University of Tehran
Civil Engineering
. In addition, bactericides, Current vegetable production systems use polyethylene (plastic) insecticides, and fungicides required to protect vegetamulch and require multiple applications of agrochemicals. During rain events, runoff from... more
Climate and soil conditions in South Florida along with an extensive canal system facilitate movement of agricultural pesticides into surface waters. In a two-year study (2002)(2003)(2004) of the currently used pesticides in South... more
The interaction of conventional tillage (CT) and no-tillage (NT) crop production practices with rainfall on the movement of three herbicides into shallow groundwater was evaluated over 4 yr.
This study was conducted to evaluate the eect of hairy vetch cover crop residue on runo losses of atrazine and metolachlor under both no-till corn ®eld plots and from a laboratory runo system. A 2-year ®eld study was conducted in which... more
Two long-term no-till corn production studies, representing dierent soil texture, consistently showed higher leaching of atrazine [2-chloro-4-(ethylamino)-6-(isopropylamino)-s-triazine] to groundwater in a silt loam soil than in a sandy... more
By coupling numerical wave model (NWM) and artificial neural networks (ANNs), a new procedure for wave prediction is proposed. In many situations, numerical wave modeling is not justified due to economical consideration. Although... more
The earth-fill dam leakage is studied in this paper by applying the seepage flow and thermal simulation. The mass balance and convection-diffusion equations are discretized based on the finite element method to solve the phenomena in... more
This paper describes a numerical model developed to simulate flow and bed deformation around hydraulic structures. The model uses an improved formula for the bed shear stress by applying vorticity effect and solves the full... more
Mangroves are one of the main important species which have critical function in ecological processes in the coastal habitats. Recent studies have focused on long term effects such as biological and chemical responses and reactions of... more
A three-dimensional cell-centred boundary-fitted finite volume model is developed to solve shallow water equations in open channels. An explicit finite volume method is used to discretize the governing equations in a structured and... more
A hybrid numerical scheme has been presented in this paper for channel flow simulation by coupling one-dimensional and two-dimensional models. Both 1D and 2D differential equations have been discretized by applying the finite volume... more
Application of temperature simulation for seepage inspection in earth-fill dams The earth-fill dam leakage is studied in this paper by applying the seepage flow and thermal simulation. The mass balance and convection-diffusion equations... more
Computational fluid dynamics using the Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS) remains the most cost-effective approach to study wake flows and power losses in wind farms. The underlying assumptions associated with turbulence closures are... more
In this research, a new numerical seepage model is introduced. The computational domain is discretized by an irregular hexahedron element and the equations system is solved using an ADI iterative method. The proposed model is able to... more
ايران در منطقه لرزهخيز واقع شده است و ساخت پل ها در نزديک گسل در اين شرايط اجتناب ناپذير ميباشد، در نتيجه تعدادي از پل هاي ايران در هنگام زلزله تحت اثر ميدان نزديک قرار ميگيرند. زلزله هاي ثبت شده در سالهاي گذشته نشان ميدهد که... more
- by mitra hajian