Trinity College Dublin
Russian and Slavonic Studies
This paper provides a dynamic perspective on the linguistic development of adult bilinguals in an L2 environment, and an empirical test for the principles formulated within a dynamic systems approach to L1 attrition. It presents a... more
- by Conny Opitz
Taking a dynamic, multi-competence view of bilingualism, this thesis is concerned with the outcomes of the parallel processes of first language maintenance and second language acquisition in adult bilinguals placed in a second language... more
- by Conny Opitz
In this volume, researchers in the fields of language in society, sociolinguistics, language politics, diaspora and identity studies explore the contacts between languages and cultures in the post-Soviet world. The book presents a range... more
- by Conny Opitz
This paper reports on a study of adult migrants' L1 and L2 proficiency after extensive residence abroad, focusing on the predictive power of maturational and usage-based accounts respectively. The former perspective assumes... more
- by Conny Opitz
The final two chapters turn to the private lives of Poles, Jews and ethnic Germans abroad. Wiebke Lisner's '"A Birth is Nothing out of the Ordinary Here. . .": Mothers, Midwives and the Private Sphere in the "Reichsgau Wartheland"... more
- by Balázs Apor
This article describes the concepts and approaches to Cultural Opposition used by the COURAGE project (funded by the European Commission within the Horizon 2020 programme). It examines how can the legacy of Cultural Opposition be analyzed... more
The notion of “diaspora collection” and its relationship to the concept of “cultural opposition” in the countries of the former Soviet bloc warrants an explanation. The term does not simply denote collections that were compiled “abroad,”... more
- by Balázs Apor
The Handbook, which is the main publication that grows out of the COURAGE project, presents the initial findings of the research consortium.