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    • Cryptography
The technique of hiding the data in the interpolation error based on histogram shifting mechanism and pixel difference expansion in the stereo image. The embedding secret data into interpolation error has high payload and low distortion.... more
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In this paper, an integrated recommendation approach using Radial Basis Function Network (RBFN) and Collaborative Filtering (CF) is proposed. Radial basis function network is a neural network approximation method used to improve the... more
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      Information SystemsDistributed ComputingMachine LearningCollaborative Filtering
Recommender system a new marketing strategy plays an important role particularly in an electronic commerce environment. Among the various recommender systems, collaborative recommender system (CRS) is widely used in a number of different... more
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      EngineeringCollaborative FilteringRecommender SystemRadial Basis Function Neural Network
Recommendations are the need of the hour in ecommerce sector. It allows user"s to shop according to their desire. Finding similarity between users to recommend items is the common concept used in most of the collaborative recommendation... more
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    • Recommender System
Cloud computing is based on the concepts of distributed computing, grid computing, utility computing and virtualization. It is a virtual pool of resources which are provided to users via Internet. It gives users virtually unlimited... more
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With the advent of computing and communication technologies, it has become possible for a learner to expand his or her knowledge irrespective of the place and time. Web-based learning promotes active and independent learning. Large scale... more
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    • Distributed Computing
In the current scenario, there is a tremendous necessity for strong cryptographic techniques for securely transmitting and storing data or information. The wide requirement of security in various areas develop the interest in doing... more
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      Computer ScienceTechnology
In this chapter, a new data conceal technique is anticipated for digital images. The method computes the interpolation error of the image by using histogram shifting method and difference expansion. With the expectation of embedding high... more
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Steganalysis is the art of detecting the stego images from the clean image. In the past few years, steganographers are hiding the secret messages in the most significant areas of images such as edges, curves, and some other tricky... more
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Web personalization systems are designed to improve user experiences by offering tailor-made services like web recommendations, adaptive web sites, web-enabled learning platforms, personalized web search etc. based on user interests and... more
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Objectives: Computer security is all about the study of cyber attacks with a view to defend against them. Cryptography is considered to be a class of science by using the special art of transforming information in a protected way such... more
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      Computer ScienceCryptography
Nowadays, Cloud Computing is a compelling paradigm for all enterprises where different services such as the server, storage, and application are delivered through the internet to the organization's computer and devices. It serves... more
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceRecommender System
A statistics reveals that the number of people selling goods over the internet has increased by more than 100percent since 2006. Almost everyone depend on the internet for everything such as reading newspapers, magazines, books and for... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation OverloadRecommender SystemComputer Application
A statistics reveals that the number of people selling goods over the internet has increased by more than 100percent since 2006. Almost everyone depend on the internet for everything such as reading newspapers, magazines, books and for... more
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E-health is rapidly picking up the gear and providing lots of services. It facilitates novel solutions for the problems suffered by the aged people as well as the people affected with chronic diseases. Apart from the above services, it... more
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      Computer ScienceTechnologyComputer SecurityCryptography
In recent years, steganalyzers are intelligently detecting the stego images with high detection rate using high dimensional cover representation. And so the steganographers are working towards this issue to protect the cover element... more
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      Computer ScienceAnomaly Detection
Over the past era, subgraph mining from a large collection of graph database is a crucial problem. Existing works on subgraph mining is based on the threshold value, which returns similar graphs for a query graph. However, the number of... more
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      Computer ScienceHash Function
Steganography deal with hiding information science, which offers an ultimate security in defence, profitable usages, thus sending the imperceptible information, will not be bare or distinguished by others. The aim of this paper is to... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation HidingData Mining and Business Intelligence
Language is a unique phenomenon that distinguishes man from other animals. It is our primary method of communication with each other, yet very little is understood about how language is acquired when we are infants. A greater... more
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      Grammar InductionGrammatical InferenceWord predictionPart of Speech Tagging