T.E. Franklinos, L. Fulkerson (eds.), Constructing Authors and Readers in the Appendices Vergiliana, Tibulliana, and Ovidiana (Oxford, OUP, 2020), 2020
The chapter explores connections between Catalepton 9, an anonymous elegy from the Appendix Vergi... more The chapter explores connections between Catalepton 9, an anonymous elegy from the Appendix Vergiliana, and Valgius Rufus, a poet of the late Republican and early Augustan period, of whose poetic output only a few fragments survive: it is suggested that either Catalepton 9 closely engages with Valgius’ poetry or is possibly a work of his. A date of composition of about 36 BC was tentatively proposed for Catalepton 9 in Kayachev (2016a). In the present chapter, three further lines of argument are developed. First, the Panegyricus Messallae alludes to Catalepton 9 in a context that may imply Valgius’ authorship. Second, a favourable comparison of Messalla with Nestor in Catalepton 9 is related to a Valgius fragment. Third, Catalepton 9 presents itself as a preface poem introducing Latin translations of Messalla’s Greek bucolics. Although none of this amounts to a definitive proof of Valgius’ authorship, the evidence seems to point in that direction.
Papers by Boris Kayachev
upon Bergk’s incerti iactatur momine uenti, proposes to read incerti iactatur flamine uenti
Heyne’s Sunion for sunius and changing uenus to simul.
upon Bergk’s incerti iactatur momine uenti, proposes to read incerti iactatur flamine uenti
Heyne’s Sunion for sunius and changing uenus to simul.
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