[Sep. 14th, 2004|05:28 pm]
Repasted from the answers thread, because this problem deserves a thread of its own.
Adam said...
Fun fact #1: The range, from smallest number to largest number on each of the sections is 27 (26 letters and a space?).
Fun Fact #1.1: The smallest number in each section is the first number.
Fun Fact#1.2: The largest number in each section is no more than 4 or 5 away from the 1st number (in sequence, not in size)
Fun Fact #2: The 2nd and 3rd segments both have 27 elements.
Fun Fact #3: The only time there are two of the same number on top of eachother are when that number is 63 (probably nothing though).
Throw up more as they come. |
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(Deleted comment) (Deleted comment) (Deleted comment)
74 65 58 66 77 74 61 looks bigger to me.
So it might follow from this that perhaps the lowest number in each range is A, and the highest the space, the second highest being Z. Then when you apply letters to all the other numbers, you get something like this for the first section: AR YQ NXXS NW PMFWNGOZWJI.
Order of frequency of single letters: E T O A N I R S H D L C W U M F YG P B V K X Q J Z
eli has made a major breakthrough.
the frequency might not hold true as much for letters like x, y, z on a math contest.
FREQUENCY LIST 52 - 5 53 - 0 54 - 7 55 - 0 56 - 1 57 - 7 58 - 6 59 - 8 60 - 10 61 - 10 62 - 0 63 - 0 64 - 6 65 - 9 66 - 7 67 - 4 68 - 2 69 - 2 70 - 11 71 - 5 72 - 1 73 - 4 74 - 20 75 - 4 76 - 2 77 - 4 78 - 12
Since there are 27 possible numbers to represent letters, we should probably assume that one of the numbers represents a space.
75, 67, and 60 are all used twice in a row.
60 73 78 57 64 61 70 59 74 65 58 66 77 74 61 70 60 74
found in 3 and 4...thats alot of characters in a row that are the same.
enough to make me believe that this isnt just a straight number=letter code...unless 3 and 4 are damn near the same.
67 64 57 74 65 58 66 77 74 61 60
End of 1 and 2
also, while I'm here, does anyone else find it funny that the first number only appears once per section and its the beginning? Especially if its A as we've theorized once or twice. Just seems illogical in some ways
the number 60 appears at the end of 1, 2, 5 and also at the end of the largest pattern in 3 and 4.
took the code and color coded out the patterns...but im far to lazy to to that in lj form. So heres a compilation of every pattern found thus far by myself/the group.
52 69 78 76 68 - 1&3
78 65 - 1&4
67 64 57 74 65 58 66 77 74 61 60 - 1&2
74 65 58 66 77 74 61 - all 5
59 71 74 - 2&5(x2 on 5)
73 78 57 64 61 70 59 74 65 58 88 77 74 61 - 3, 4, 5
60 73 78 57 64 61 70 59 74 65 58 66 77 74 61 70 60 - 3&4
In part 3 there are only 5 elements (in a row at the end) that aren't already seen in a pattern elsewhere. Alot of sections look as though they could be patterns but one off number disrupts their flow. Meaning...I don't know. For the time I feel like crap, so I'm gonna go spend my day off more productively by sleeping/covering the walls in vomit. | |