Trinity College Dublin
The predictability of a sequence is defined as the asymptotic performance of the best performing predictor in a given class. The value of the predictability of a sequence will in general depend on the choice of this predictor class. The... more
We obtain an index of the complexity of a random sequence by allowing the role of the measure in classical probability theory to be played by a function we call the generating mechanism. Typically, this generating mechanism will be a... more
Various exact two-dimensional conformal field theories with AdS 2d+1 target space are constructed. These models can be solved using bosonization techniques. Some examples are presented that can be used in building perturbative superstring... more
1. S. Shenker, The strength of nonperturbative effects in string theory, Rutgers preprint RU-90-47, to appear in Proc. 1990 Cargèse Workshop. ... 2. SR Das and A. Jevicki, String field theory and physical interpretation of D = 1 strings,... more
We present evidence for the factorization of the world-sheet path integrals for 2d conformal field theories on the disk into bulk and boundary contributions. This factorization is then used to reinterpret a shift in closed string... more
We consider the couplings of RR fields with open string sector for Dp-Dp backgrounds of various p. The proposed approach, based on the approximation of the open string algebra by the algebra of differential operators, provides the unified... more
In this paper, we give two further ways of deriving these formulas and a new interpretation of them. We regard our first approach to the calculation of the anomalies as more elementary and appeal to the popular formulas in the theory of... more
When eight-dimensional instantons, satisfying F∧F=±★8(F∧F), shrink to zero size, we find stringy objects in higher order ten-dimensional Yang–Mills (viewed as a low-energy limit of open string theory). The associated F4 action is a... more
In these notes we revisit the tachyon lagrangian in the open string field theory using background independent approach of Witten from 1992. We claim that the tree level lagrangian (up to second order in derivatives and modulo some class... more
In this paper the relation between 2d topological gauge theories and Bethe Ansatz equations is reviewed. 1 In addition we present some new results and clarifications. We hope the relations discussed here are particular examples of more... more