Papers by Jakhongir Shaturaev

Affected by the COVID-19 and the international development pattern, the international environment... more Affected by the COVID-19 and the international development pattern, the international environment has undergone profound changes, and enterprises, as the main body of activities rushing in the front line of production and operation and the main battlefield of market competition, are facing various risk challenges in the domestic and international markets. For theoretical research, the impact of organizational change on employee innovation performance has become a key issue in organizational behavior and human resource management research. However, the influence mechanism of organizational change on employee innovation performance is still unclear. In this study, we examine whether, how, and when organizational change increases employee innovation performance in accordance with job demands-resource theory, as well as the effect of work pressure and work engagement on employee innovation performance. Data from 289 employees at three time points are examined. The results show that: (1)...

The research article indicates the importance of carrying out measures for the diagnosis and main... more The research article indicates the importance of carrying out measures for the diagnosis and maintenance of good-order standing shunt diodes as part of the solar panel. The study was carried out using the theoretical analytical analysis of information data on shunt diodes and their diagnostics. Defects considered solar panels due to defective shunt diodes. Used computer modeling in the PVSYST program, simulation of failures of shunt diodes on solar YL-250P-29b panels and their diagnostics by methods of short-circuit current analysis at partial shading and open circuit voltage parameter under normal conditions. It has been established that the methods of thermal imaging diagnostics (including using a drone) and visual inspection are not accurate tools. cops searching for faulty shunt diodes. For small solar power plants (as well as for diagnostic sticks of shunt diodes of solar panels from spare parts, tools, and fixtures on large solar power plants), short-circuit current analysis m...
Thunderbird International Business Review

Frontiers in Environmental Science
Current literature conveys that in spite of multiple studies being conducted to explore the influ... more Current literature conveys that in spite of multiple studies being conducted to explore the influences of various macroeconomic factors both geographical and non-geographical on the CO2 emissions in different parts of the world, there is a scarcity of the same analyses from oil-producing countries. In this study, we reveal a new dimension by investigating the dynamic linkage of climate change, economic growth, energy use, and agricultural and rural development to the CO2 emissions of oil-producing countries around the world. In doing so, we apply Pedroni and Kao panel cointegration test, vector error correction model (VECM), pairwise Granger causality test, impulse response function (IRF), and some supportive models such as-generalized method of moments (GMM), and fixed-effect models. Our primary VAR-based models’ evidence that energy use (EUE), foreign direct investment (FDI), and trade to GDP (TPR) rate have both short-run and long-run casual consequences in CO2 emissions, while o...

The paper aims to examine the effect of job satisfaction on the levels of job performance and occ... more The paper aims to examine the effect of job satisfaction on the levels of job performance and occupational commitment among academicians in the universities. A structured questionnaire was used as an instrument for data collection, with academic staff in the Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam University as respondents. The results of regression analysis indicated that job satisfaction has a positive impact on job performance and occupational commitment. Job satisfaction explains the 36.7 percent of job performance, and 48.0 percent of occupational commitment of academic staff. Additionally, occupational commitment has also a positive impact on job performance of academicians and explains 28.7 percent of their job performance. Academic administrators can provide a suitable organizational climate to increase the satisfaction level and thus, occupational commitment and job performance of the academic staff will increase. The results and recommendations in the paper will be of interest to all ac...
Sovremennaya nauka i innovatsii
Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management
Kokand University Herald
Indonesia, home to 273 million people, is the fourth most populous country in the world. It is al... more Indonesia, home to 273 million people, is the fourth most populous country in the world. It is also the largest archipelago on the globe. Its territory spans more than 17,000 islands that stretch for 3,181 miles along the equator between the Pacific and Indian Oceans. About 87 percent of Indonesia’s population is Sunni Muslim, making Indonesia the largest majority Muslim country in the world. Compulsory education in Indonesia faces various major educational issues such as financing, poor academic results, shortage of teachers both in rural and urban areas. These obstacles put Indonesia far from being excellent academically even with a bigger expenditure on education in the state. Throughout the research, the author tried widely draw a picture of the education system of the Republic of Indonesia as it is a part of the dissertation.
International Journal of Advanced Research

International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 2021
The Government of Uzbekistan, experiencing modern reforms in an educational sector as a strategic... more The Government of Uzbekistan, experiencing modern reforms in an educational sector as a strategic part of a development program after the last presidential elections, spends an enormous portion of its resources on public education – significantly more than other countries in Central Asia, elsewhere with a similar income level, however, it is yet to pay off. Meanwhile, far in South-East Asia, Indonesia has made dramatic progress on expanding access to education, directing a huge stream of money towards formal education over the past few decades, but still, the learning outcomes remain low. In addition to key reforms in mandatory schooling in terms of increased quality of investment, utilization of information, communications hold considerable promise in improving educational outcomes. This comparative study on the compulsory education of both counties investigates financing and educational concerns in Indonesia and Uzbekistan. Drawing on our findings indicating the need for long-te...

The education system in Indonesia has two main subsystems , one under the management of the Minis... more The education system in Indonesia has two main subsystems , one under the management of the Ministry of Education and Culture (MoEC), and madrasah education and religious education under the management of the Ministry of Religious Affairs (MoRA). Out of approximately 233,517 state schools and madrasah, about 82% are state schools and the remaining 18% are madrasah; and out of 49,402,000 students from these institutions, 87% are registered in-state schools and other 13% are registered in madrasah. Indonesian laws and regulations require state schools and madrasah to be treated equally. Moreover, madrasah teaches the same national curriculum in addition to Islamic religious subjects regulated by MoRA. The author tried to define the current circumstance of Islamic education in Indonesia, the academic issues that the government faces and sought possible solutions for them through field surveys and data analysis methods used throughout the investigation. The found data show that improper infrastructure of government contribution towards public education including religious education, and limited quota in pedagogical universities lead to a shortage of teachers in rural areas. The government of Indonesia needs further educational reforms in the area of public education, teacher training, and retraining qualified teachers, and school fees challenge the national education system in the country.
Deutsche internationale Zeitschrift für zeitgenössische Wissenschaft ist eine internationale Fach... more Deutsche internationale Zeitschrift für zeitgenössische Wissenschaft ist eine internationale Fachzeitschrift in deutscher, englischer und russischer Sprache. Periodizität: 24 Ausgaben pro Jahr Format-A4 Alle Artikel werden überprüft. Freier Zugang zur elektronischen Version des Journals German International Journal of Modern Science is an international, German/English/Russian/Ukrainian language, peer-reviewed journal. Periodicity: 24 issues per year Format-A4 All articles are reviewed. Free access to the electronic version of journal.

The Government of Uzbekistan, experiencing modern reforms in an educational sector as a strategic... more The Government of Uzbekistan, experiencing modern reforms in an educational sector as a strategic part of a development program after the last presidential elections, spends an enormous portion of its resources on public education-significantly more than other countries in Central Asia, elsewhere with a similar income level, however, satisfactory results yet to be achieved and remains one of the crucial issues of the republic. Meanwhile, far in SouthEast Asia, Indonesia has made dramatic progress on expanding access to education, directing a huge stream of money towards formal education over the past few decades, but still, the learning outcomes remain low. In addition to key reforms in mandatory schooling in terms of increased quality of investment, utilization of information, communications hold considerable promise in improving educational outcomes. This comparative study on the compulsory education of both countries investigates the reasons for the low results in schooling in Indonesia and Uzbekistan. Throughout the survey, we have interviewed school teachers, principals, and authorities, analyzing available sources to find out the problem-causing factors. Drawing on our findings indicating the need for reforming the teaching-learning process, and proper investments in public education to reach promising milestones.
The research considered greening as a tool to combat global environmental problems in modern econ... more The research considered greening as a tool to combat global environmental problems in modern economic systems. Further, the study proposed a scientific approach to the analysis of greening based on the use of a modified method of SWOT analysis. As a result, the main threats to greening processes for the economy and society have been identified. Based on this, the study proposed measures to improve the effectiveness of greening measures by preventing and avoiding destructive manifestations of greening.

This study focused on the comparison on similarities and differences of teaching and learning pro... more This study focused on the comparison on similarities and differences of teaching and learning process in primary schools in Indonesia and in Uzbekistan. Two different developing countries run their own educational policies in primary education. The main purpose of the study was to identify and generally compare similarities and differences between two countries’ Primary Education, analyze and reach a deeper understanding of their teaching and learning processes.Since this study was intended to examine the process of teaching and learning in primary schools of two developing countries of Asia named Indonesia and Uzbekistan, it was hoped that this studywould be useful in improving the education policy, making process in both countries studied, and point out better ways of modifying imported educational planning techniques to make them suitable to the realities in Indonesia and as well as in Uzbekistan. Secondly, this study of the applicability of contemporary education planning and po...
International Journal of Advanced Research, Dec 31, 2019
Papers by Jakhongir Shaturaev