Andrew Dineen
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Papers by Andrew Dineen
A mixed methods approach was taken that used video to record two pedagogues at work and later present vignettes back to them for video observation. There were 5 video recording sessions and 5 video observation sessions. The video observation sessions were supported by the facilitator/researcher using Mezirow’s ten phases of transformative learning to guide the sessions.
The results of this research show that VOoSC is a powerful instrument in supporting early year pedagogues develop higher levels of reflective thinking; an exciting prospect going forward in the development of early years’ education in Ireland.
Finally, an alternate proposal for the goals of education will be given; offering what might be seen as a holistic, ecological or cosmic approach for ECEC that would benefit not only human beings but emphasise the importance of respecting all life universally. The crucial proposition offered here is, could this alternate perspective provide all stakeholders with the most universally prosperous starting point for what the goals of, not only ECEC, but, any curriculum or education framework could be?
But now, after decades of research, we have come to see that children are human beings whose lives have been warped by those who have given them their life and substance and by the society of adults around them. (Maria Montessori, 1972, p. 1)
While it might be presumed that the above quote was that of a modern day 21st century researcher dwelling on the current economically driven world we live in, it was in fact made by Maria Montessori almost seventy years ago in her seminal work, The Secret of Childhood. It must be asked, as an international society has the world progressed as much as it would like to think?
Keywords: Relationships, power, seduction, truth, education, teaching, learning, love.
“If you want to build a ship, don't drum up people together to collect wood and don't assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea.”
― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (1984)
A mixed methods approach was taken that used video to record two pedagogues at work and later present vignettes back to them for video observation. There were 5 video recording sessions and 5 video observation sessions. The video observation sessions were supported by the facilitator/researcher using Mezirow’s ten phases of transformative learning to guide the sessions.
The results of this research show that VOoSC is a powerful instrument in supporting early year pedagogues develop higher levels of reflective thinking; an exciting prospect going forward in the development of early years’ education in Ireland.
Finally, an alternate proposal for the goals of education will be given; offering what might be seen as a holistic, ecological or cosmic approach for ECEC that would benefit not only human beings but emphasise the importance of respecting all life universally. The crucial proposition offered here is, could this alternate perspective provide all stakeholders with the most universally prosperous starting point for what the goals of, not only ECEC, but, any curriculum or education framework could be?
But now, after decades of research, we have come to see that children are human beings whose lives have been warped by those who have given them their life and substance and by the society of adults around them. (Maria Montessori, 1972, p. 1)
While it might be presumed that the above quote was that of a modern day 21st century researcher dwelling on the current economically driven world we live in, it was in fact made by Maria Montessori almost seventy years ago in her seminal work, The Secret of Childhood. It must be asked, as an international society has the world progressed as much as it would like to think?
Keywords: Relationships, power, seduction, truth, education, teaching, learning, love.
“If you want to build a ship, don't drum up people together to collect wood and don't assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea.”
― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (1984)