Papers by Jeffrey L Kallen
Creating and Digitizing Language Corpora, 2007
The proposal to compile an International Corpus of English (ICE) was first published in a brief n... more The proposal to compile an International Corpus of English (ICE) was first published in a brief note by Greenbaum (1988). In a later discussion of the ICE project, Greenbaum (1996b, p. 3) explained that: its principal aim is to provide the resources for comparative studies of ...
The Celtic languages in contact: papers …, 2007
Conventional wisdom since the earliest studies of Irish English has attributed much of what is di... more Conventional wisdom since the earliest studies of Irish English has attributed much of what is distinctive about this variety to the influence of the Irish language. From the early philologists (

Linguistic Landscape. An international journal
A volume titled The Essential Writings of Bernard Spolsky would fill a great need. The editors, h... more A volume titled The Essential Writings of Bernard Spolsky would fill a great need. The editors, however, would need to be vigilant. Spolsky's essential contributions cover so many fields, and have had such an impact for researchers and practitioners in so many disciplines and parts of the world, that conveying both the diversity and the coherence of his work would be a challenge, albeit an enjoyable one. Spolsky's work in educational linguistics and literacy, language testing, language policy and management, and other aspects of language in society enriched these fields at crucial times in their development. In the breakthrough volume Educational Linguistics, for example, Spolsky (1978) drew together principles in linguistics, language teaching, and society to articulate the urgency of overcoming 'the language barrier to education' (p. 6) which arises in many societies because 'it is the exception rather than the rule that a child comes to school speaking the language or variety that the educational system uses or aims at' (p. 14). Decades later, Spolsky was engaged in fresh debates in this field, exploring the possibility of a 'critical educational linguistics' in the newly-launched Educational Linguistics journal. In a characteristically thoughtful and erudite paper, Spolsky (2022a: 17) maintained his concern with real-world problems, expressing his alarm at current 'pressures for monolingualism'. Among these he included 'the return to the imperial policy in Russia' , 'the anti-bilingual education movement in the USA' , and 'the change of Arabic from official to special in Israel'. As if this work were not enough, Spolsky had early established a further stream of research in Jewish languages. This work included historical and ethnographic approaches, and culminated in Spolsky's The Languages of the Jews (2014). His unique ability to bring history, the sociology of language, and an understanding of community practice together in a single treatment made for a comprehensive and masterful volume. Spolsky further demonstrated his extensive knowledge, collegiality, and discerning judgment as a frequent and enthusiastic reviewer of books across a wide range of subjects.

Journal of Clinical Speech and Language Studies, 2003
With increased population movement throughout the world, and with greater awareness that the main... more With increased population movement throughout the world, and with greater awareness that the maintenance of bilingualism – or more precisely, plurilingualism – in the individual is a realistic goal regardless of any level of linguistic disability that the individual may have, there has been a growth of interest among speech and language therapists in the demands posed by plurilingual client populations. This paper focuses not on the structural aspects of plurilingualism and language disability, but on the insights arising from the paradigm of linguistic human rights. When access to language is viewed as a human right, plurilingualism becomes not just something that might be possible, but something to which the individual is entitled within the legal and social framework of society. From the point of view of speech and language therapy, access to service provision that will facilitate the acquisition, maintenance, or recovery of plurilinguistic skill becomes a question not simply of ...
Dialect Change
Page 69. 2 Internal and external factors in phonological convergence: the case of English/t/lenit... more Page 69. 2 Internal and external factors in phonological convergence: the case of English/t/lenition Jeffrey L. Kallen 1 Introduction: Phonological Variation and Linguistic Theory In trying to understand the dynamics of dialect ...

Varieties of English Around the World, 1997
1. Preface (by Kallen, Jeffrey L.) 2. Abbreviations 3. Maps 4. Irish English: Context and Contact... more 1. Preface (by Kallen, Jeffrey L.) 2. Abbreviations 3. Maps 4. Irish English: Context and Contacts (by Kallen, Jeffrey L.) 5. Bilingualism and Substrate Influence: A Look af Clefts and Reflexives (by Odlin, Terence) 6. The Influence of Irish on Perfect Marking in Hiberno-English: The Case of the "Extended-now" Perfect (by Filppula, Markku) 7. The Emerging Irish Phonological Substratum in Irish English (by O Baoill, Donall P.) 8. The Syntax of Belfast English (by Henry, Alison) 9. Aspects of Prosody in Hiberno-English: The Case of Belfast (by Rahilly, Joan) 10. Confusion of Dentality and Alveolarity in Dialects of Hiberno-English (by O hUrdail, Roibeard) 11. Diphtongization of (o) in Claddagh Hiberno-English: A Network Study (by Collins, Alma) 12. The Lexicon of Hiberno-English (by Van Ryckeghem, Brigitte) 13. Irish English and Contemporary Literary Writing (by Kirk, John M.) 14. The Role of Irish English in the Formation of New World Englishes: The Case from Newfoundland (by Clarke, Sandra) 15. A Tale of Two Georges: The Language of Irish Indian Traders in Colonial North America (by Montgomery, Michael) 16. Index
Semiotic Landscapes: Language, Image, Space, 2010
... The overall picture of linguistic balance in Dublin is still that official signage tends to b... more ... The overall picture of linguistic balance in Dublin is still that official signage tends to be bilingual in Irish and English, and most of the rest of the landscape is dominated by ... The state has a virtual monopoly in using signage to regulate traffic, control litter, label public streets ...
Language, Borders and Identity, 2014
Reterritorializing Linguistic Landscapes, 2020
Linguistic Landscape in the City, 2010

International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 2000
Dialects arise not because of the mere fact of individuell Variation but because two or more grou... more Dialects arise not because of the mere fact of individuell Variation but because two or more groups of individuals have become sufficiently disconnected to drift apart, or independently, instead of together. Sapir (1921: 150) The fact that diversity is not automatically connected with Isolation suggests that it may also be connected with the normal processes of face-to-face communication. Labov (1972: 324) Prologue From 1995 until 1998, the European Science Foundation funded an international research network of sociodialectologists working on aspects of "The Convergence and Divergence of Dialects in a Changing Europe." The Network, which was founded and chaired by Peter Auer (Universities of Hamburg and, subsequently, Freiburg) and Frans Hinskens (Universities of Nijmegen and, subsequently, Leipzig), and in which eleven European countries were officially represented, organized three workshops (in Nijmegen, Gent, and Heidelberg), an open Conference in Reading, and a summer school for Ph.D. students in Malaga. There is also a series of publications relating to the theme of the Network, some of which have appeared already (Auer et al. 1996; Auer 1998b), while others are still in preparation. Further Information about the activities of the Network, the electronic first versions of most of the papers presented at the Workshops, the abstracts for the open Conference, and a number of reports can be traced through the ESF homepage: <
Researching the Languages of Ireland, ed. by Raymond Hickey, Studia Celtica Upsaliensia 8. Uppsala: Uppsala Universitet., 2011
For over 400 years, dramatists, novelists, and other writers seeking to depict Irish characters h... more For over 400 years, dramatists, novelists, and other writers seeking to depict Irish characters have relied in part on words and phrases taken to be indexical of Irishness when representing the conversational functions now associated with the term 'discourse marker'. In keeping with the general trend in the lexical development of Irish English, many of the terms which are commonly cited are etymologically derived from Irish and carry over similar discourse functions. These terms include introductory particles as in
Politeness in Europe, 2005
Page 144. Chapter 9 Politeness in lreland:'ln lreland, lt's Done Without Being Said... more Page 144. Chapter 9 Politeness in lreland:'ln lreland, lt's Done Without Being Said' JEFFREY L. KALLEN lntroduction The speaker of the line quoted in the chapter title, a female undergradu-ate from Cork, is describing the differences ...
Linguistic landscape: Expanding the scenery, 2009
Papers by Jeffrey L Kallen
The question of how much context one should take into account when conducting linguistic landscape analysis is important to consider for the overall understanding of what it is that is going on in a speech community. By including a focus on the context of units within the overall landscape as well as an analysis of individual signs, one can consider how signs react to or answer each other; displaying acts of rebellion or defiance against official or other signs, or equally the harmonious coexistence in the linguistic landscape of languages in conflict. This bird’s eye view of how a language moves between discourses will enhance the overall understanding of the sociolinguistic situation. With this paper, we aim to open the discussion on how units should be framed and contextualised so as to best be representative of the LL.
Linguistic Landscape 7 workshop, Berkeley CA, May 7–9 2015