Papers by Afsaneh Bagheri
European Journal of International Management, 2021
Universiti Putra Malaysia Press eBooks, 2012

Journal of Nursing Scholarship, Oct 12, 2017
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of entrepreneurial leadership on ... more Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of entrepreneurial leadership on nurses' innovation work behavior and its dimensions. Design and Methods: This cross-sectional study employed the 10-item Innovation Work Behavior Questionnaire and the 8-item Entrepreneurial Leadership Questionnaire to explore the impact of entrepreneurial leadership on the innovation work behavior of 273 nurses from public and private hospitals in Iran. Findings: Entrepreneurial leadership had a significant positive impact on nurses' innovation work behavior and most strongly improved idea exploration, followed by idea generation, idea implementation, and idea championing. Conclusions: Entrepreneurial leadership was effective in enhancing nurses' innovation work behavior. More attention needs to be focused on developing entrepreneurial leadership competencies and on developing nurse leaders. Clinical Relevance: Healthcare policies and strategies are needed to facilitate the implementation of entrepreneurial leadership by providing healthcare leaders with the appropriate environment.

South African journal of business management, Dec 31, 2013
Motivation and ability to orient ones' knowledge, thought and behavior to accomplish entrepreneur... more Motivation and ability to orient ones' knowledge, thought and behavior to accomplish entrepreneurial goals and tasks has recently termed as entrepreneurial regulation. Entrepreneurial regulation strongly affects the whole process of new venture creation and specifically entrepreneurial opportunity exploration that is the first step in the entrepreneurship process. However, few researchers examined the construct particularly among potential entrepreneurs such as university students. This study aims to measure self-regulation (promotion focus), entrepreneurial self-efficacy and intention to become an entrepreneur among university students. 722 students from both public and private universities were randomly selected as the participants based on the assumption that entrepreneurship education and training programs and university environment highly influence the development of entrepreneurial regulation, self-efficacy and intention in students. Analysis of the data revealed a significant relationship between students' promotion focus, entrepreneurial self-efficacy and entrepreneurial intentions. Furthermore, students from public universities had significantly higher entrepreneurial regulation and intentions than their counterparts from private universities. We discuss the implications of the findings for entrepreneurship research, theory development and education.

South African Journal of Education, Feb 5, 2014
Entrepreneurial leadership, as a distinctive type of leadership required for dealing with challen... more Entrepreneurial leadership, as a distinctive type of leadership required for dealing with challenges and crises of current organizational settings, has increasingly been applied to improve school performance. However, there is limited research on the impact of school leaders' entrepreneurial leadership practices on school innovativeness. The main purpose of this study is to identify the relationship between principals' entrepreneurial leadership practices and school innovativeness through the teachers' perspectives. The participants included 294 Malaysian secondary school teachers in Selangor, Malaysia. A questionnaire containing 64 items (50 items on school principals' entrepreneurial leadership practices and 14 items on school innovativeness) was utilized. An analysis of the data indicates that teachers perceive entrepreneurial leadership as highly important for school principals. However, the principals practise it moderately. Furthermore, this study found a significant correlation between teachers' perceptions of school principals' entrepreneurial leadership practices and school innovativeness. Implications of the findings for developing school principals' entrepreneurial leadership and school innovativeness are discussed.

The International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic, and Social Sustainability: Annual Review, 2009
A study was conducted to determine the perception of university students towards entrepreneurial ... more A study was conducted to determine the perception of university students towards entrepreneurial intention. Four hundred and thirty nine students participated in the study. They comprised of university teacher preparation students from three leading research universities in Malaysia. The purpose of this study was to measure education students' entrepreneurial intention by using the Theory of Planned Behaviour. Findings indicated that there was a significant difference on entrepreneurial intention of the respondents. Those who are positive in entrepreneurial career aspiration scored higher in means intention compared to those who have no aspiration towards entrepreneurial career. This study suggests that an entrepreneurship course and proper entrepreneurial teaching strategies should be developed to create positive entrepreneurial intention and aspiration among teacher trainees. The implication of the study is to develop future teachers' entrepreneurial values so as to infuse entrepreneurship among secondary school students.
Recent developments in entrepreneurial leadership raised many questions about how to develop entr... more Recent developments in entrepreneurial leadership raised many questions about how to develop entrepreneurial leadership competencies particularly, in university students as prospective entrepreneurial leaders. In particular, there is not enough knowledge on the specific competencies enabling university students to lead entrepreneurial activities, factors motivating them to learn and develop their entrepreneurial leadership competencies, the process of their entrepreneurial leadership competencies, and the roles that university entrepreneurship programs play in developing the students' entrepreneurial leadership competencies. This research attempted to answer these questions through employing qualitative research method. A sample of fourteen undergraduate entrepreneurial leaders defined as students successfully leading the university entrepreneurship clubs and

University entrepreneurship programs play fundamental roles in developing entrepreneurial qualiti... more University entrepreneurship programs play fundamental roles in developing entrepreneurial qualities of students. However, little is known about the contributions of such programs in developing students' entrepreneurial leadership capabilities. A qualitative research was conducted to explore the roles of entrepreneurship programs of University Putra Malaysia in developing students' entrepreneurial leadership. Two student entrepreneurial leaders who are actively involved in entrepreneurial leadership activities through holding the leadership positions of the university entrepreneurship clubs and also participated in the university entrepreneurship development courses were purposefully selected as the participants of this study. The semi-structured interview data analysis indicates that the university entrepreneurship development programs facilitate entrepreneurial leadership development of students in many ways including experiential learning, social interaction learning, and opportunity recognition. Moreover, entrepreneurial leadership development occurs in a process of transforming the knowledge acquired from experience and social interaction to identify the opportunities for personal development and business creation. Implication of the findings and suggestions for improving university entrepreneurship programs are presented in the closing section of this paper.
The Journal Of High Technology Management Research, 2017
Abstract The main purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of entrepreneurial leader... more Abstract The main purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of entrepreneurial leadership on innovation work behavior and opportunity recognition of employees in high-technology (high-tech) small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in Iran. This study involved 310 employees from 39 high-tech SMEs. Using validated questionnaires, the participants were asked to evaluate entrepreneurial leadership practices of their business leaders and their own innovation work behavior and opportunity recognition. The findings suggest a significant impact of entrepreneurial leadership on innovation work behavior and opportunity recognition of employees in the high-tech SMEs.
Emerald Publishing Limited eBooks, Aug 28, 2020
This chapter is one of the first attempts that examines students’ LOs of gamification in EE. This... more This chapter is one of the first attempts that examines students’ LOs of gamification in EE. This chapter contributes to the limited validated knowledge and understanding of the impact of gamification on ELOs of students.

International Journal of Business Innovation and Research, 2019
A highly growing body of research has attempted to explore various aspects of entrepreneurship. Y... more A highly growing body of research has attempted to explore various aspects of entrepreneurship. Yet, there is limited well-organised knowledge on entrepreneurship research interest areas and gaps in the empirical literature specifically in developing countries including Iran. This study aims to categorise the main research interests and identify the specific themes and the gaps in the empirical research on entrepreneurship in Iran using the systematic literature review method. A total of 236 articles on entrepreneurship published in between 1995 to 2012 were identified in 74 national and international academic journals. The findings suggested six main research interest areas of Iranian researches including entrepreneurship education and training, SMEs, organisational and corporate entrepreneurship, entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship process, entrepreneurship development at rural, national and international levels and social entrepreneurship and family business. This paper concludes with a systematic summery of the research interests, gaps in the body of literature and directions for future studies.

Entrepreneurial attitude and entrepreneurial self-efficacy are considered as important factors af... more Entrepreneurial attitude and entrepreneurial self-efficacy are considered as important factors affecting the intention to step into the process of entrepreneurship. However, there is limited information on students' entrepreneurial attitude and entrepreneurial self-efficacy, particularly for technical school students who have acquired the technical knowledge to become entrepreneurs. This study has surveyed entrepreneurial attitude and entrepreneurial self-efficacy among secondary school students in Malaysia. A total of 2,574 students undertaking technical subjects were randomly selected as the participants. A set of questionnaire was employed to measure students' attitudes toward and efficacy in entrepreneurship. Findings of the study indicate that the student scored high on entrepreneurial attitude components including self-esteem cognition, achievement cognition, and achievement affect. However, the students' mean score for entrepreneurial self-efficacy was between moderate to high level. This paper discusses the importance of intervention programmes and proper teaching and learning strategies to improve technical students' entrepreneurial attitude and entrepreneurial self-efficacy.

International Journal of Public Sector Management, Oct 23, 2019
Purpose-Exploring how to enhance innovative work behaviour (IWB) has been the main concern of top... more Purpose-Exploring how to enhance innovative work behaviour (IWB) has been the main concern of top managers and researchers, particularly in knowledge-intensive and public organizations. Yet, studies investigating factors that shape innovative behaviour at work are scarce. Focussing on the healthcare setting, the purpose of this paper is to hypothesize a direct relationship between individuals' perceived creative self-efficacy (CSE), creative collective efficacy (CCE) and IWB. Design/methodology/approach-The research used survey data from 446 clinical managers working in public healthcare organizations in six different Italian regions and a set of previously validated questionnaires to measure the study variables. Findings-Findings suggest that clinical managers' perceptions of their CSE and their perceived CCE significantly influence their self-reported IWB. Research limitations/implications-Findings highlight the importance of constructing and developing clinical managers' efficacy in creativity at both an individual and team level in order to incentivize the emergence of innovation behaviour. Further research is needed to assess the existence of mediating and/or moderating mechanisms underlying the relationships emerging from this study in order to support decision makers in diffusing innovation and creativity in healthcare organizations. Originality/value-The research adds to the debate on improving IWB by introducing perceived individual and team creative efficacy as determinants of IWB in healthcare organizations. The research is among the first attempts to contribute to healthcare organizations' management through exploring clinical managers' characteristics that influence their IWB.

Journal of multidisciplinary healthcare, May 1, 2021
Purpose: Healthcare staff operate at the forefront of the fight against COVID-19 and hence face e... more Purpose: Healthcare staff operate at the forefront of the fight against COVID-19 and hence face enormous physical and mental pressures. We aim to investigate healthcare staff's mental health issues and the associated predictors during the COVID-19 pandemic. Specifically, this paper aims to identify some unique predictors of healthcare staff's mental health issues in Iran, the second country after China to experience a major COVID-19 crisis. Methods: An online survey of 280 healthcare staff in all 31 provinces of Iran assessed staff's mental distress (K6), depression, and anxiety (PHQ-4) during April 5-20, 2020 during the COVID-19 crisis. Results: Nearly a third of healthcare staff surpassed the cutoff for distress, depression, and anxiety symptoms. Females or more educated healthcare staff were more likely to experience distress. Those who were unsure whether they had COVID-19 were more likely to experience distress and depression symptoms. The number of COVID-19 cases among a healthcare worker's colleagues or friends positively predicted the worker's anxiety symptoms. Amongst healthcare staff, doctors were less likely than radiology technologists to experience distress and anxiety symptoms. Technicians and obstetrics staff experienced fewer anxiety symptoms. The age and the weekly working days of healthcare staff interacted such that age is asignificant predictor of mental health issues among younger but not older healthcare staff. Conclusion: The identification of the predictors of mental health issues can guide healthcare organizations to screen healthcare workers who are more likely to be mentally vulnerable in the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
medRxiv (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory), Aug 21, 2020
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Disability & Society, Dec 27, 2016
This qualitative research set out to explore competencies of disabled entrepreneurs by presenting... more This qualitative research set out to explore competencies of disabled entrepreneurs by presenting their lived experiences indeveloping their capabilities to create and manage their own business.It also aimed to identify the dimensions and components of entrepreneurial competenciesof disabled entrepreneurs. The participants were 16 entrepreneurs with physical and mobility disabilities, four educational managers ofdisabled vocational education and rehabilitation centers and four entrepreneurshipacademics. Our findings suggested the disabled entrepreneurs possess specific personal and functional entrepreneurial competencies. Personal competenciesinclude attitudinal competencies, entrepreneurial self-efficacy and entrepreneurship learning selfefficacy.Functional competencies encompass entrepreneurial competencies, commitment and social competencies.
Journal of Small Business Management, May 4, 2020
While previous research has underlined entrepreneurial leadership as an effective style of leader... more While previous research has underlined entrepreneurial leadership as an effective style of leadership that promotes innovative behavior, little is known about the mechanisms by which CEOs' entrepreneurial leadership practices influence the innovative behavior of employees. Drawing on social cognitive theory, this study empirically examines whether creative selfefficacy and passion for inventing explain the process by which the entrepreneurial leadership of CEOs influences employees' innovative behavior in high-technology new ventures. Drawing on data from 310 employees working in 32 Iranian hightechnology new ventures, and their respective CEOs, entrepreneurial leadership is found to foster employees' innovative behavior through the mediating mechanisms of creative selfefficacy and passion for inventing.

Leading entrepreneurial activities is associated with various uncertainties, complexities, and ch... more Leading entrepreneurial activities is associated with various uncertainties, complexities, and challenges. However, there has been little discussion on the literature about the specific competencies that enable entrepreneurial leaders to successfully cope with the difficulties and effectively lead their entrepreneurial venturing. The main purpose of this study was to illuminate the challenges and competencies of student entrepreneurial leaders in leading university entrepreneurship programs. Fourteen undergraduate student entrepreneurial leaders defined as having been successfully leading university entrepreneurship clubs and activities for at least two semesters were purposefully selected as the participants. Analysis of semi-structured interviews revealed three critical challenges of student entrepreneurial leaders including their group members' lack of interest and commitment in entrepreneurial activities, confidence in their entrepreneurial abilities, and differences in their cultural backgrounds. Furthermore, to successfully deal with the challenges, the students were competent in creating a caring interpersonal relationship and teamwork, enabling task delegation, and building confidence of their group members. Implications of the findings for entrepreneurial leadership practice, education, and research and areas for further research are discussed.
Contributions to management science, 2020
The original version of this chapter was published with incorrect authorship. The second author n... more The original version of this chapter was published with incorrect authorship. The second author name was inadvertently omitted. The authorship has been updated with this erratum. Afsaneh Bagheri and Emidia Vagnoni are the authors of this chapter.

Employing effective pedagogy methods has been considered as influential in developing students' a... more Employing effective pedagogy methods has been considered as influential in developing students' attitudes toward entrepreneurship. However, there is limited empirical research on the impact of entrepreneurship pedagogical methods on students' attitudes toward entrepreneurship. The core purpose of this study was to determine the influence of "learning by doing", as one of the most suggested entrepreneurship pedagogy methods, in enhancing different aspects of students' entrepreneurial attitude. A total of 193 students from one university in Malaysia were selected as respondents. The findings indicate that university students who had undertaken entrepreneurship course through "learning by doing" pedagogy scored significantly higher in achievement behaviour, achievement cognition, self-esteem cognition, and innovation cognition compared to their counterparts. However, t-test analysis was conducted to identify differences on entrepreneurial attitude based on students' entrepreneurial aspiration. Findings revealed that students with positive aspiration toward entrepreneurship scored higher mean and significantly different compared to the others for most of the entrepreneurship attitude aspects.
Papers by Afsaneh Bagheri