Hossein Karami
I’m an Assistant Professor at the English Department, University of Tehran. My areas of interest include validity and fairness, especially in the context of language testing. My research has been published in various international scholarly journals including Language Testing, International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, Educational Research and Evaluation, RELC Journal, Psychological Test and Assessment Modeling, TESOL Journal, and Asia-Pacific Education Review. My edited book, Fairness Issues in Educational Assessment, has been recently published by Routledge.
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Books by Hossein Karami
Papers by Hossein Karami
strategies, their relationship to task types, and gender differences in the use of CSs. A CS questionnaire was administered to 227 students at elementary, pre-intermediate, and intermediate levels. The results indicated that a) language proficiency does not influence the frequency of the CSs b) the task type has a significant impact on the type of CS employed, c) gender differences in the use of CSs are only significant for
circumlocution, asking for clarification, omission, comprehension check, use of fillers,
and over explicitness."
strategies, their relationship to task types, and gender differences in the use of CSs. A CS questionnaire was administered to 227 students at elementary, pre-intermediate, and intermediate levels. The results indicated that a) language proficiency does not influence the frequency of the CSs b) the task type has a significant impact on the type of CS employed, c) gender differences in the use of CSs are only significant for
circumlocution, asking for clarification, omission, comprehension check, use of fillers,
and over explicitness."