We got the SHIT kicked out of us. |
[Oct. 31st, 2004|10:15 pm]
We are pleased to announce that Radnor High School of Radnor, Pennsylvania, has won the First Annual American High School Internet Mathematics Competition. The title of "Best High School Math Team in the United States" has been decided for 2004, and the press has been notified. The winning score on the 2004 Exam was 100.6 out of a possible 101. (If you would like a copy of Monday's official press release to forward to your local media, email us and we'll forward it to you.) The 2004 Runner-Up was a team of five students from five different high schools: Manzano High School (Albuquerque, New Mexico), James Madison Memorial High School (Madison, Wisconsin), Thomas Jefferson High School of Science and Technology (Alexandria, Virginia), Academy for the Advancement of Science and Technology (Hackensack, New Jersey), and Gunn High School (Palo Alto, California). This team placed second with a 99.7 test score. Yifei Chen of West Windsor Plainsboro High School (Plainsboro, New Jersey) won our 2004 AHSIMC MVP Award for Outstanding Individual Performance, and the Sund Academy (Fayettesville, North Carolina) won the 2004 AHSIMC Homeschool of the Year award. A few miscellaneous announcements, and then you won't hear from us again until 2005! 1) A few 2004 AHSIMC Solutions Guides are still available. If you would like one, they are $15 ($60 for 5) for the 100-page Guide. Send payment (payable to Bradley Metrock) to AHSIMC; PO Box 120252; Nashville, TN 37212. These have been a hot commodity - thank you for that! - and only a handful are left. First come, first served. 2) Feel free to continue to send us your opinions on this year's AHSIMC. We are making several improvements and will be ready in 2005 to take America's premiere competitive mathematics event to a new level. 3) The 2004 AHSIMC Solutions Guide is THE ONLY PLACE you can find the full listing of 2004 exam results. However, if you have a case of financial hardship and can not afford a Guide, email us and we will let you know your score. 4) If you ordered a Solutions Guide prior to October 29th, or were a 2004 AHSIMC Top Performer (top 5% of participants), then you should have received your Guide or award on Monday, November 1. If you did not, let us know. Game consoles will arrive to the winners no later than three weeks from Monday, November 1. Thank you for a wonderful experience in 2004. See you in 2005. Bradley Metrock The American High School Internet Mathematics Competition |