? ?
08 December 2013 @ 07:52 pm
I've been trying to get tickets to the Colbert Report recently I heard that there are VIP tickets and that they are on ebay sometimes. Does anyone know anymore information about VIP tickets? I think it would be a nice gift to give someone. Thanks!
30 September 2013 @ 06:20 am
I know this may be a long shot, but, I'm turning 50 next Feb. 19, and plan to take a trip to NYC for my birthday, as I've never been. I would love to get a ticket to TCR for that day - Feb. 19. I've tried all the different ways I've read to try to get one, and nothing yet. Can anyone help me?

This place is littered with people thinking they can buy tickets. Tickets are NON-TRANSFERABLE. If you came here looking for tickets, turn around and walk the other way. Monitor the show's ticket pages for last-minute availability.

This community was set up YEARS ago, when the systems were much different. It's no longer relevant. There's a reason why there are NO comments on ANY of the posts. Take a hint.
09 May 2013 @ 10:42 pm
Hey, I'm going to be in NYC from June 4-11 and would love to snag 2-4 tickets. Message me here if you have some or know where to find them, thanks. WILL PAY $$$
07 May 2013 @ 10:22 am
I will be in NY on May 16 and need two TCR tickets. I'm willing to buy them. Email me at gilesgk aaaht gmail dot com.
I will be in NY the week of June 10-15 and would like 2 Colbert tickets. Please let me know if you have 2 and what you want for them?

[email protected]
Hi, I'm looking for tickets to the Daily Show with Jon Stewart for Thursday May 23rd or for Colbert for the same day, please message - willing to purchase!
Thank you!
05 May 2013 @ 07:44 pm
I need two tickets for either the Daily Show or the Colbert Report for Monday, June 10 or Tuesday, June 11. I will be glad to request tickets for a future date to replace them - or purchase, if for sale. [email protected]
04 May 2013 @ 10:01 am
Will be in NY this week May 6-11, would so love to see Stephen C. My husband's last chance... Tickets for sale anyone?
Please let me know if you have 2 tickets available for either show. Thanks!