Lecture notes in civil engineering, 2023
Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery, 1991

Since ancient times, Architecture have always been an environment sensitive field in their design... more Since ancient times, Architecture have always been an environment sensitive field in their design approach which makes it deal with various obstacles present in the nature. The study of local climatic characteristics navigates the building design to a great extent which makes Architecture defining its own styles from one place to other. The hand in hand coordination of design with engineering has helped world witnessing the revolution in building cities across the globe. The approach has also changed from battle to cooperative over a period of time that makes it a more cohesive setting. With the advent of mega structures even engineering and technology are also discovering new horizons of their domain by bringing the reality to the creative ideas of Architects. Wind has been the most important aspects that needs attention while making new age structures of mega million projects reaching sky. The paper discusses various ways the wind and Architecture can together accommodate through ...

International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2017
Since ancient times, Architecture have always been an environment sensitive field in their design... more Since ancient times, Architecture have always been an environment sensitive field in their design approach which makes it deal with various obstacles present in the nature. The study of local climatic characteristics navigates the building design to a great extent which makes Architecture defining its own styles from one place to other. The hand in hand coordination of design with engineering has helped world witnessing the revolution in building cities across the globe. The approach has also changed from battle to cooperative over a period of time that makes it a more cohesive setting. With the advent of mega structures even engineering and technology are also discovering new horizons of their domain by bringing the reality to the creative ideas of Architects. Wind has been the most important aspects that needs attention while making new age structures of mega million projects reaching sky. The paper discusses various ways the wind and Architecture can together accommodate through proper design approach.

International Journal of Architecture, Planning and Building Engineering, 2015
Urban Sprawl, a never-ending process has been a major challenge while dealing with the developmen... more Urban Sprawl, a never-ending process has been a major challenge while dealing with the development plans of these megacities. The major thrust of action is how to deal with sprawling urban areas along with dormitory towns simultaneously. The labyrinth structure of these towns together brings the need for another Big Bang Theory for the Urbanists and Planners dealing with finding the solutions. The need of the hour is not only concentrated or confined to a single Master plan but a series of them put together and form a single aim of Regional goal. The planning approach will now be not only uni-directional but multi-faceted
that too with Top-to-Bottom as well as Bottom-to-Top while dealing with agglomerations like Delhi National Capital Region and Mumbai Metropolitan Region etc. The remarkable growth of India’s population in urban areas over the last two decades is alarming or perhaps gives a glimpse of WHAT the Future of Indian towns and cities will be. The emerging new towns developed from the suburbs have been
seen as a new hope for the cities which are already saturated and facing the dearth of every resource possible in their kit. The planning approach for buffet cities is though bold but a pragmatic one to think upon to be ready for the time to come instead of waiting for the bubble to burst in new towns also. The paper aims to analyze the different models executed in order to streamline the urban sprawl in Indian megacities. It also emphasizes the pros and cons of the approaches used and will perhaps try to convey how an urban agglomeration needs a distinctive approach to planning.

International Journal of Architecture, Planning and Building Engineering, 2015
Abstract: The soul and character of the cities is reflected by its identities which creates ‘The ... more Abstract: The soul and character of the cities is reflected by its identities which creates ‘The Image of City’ as famously crafted by Kevin Lynch. The basic ingredients forming the image have all the five elements that together create its identification on larger front. These identities have often been a part of city’s magnets from domestic to international arena. A large number of these ends up having their share of appreciation whereas some though deserves equal praise but lose their identity in the process of aggressive urbanization and fast changing lifestyles of urbanites.
They will always sight that moments of appreciation which they deserve but failed to do so due to lack of elemental relationships with the foreground, the background, the surroundings and the local fabric. These elements may be passive but plays a vital role in enhancing the beauty to be cherished always. Such initiatives of creating the identities- the landmarks, the avenues, the streetscape bring in lot of qualitative essence to the city’s built environment i.e. Urban Design.
Urban Design has always been a major focus in academic fronts but has been majorly a neglected field in the practical arenas far as planning of urban areas is considered. These Urban Design strategies are very rarely prevalent and that too only in metropolitans and emphasized upon the cities like Lutyen’s zone of Delhi NCT (National Capital Territory) whereas a large part of towns and cities doesn’t even seen a glimpse of Urban Design initiatives and offer a disturbing trend of offending the Architecture landscape of urban areas.
The paper has tried to highlight the examples of various such examples of landmarks which deserves their share of appreciation as regional or national identities but failed to do so due to dearth of Urban Design initiatives to enhance the beauty of built environment.

International Journal of Global Science Research, 2015
Economic development has been the major focus of every nation across the
globe. The cycle of thr... more Economic development has been the major focus of every nation across the
globe. The cycle of three major pillars of holistic planning: physical, social and
economic together contribute towards building overall structure for sustainable
growth and development. Similarly the inherent property of resources paves the way
for market force to utilize their potential in order to drive the life in a city. Land has
been one source that gives us the maximum resources varying from food, minerals,
habitat etc. It’s the responsibility of humankind not only to commercially exploit
this resource but also to acknowledge its potential to serve us in all parameters. The
industrialization in cities and suburbs have contributed immensely to exploitation of
this rich resource and leaving behind environmentally contaminated properties.
All these orphan lands are considered as hazardous due to their former use like
industrial or mining whereas most of the time they have enough potential to be reused. The paper aims to analyze the different best practices of Brownfield development across the globe and analyze their applicability in Indian cities so as to
rationalize the use of land resource from degradation to opportunity and guide the
city planning approach to its right path. Keywords: Economic development,
Industrialization, Re-use, Environmental contamination, orphan lands and

International journal of engineering research and technology, 2013
Architecture has its unique relationship with mathematics, incorporating the study of such mathem... more Architecture has its unique relationship with mathematics, incorporating the study of such mathematical concepts as ratio, proportion, scales and symmetry. Put up definitions and explanations of the mathematical concepts of elementary geometry, stating their connection to architecture and ratio and proportion relate to architectural plan with mathematical accuracy in measuring. In this paper showing the connections between geometry and architecture with what appears to be an obvious example from various styles, architectural works which are also derived from basic geometric figures.The aim is to re-search the age old geometrical principles applied in Indian architecture. Deriving ancient principles of interrelationship between ‘Geometry & Architecture’ in three major branches of Indian architecture, particularly, Hindu Architecture and Islamic Architecture. Historically, architecture was part of mathematics, and in many periods of the past, the two disciplines were indistinguishable...

International Journal of Architecture, Planning and Building Engineering, Sep 26, 2015
-Bioclimatic architecture, it means the architecture that has a connection to nature. The word bi... more -Bioclimatic architecture, it means the architecture that has a connection to nature. The word bio climatic deals with climate and living organism. The keystone of energy conservation is architecture. Building, as they are designed and used today, contributes to serious environmental problems because of excessive consumption of energy and other natural resources. More decisively, it can also be considered as a tool to raising people’s awareness of environmental protection or in other words a reaction to mother nature, which always cohabits and appreciates manhood. Presently the resources are not adequate enough to fulfill human needs in future. Sustainability is facing dual crisis due to global warming and depletion of fossil fuels. In today’s world the major consumption of energy is in building sector. Climate had the major impact on the performance of the traditional building architecture and its energy consumption in hot dry area of Kapurthala. Passive cooling, ventilation and heating were few techniques used in the past and more harmonious, with the Mother Nature. Materials used for the historical buildings in the past were energy efficient. The perspective of
this paper is applicability of passive and low energy cooling technologies and also enlighten the processes by which building and entire habitat were designed to respond to nature, with climate as the basic parameter of planning Moorish Mosque. Today’s contemporary world requires such techniques and these can act as a source
of inspiration for sustainable development in futuristic evolution. In this paper, the author has examined various passive cooling techniques and locally available resources used in Moorish Mosque in North Indian climate, buildings and systems analysis, to find out passive and low energy cooling technologies potential.

LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2017
Parking is a passive but an essential component of transportation infrastructure. It has been a n... more Parking is a passive but an essential component of transportation infrastructure. It has been a neglected part of transportation policies in India. The automobile boom in this country over last two decades has been quite unbelievable. The parking problem is increasing day by day and land availability is reducing with rapid urbanization in whole country. This problem has now drawn the attention of city authorities in urban areas but the management is far from satisfactory. The management part is mostly outsourced to different agencies who concentrate more on maximizing their revenue generation through parking rather than proper parking management.
Parking management refers to various policies and programs that result in more efficient use of parking resources. When appropriately applied parking management can significantly reduce the number of parking spaces required in a particular situation. Cost effective parking management programs can usually reduce parking requirements by 20- 40% compared with conventional planning requirements, providing many economic, social and environmental benefits. When all impacts are considered, improved management is often the best solution to parking problems.
The problem of parking is very prominent in all the urban areas but metros are the worst affected by this problem. Delhi is ahead of all these urban areas because of highest number of motorized vehicles and scarcity of land for parking infrastructure. The problem is ever increasing in major commercial areas where parking turnover goes upto 2 times the parking supply. The parking utilization goes above 100% throughout the day. The over utilization of parking infrastructure is due to subsidized fee structure of parking supply. The parking pricing should be fixed in such a manner that the demand and supply should have balance.
Moreover the parking policies framed by city authorities are not able to match the requirement of city’s parking needs. The parking policy that the action plans of all the civic and development agencies aim towards more supply of parking spaces and little on demand control measures.
This study is an attempt to analyze the existing parking problems, criticize parking practices and propose suitable reforms. The basic objectives of this particular study is to identify the different parameters influencing parking demand, to analyze and measure the influence of each parameter on parking demand, to derive demand functions based on the analyses. The final outcome of the study will is to formulate a suitable methodology for planning future parking facilities with special focus on spatial allocation, total parking supply, price framework, and regulatory policies and strategies. Moreover, planning the proposals and parking recommendations for improving the overall parking scenario at micro level of the study areas.
that too with Top-to-Bottom as well as Bottom-to-Top while dealing with agglomerations like Delhi National Capital Region and Mumbai Metropolitan Region etc. The remarkable growth of India’s population in urban areas over the last two decades is alarming or perhaps gives a glimpse of WHAT the Future of Indian towns and cities will be. The emerging new towns developed from the suburbs have been
seen as a new hope for the cities which are already saturated and facing the dearth of every resource possible in their kit. The planning approach for buffet cities is though bold but a pragmatic one to think upon to be ready for the time to come instead of waiting for the bubble to burst in new towns also. The paper aims to analyze the different models executed in order to streamline the urban sprawl in Indian megacities. It also emphasizes the pros and cons of the approaches used and will perhaps try to convey how an urban agglomeration needs a distinctive approach to planning.
They will always sight that moments of appreciation which they deserve but failed to do so due to lack of elemental relationships with the foreground, the background, the surroundings and the local fabric. These elements may be passive but plays a vital role in enhancing the beauty to be cherished always. Such initiatives of creating the identities- the landmarks, the avenues, the streetscape bring in lot of qualitative essence to the city’s built environment i.e. Urban Design.
Urban Design has always been a major focus in academic fronts but has been majorly a neglected field in the practical arenas far as planning of urban areas is considered. These Urban Design strategies are very rarely prevalent and that too only in metropolitans and emphasized upon the cities like Lutyen’s zone of Delhi NCT (National Capital Territory) whereas a large part of towns and cities doesn’t even seen a glimpse of Urban Design initiatives and offer a disturbing trend of offending the Architecture landscape of urban areas.
The paper has tried to highlight the examples of various such examples of landmarks which deserves their share of appreciation as regional or national identities but failed to do so due to dearth of Urban Design initiatives to enhance the beauty of built environment.
globe. The cycle of three major pillars of holistic planning: physical, social and
economic together contribute towards building overall structure for sustainable
growth and development. Similarly the inherent property of resources paves the way
for market force to utilize their potential in order to drive the life in a city. Land has
been one source that gives us the maximum resources varying from food, minerals,
habitat etc. It’s the responsibility of humankind not only to commercially exploit
this resource but also to acknowledge its potential to serve us in all parameters. The
industrialization in cities and suburbs have contributed immensely to exploitation of
this rich resource and leaving behind environmentally contaminated properties.
All these orphan lands are considered as hazardous due to their former use like
industrial or mining whereas most of the time they have enough potential to be reused. The paper aims to analyze the different best practices of Brownfield development across the globe and analyze their applicability in Indian cities so as to
rationalize the use of land resource from degradation to opportunity and guide the
city planning approach to its right path. Keywords: Economic development,
Industrialization, Re-use, Environmental contamination, orphan lands and
this paper is applicability of passive and low energy cooling technologies and also enlighten the processes by which building and entire habitat were designed to respond to nature, with climate as the basic parameter of planning Moorish Mosque. Today’s contemporary world requires such techniques and these can act as a source
of inspiration for sustainable development in futuristic evolution. In this paper, the author has examined various passive cooling techniques and locally available resources used in Moorish Mosque in North Indian climate, buildings and systems analysis, to find out passive and low energy cooling technologies potential.
Parking management refers to various policies and programs that result in more efficient use of parking resources. When appropriately applied parking management can significantly reduce the number of parking spaces required in a particular situation. Cost effective parking management programs can usually reduce parking requirements by 20- 40% compared with conventional planning requirements, providing many economic, social and environmental benefits. When all impacts are considered, improved management is often the best solution to parking problems.
The problem of parking is very prominent in all the urban areas but metros are the worst affected by this problem. Delhi is ahead of all these urban areas because of highest number of motorized vehicles and scarcity of land for parking infrastructure. The problem is ever increasing in major commercial areas where parking turnover goes upto 2 times the parking supply. The parking utilization goes above 100% throughout the day. The over utilization of parking infrastructure is due to subsidized fee structure of parking supply. The parking pricing should be fixed in such a manner that the demand and supply should have balance.
Moreover the parking policies framed by city authorities are not able to match the requirement of city’s parking needs. The parking policy that the action plans of all the civic and development agencies aim towards more supply of parking spaces and little on demand control measures.
This study is an attempt to analyze the existing parking problems, criticize parking practices and propose suitable reforms. The basic objectives of this particular study is to identify the different parameters influencing parking demand, to analyze and measure the influence of each parameter on parking demand, to derive demand functions based on the analyses. The final outcome of the study will is to formulate a suitable methodology for planning future parking facilities with special focus on spatial allocation, total parking supply, price framework, and regulatory policies and strategies. Moreover, planning the proposals and parking recommendations for improving the overall parking scenario at micro level of the study areas.
that too with Top-to-Bottom as well as Bottom-to-Top while dealing with agglomerations like Delhi National Capital Region and Mumbai Metropolitan Region etc. The remarkable growth of India’s population in urban areas over the last two decades is alarming or perhaps gives a glimpse of WHAT the Future of Indian towns and cities will be. The emerging new towns developed from the suburbs have been
seen as a new hope for the cities which are already saturated and facing the dearth of every resource possible in their kit. The planning approach for buffet cities is though bold but a pragmatic one to think upon to be ready for the time to come instead of waiting for the bubble to burst in new towns also. The paper aims to analyze the different models executed in order to streamline the urban sprawl in Indian megacities. It also emphasizes the pros and cons of the approaches used and will perhaps try to convey how an urban agglomeration needs a distinctive approach to planning.
They will always sight that moments of appreciation which they deserve but failed to do so due to lack of elemental relationships with the foreground, the background, the surroundings and the local fabric. These elements may be passive but plays a vital role in enhancing the beauty to be cherished always. Such initiatives of creating the identities- the landmarks, the avenues, the streetscape bring in lot of qualitative essence to the city’s built environment i.e. Urban Design.
Urban Design has always been a major focus in academic fronts but has been majorly a neglected field in the practical arenas far as planning of urban areas is considered. These Urban Design strategies are very rarely prevalent and that too only in metropolitans and emphasized upon the cities like Lutyen’s zone of Delhi NCT (National Capital Territory) whereas a large part of towns and cities doesn’t even seen a glimpse of Urban Design initiatives and offer a disturbing trend of offending the Architecture landscape of urban areas.
The paper has tried to highlight the examples of various such examples of landmarks which deserves their share of appreciation as regional or national identities but failed to do so due to dearth of Urban Design initiatives to enhance the beauty of built environment.
globe. The cycle of three major pillars of holistic planning: physical, social and
economic together contribute towards building overall structure for sustainable
growth and development. Similarly the inherent property of resources paves the way
for market force to utilize their potential in order to drive the life in a city. Land has
been one source that gives us the maximum resources varying from food, minerals,
habitat etc. It’s the responsibility of humankind not only to commercially exploit
this resource but also to acknowledge its potential to serve us in all parameters. The
industrialization in cities and suburbs have contributed immensely to exploitation of
this rich resource and leaving behind environmentally contaminated properties.
All these orphan lands are considered as hazardous due to their former use like
industrial or mining whereas most of the time they have enough potential to be reused. The paper aims to analyze the different best practices of Brownfield development across the globe and analyze their applicability in Indian cities so as to
rationalize the use of land resource from degradation to opportunity and guide the
city planning approach to its right path. Keywords: Economic development,
Industrialization, Re-use, Environmental contamination, orphan lands and
this paper is applicability of passive and low energy cooling technologies and also enlighten the processes by which building and entire habitat were designed to respond to nature, with climate as the basic parameter of planning Moorish Mosque. Today’s contemporary world requires such techniques and these can act as a source
of inspiration for sustainable development in futuristic evolution. In this paper, the author has examined various passive cooling techniques and locally available resources used in Moorish Mosque in North Indian climate, buildings and systems analysis, to find out passive and low energy cooling technologies potential.
Parking management refers to various policies and programs that result in more efficient use of parking resources. When appropriately applied parking management can significantly reduce the number of parking spaces required in a particular situation. Cost effective parking management programs can usually reduce parking requirements by 20- 40% compared with conventional planning requirements, providing many economic, social and environmental benefits. When all impacts are considered, improved management is often the best solution to parking problems.
The problem of parking is very prominent in all the urban areas but metros are the worst affected by this problem. Delhi is ahead of all these urban areas because of highest number of motorized vehicles and scarcity of land for parking infrastructure. The problem is ever increasing in major commercial areas where parking turnover goes upto 2 times the parking supply. The parking utilization goes above 100% throughout the day. The over utilization of parking infrastructure is due to subsidized fee structure of parking supply. The parking pricing should be fixed in such a manner that the demand and supply should have balance.
Moreover the parking policies framed by city authorities are not able to match the requirement of city’s parking needs. The parking policy that the action plans of all the civic and development agencies aim towards more supply of parking spaces and little on demand control measures.
This study is an attempt to analyze the existing parking problems, criticize parking practices and propose suitable reforms. The basic objectives of this particular study is to identify the different parameters influencing parking demand, to analyze and measure the influence of each parameter on parking demand, to derive demand functions based on the analyses. The final outcome of the study will is to formulate a suitable methodology for planning future parking facilities with special focus on spatial allocation, total parking supply, price framework, and regulatory policies and strategies. Moreover, planning the proposals and parking recommendations for improving the overall parking scenario at micro level of the study areas.