbols of ancient Iran and as yet, many researchers have commented on its identity and origin. However, the evidences have not been enough to achieve a certain, ultimate result. Some researchers relate the Encircled Bust to the pre-Achaemenid period and believe that its origin goes back to Assyrian art. On the other hand, there is the possibility that the Encircled Bust is a purely Iranian innovative motif (Median or Achaemenian). So far, there have been various hypotheses proposing that the Encircled bust could be Ahura-Mazda, the Moon God, Mithra, Xwarneh, or alive or dead king. Reviewing the history of the Encircled Bust and analyzing previous opinions, this research concludes that there are two candidates for the identification of this motif: 1. King, 2. a god other than Ahura-Mazda. In the first case, the most possible option is the dead king and in the second case the most possible case is the god of Mithra.