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The Permian rocks in Gaduk Area (east of Firuzkuh, Central Alborz) occur as a mixed siliciclastic-carbonate succession, dominated by siliciclastic facies (Doroud Formation) in the lower and carbonate facies (Ruteh Formation) in the upper... more
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The origin of the Proterozoic Choghart iron oxide deposit in the Bafq mining district of Central Iran has been the subject of a long-standing dispute. Some authors believe that it was formed from magma, while others suggest metasomatic... more
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Zarshuran deposit is the most famous and important As-Au mine in Iran. However, there is no information on the impact of mining activity on the surrounding environment, especially on water systems. This paper attempts to document the... more
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      Civil EngineeringEnvironmental GeologyArsenicTrace Metals
Concentrations of heavy metals (As, Co, Cu, Ni, Mo Pb and Zn) are studied in the soil of Shiraz industrial complex zone, south Shiraz, Iran to assess metal contamination due to industrialization, urbanization and agricultural activity.... more
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      Principal Component AnalysisFactor analysisSoil contaminationHeavy Metal
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      GeochemistryTrace element
The concentrations of potentially toxic elements (As, Sb, and Hg) and some trace elements in 36 topsoil samples and 18 agricultural soil samples were measured at the Aq-Darreh River watershed, NW Iran. Based on the results of the chemical... more
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Zarshuran As-Au deposit is the major ore deposit in northwest of Iran. Having been exposed to weathering, the accumulated mining waste is consumed to deteriorate regional soil and water quality. Accordingly, 11 composite surface soil... more
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      EngineeringEnvironmental Sciences
77 82 ‫تا‬ 77 ‫صفحه‬ ،82 ‫شماره‬ ‫یکم،‬ ‫و‬ ‫بیست‬ ‫سال‬ ،90 ‫زمستان‬ ‫چکيده‬ ‫روستاهاي‬ ‫آشاميدني‬ ‫هاي‬ ‫آب‬ ‫و‬ ‫ها‬ ‫چشمه‬ ‫آب‬ ‫هاي‬ ‫نمونه‬ ‫شيميايي‬ ‫هاي‬ ‫تجزيه‬ ‫و‬ ‫شده‬ ‫گيري‬ ‫اندازه‬ ‫شوري)‬ ‫و‬ ‫دما‬ ،TA ،TH ،TDS ،EC ،Eh... more
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Sediments are generally regarded as the sink for dissolved elements carried out to the sea by rivers. In order to study the source and mechanism of metal transport in sea water, 123 surface sediment samples were taken by using grab... more
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Aq-Darreh mining district is located in the Aq-Darreh river watershed. The water and river-bed sediments of this area are very polluted due to the severe weathering and erosion of waste piles of Aq-Darreh Bala abandoned Sb mine and... more
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The main aims of this paper are to investigate the geochemistry and determination of source of trace elements of As, Mo, V, Ni, Cu, Cr, Co, and S in bituminous shales and limestones of Chahar Mahal Province using multivariate statistics... more
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Analysis of the spatio-temporal patterns and source apportionment of water pollution is important for proper management and protection of water resources. In this paper, different multivariate statistical methods were used to explore the... more
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Thermal springs are widely used by tourists for treatment of dermal diseases and other therapeutic applications. In Iran, thermal springs occur in Northwestern part mainly surrounding the Mount Sabalan which attract hundreds of thousands... more
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      Trace ElementsArsenic Contamination
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1 -‫هقدهِ‬ ‫آق‬ ‫ًالی‬ ‫وب٘ؼبس‬ ‫دس‬ ‫دسٜ‬ 38 ‫ؿٕبَ‬ ‫ویّٛٔششی‬ ‫ا٘شٟبی‬ ‫دس‬ ٚ ‫سىبة‬ ‫ؿٟش‬ ‫غشثی‬ ‫ػٙٛة‬ ‫آرسثبیؼبٖ‬ ‫اػشبٖ‬ ‫ؿشلی‬ ‫اص‬ ‫وب٘ؼبس‬ ‫ایٗ‬ ‫ثٝ‬ ‫دػششػی‬ ‫اػز‬ ‫ؿذٜ‬ ‫ٚالغ‬ ‫غشثی‬ ‫سىبة‬ ‫آػفبِشٝ‬ ‫ػبدٜ‬ ‫ًشیك‬ -‫فین‬... more
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