This is a place where all teens from CM have an outlet of somesort. We, avra5 and iamsamshope, thought that it would be a really great idea if we started this community so teens can talk about their feelings about anything you can possibly think of.
Here you can talk about what bothers you most. You can talk about fanfics, fanart, feelings, problems, and etc. You don't have to hold anything back, even if you think it's going to sound stupid, because this is what the Teens Of CM are for. We are here to listen and to help with things.
Though they are rules and guidelines, that doesn't mean anything. You can post according to the rules and guidelines, but still let out what you are feeling. Since this is a PG-16 community, the ages are from 12-16. All fanfics and fanart can go up to R, which is below NC-17, and we ask that you should put them behind cut and but information like the summary, warnings, and rating infront of a cut.
Also, there are pairing rules, which we strongly ask you to go by, which is the following: Harry/Ginny, Ron/Hermione [since we're from CM ;)] Remus/Sirius, Bill/ Fleur, Fred/? [whomever; has to be female], George/? [whomever; has to be female]. Sorry, but there will be no Harry/Ron, or Draco/Harry. The only slash allowed is Remus/Sirius. Also, no incest or twnincest.