Thesis Chapters by Greg Reed

BBS ThM Thesis, 2020
Recent canonical approaches to reading the Psalter either take the form of a macrostructural leve... more Recent canonical approaches to reading the Psalter either take the form of a macrostructural level in which a thematic center is proposed for the entire book of the Psalms, whether it be reading the psalms from the wisdom frame, a Messianic/eschatological frame, a kingship frame, or a combination. In contrast, lower-level studies have confined their canonical proposals to one book of the Psalter, or a specific sub-grouping (“Psalms of Ascent,” “Psalms of Asaph”). At both levels, a canonical approach broadens the exegetical task from the purpose of merely explaining its genre classification to that of explaining its significance in its arrangement in the final book of the Psalter. This thesis demonstrates how a canonical approach can assist in the exegetical analysis of an individual psalm. Specifically, a study of Ps 118 will incorporate the context of the prior “Egyptian Hallel” psalms, the broader context of Book V, and finally the book context of the entire Psalter, to address interpretive questions related to the identity and purpose of the individual whose testimony of thanksgiving comprises the structural center of this psalm.
Papers by Greg Reed
Paul's use of "telos" in Romans 10:4 has been interpreted quite diversely based on subjective cri... more Paul's use of "telos" in Romans 10:4 has been interpreted quite diversely based on subjective criteria. This paper argues that its meaning needs to take into account the OT quotes and allusions that Paul uses in the near context.
This paper was written for an Aramaic class in my Phd program. I was interested in comparing the ... more This paper was written for an Aramaic class in my Phd program. I was interested in comparing the Targum translation of Psalm 118 with that of Targum Jonathan of Isaiah 28. My research shows a strong Messianic connotation in early Judaism of the MT translation of "cornerstone."
This paper examines a rhetorical analysis of Isaiah 41 and 42. It affirms the single authorship o... more This paper examines a rhetorical analysis of Isaiah 41 and 42. It affirms the single authorship of the historical Isaiah as well as the exegetical significance of the historical context of Judah under King Hezekiah to a proper reading of Isaiah 40 - 48.
This paper examines kingship as the cohesive thematic center of the Psalter.
An evaluation of Brevard Child's canonical approach in his biblical theology.
This paper provides a poetical analysis of the first 18 verses of Psalm 118. It was prepared as a... more This paper provides a poetical analysis of the first 18 verses of Psalm 118. It was prepared as a part of a Hebrew poetry class (Bible Baptist Seminary). The detailed poetic analysis was helpful in preparing my final thesis on the Canonical exegesis of Psalm 118.
This paper was an assignment for a graduate Hebrew reading class (Bible Baptist Seminary) in whic... more This paper was an assignment for a graduate Hebrew reading class (Bible Baptist Seminary) in which we were to provide a Hebrew syntactical and grammatical analysis of an OT passage, similar to the Baker Exegetical Handbook. I chose to analyze Job 1.
Presentations by Greg Reed
This was a copy of my powerpoint presentation prepared for my PHD program. It provides a poetical... more This was a copy of my powerpoint presentation prepared for my PHD program. It provides a poetical analysis of the Hebrew poetry of Psalm 145. There is an embedded link to a Prezi presentation of the structural division of the psalm.
This was a copy of my powerpoint presentation prepared for my PHD program. You can find the full ... more This was a copy of my powerpoint presentation prepared for my PHD program. You can find the full treatment in my Isaiah 41 and 42 paper entitled, The Justice Due Me.
Book Reviews by Greg Reed
This is a book review of Longman's recent book on the wisdom literature in OT: Longman III, Trem... more This is a book review of Longman's recent book on the wisdom literature in OT: Longman III, Tremper. The Fear of the Lord is Wisdom: A Theological Introduction to Wisdom in Israel. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2017
Thesis Chapters by Greg Reed
Papers by Greg Reed
Presentations by Greg Reed
Book Reviews by Greg Reed