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The predictability of a sequence is defined as the asymptotic performance of the best performing predictor in a given class. The value of the predictability of a sequence will in general depend on the choice of this predictor class. The... more
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    • Boolean Satisfiability
We obtain an index of the complexity of a random sequence by allowing the role of the measure in classical probability theory to be played by a function we call the generating mechanism. Typically, this generating mechanism will be a... more
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      Probability TheoryFinite State Automata
We compute the principal contribution to the index in the supersymmetric quantum mechanical systems which are obtained by reduction to 0+1 dimensions of N = 1, D = 4, 6, 10 super-Yang-Mills theories with gauge group SU (N ). The results... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsPure MathematicsBound States
We investigate a 4D analog of 2D WZW theory. The theory turns out to have surprising finiteness properties and an infinite-dimensional current algebra symmetry. Some correlation functions are determined by this symmetry. One way to define... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsTorsionCorrelation function
We show that the N = 0 theories on the self-dual D3-branes of Type 0 string theory are in the class of the previously considered tadpole-free orbifolds of N = 4 theory (although they have SO(6) global symmetry) and hence have vanishing... more
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      String TheoryMathematical SciencesPhysical sciences
Supersymmetric vacua of two dimensional N = 4 gauge theories with matter, softly broken by the twisted masses down to N = 2, are shown to be in one-to-one correspondence with the eigenstates of integrable spin chain Hamiltonians. Examples... more
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      Group RepresentationMathematical SciencesCohomologyGauge theory
We present an explicit construction for the central extension of the group Map(X, G) where X is a compact manifold and G is a Lie group. If X is a complex curve we obtain a simple construction of the extension by the Picard variety... more
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      Algebraic GeometryHigh Energy PhysicsPure MathematicsLie Group
We investigate higher-dimensional analogues of the bc systems of 2D RCFT. When coupled to gauge fields and Beltrami differentials defining integrable holomorphic structures, the bc partition functions can be explicitly evaluated using... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsGauge FieldPartition Function
We discuss topological theories, arising from the general N = 2 twisted gauge theories. We initiate a program of their study in the Gromov-Witten paradigm. We re-examine the low-energy effective abelian theory in the presence of sources... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsGauge theoryCorrelation function
We develop some useful techinques for integrating over Higgs branches in supersymmetric theories with 4 and 8 supercharges. In particular, we define a regularized volume for hyperkahler quotients. We evaluate this volume for certain ALE... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsPure MathematicsLarge classes
Various exact two-dimensional conformal field theories with AdS 2d+1 target space are constructed. These models can be solved using bosonization techniques. Some examples are presented that can be used in building perturbative superstring... more
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      High Energy PhysicsConformal Field Theory
This paper lays groundwork for the detailed study of the non-trivial renormalization group flow connecting supersymmetric fixed points in four dimensions using string theory on AdS spaces. Specifically, we consider D3-branes placed at... more
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      String TheoryHigh Energy PhysicsSupersymmetrySupergravity
Field theory with instantons can be partially regularized by adding degrees of freedom at some scale. These extra degrees of freedom lead to the appearence of the new topological defects. These defects which we call freckles have some... more
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      Field TheoryMathematical SciencesGauge theoryPhysical sciences
1. S. Shenker, The strength of nonperturbative effects in string theory, Rutgers preprint RU-90-47, to appear in Proc. 1990 Cargèse Workshop. ... 2. SR Das and A. Jevicki, String field theory and physical interpretation of D = 1 strings,... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsString TheoryBlack Hole Physics
We present evidence for the factorization of the world-sheet path integrals for 2d conformal field theories on the disk into bulk and boundary contributions. This factorization is then used to reinterpret a shift in closed string... more
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      String TheoryHigh Energy PhysicsMathematical SciencesPhysical sciences
We consider the couplings of RR fields with open string sector for Dp-Dp backgrounds of various p. The proposed approach, based on the approximation of the open string algebra by the algebra of differential operators, provides the unified... more
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      High Energy PhysicsMathematical SciencesPhysical sciencesHigh energy
In this paper, we give two further ways of deriving these formulas and a new interpretation of them. We regard our first approach to the calculation of the anomalies as more elementary and appeal to the popular formulas in the theory of... more
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      Mathematical SciencesPhysical sciencesGauge TransformationYang-Mills Theory
When eight-dimensional instantons, satisfying F∧F=±★8(F∧F), shrink to zero size, we find stringy objects in higher order ten-dimensional Yang–Mills (viewed as a low-energy limit of open string theory). The associated F4 action is a... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsString TheoryGauge Field
In these notes we revisit the tachyon lagrangian in the open string field theory using background independent approach of Witten from 1992. We claim that the tree level lagrangian (up to second order in derivatives and modulo some class... more
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      KineticsHigh Energy PhysicsMathematical SciencesPhysical sciences
In this paper the relation between 2d topological gauge theories and Bethe Ansatz equations is reviewed. 1 In addition we present some new results and clarifications. We hope the relations discussed here are particular examples of more... more
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      High Energy PhysicsTopological field theoryGauge theoryBethe Ansatz