Papers by Marjorie Siegel

Quadrante, Dec 30, 1998
No campo da educação há um interesse recente relativamente à inquirição como enquadramento para o... more No campo da educação há um interesse recente relativamente à inquirição como enquadramento para o ensino e a aprendizagem. Um interesse que vai no sentido da viragem teórica em direcção ao construtivismo social tanto na educação matemática como na educação sobre a leitura. A partir do trabalho de Pierce (1877/1982) e Dewey (1933), que definiram inquirição como o processo de resolver dúvidas e fixar crenças no seio de uma uma comunidade, alguns educadores começaram a considerar formas de proporcionar aos alunos esta poderosa, se bem que mais experimental, visão do conhecimento. Esta perspectiva sobre a inquirição é especialmente significativa para a educação matemática dado o predomínio do "currículo baseado em técnicas" (Bishop, 1988) que representa a matemática como um conjunto de factos e procedimentos. Este currículo tende a reforçar mitos acerca do que significa saber e aprender matemática, mitos estes que são bastante comuns mas no entanto são disfuncionais para os alunos (Borasi, 1990, 1992; Schoenfeld, 1992). Envolver os alunos em inquirições matemáticas, isto é, convidá-los a experenciar e apreciar em primeira mão a ambiguidade, a não linearidade e a "descoberta consciente" (Lakatos, citado por Lampert, 1990) associadas ao modo de pensar matematicamente, característico dos matemáticos profissionais, é uma forma de desmistificar, nos alunos, a aprendizagem da matemática (Borasi e Siegel, 1994b). Nas salas de aula em que o conhecimento é encarado como uma construção social, a linguagem assume uma nova importância, uma vez que fornece as fontes simbó
Multimodal Literacies in Young Emergent Bilinguals
Language Arts, 2009
Abstract: In this article, the authors explore a young child's lived experience of discipline... more Abstract: In this article, the authors explore a young child's lived experience of discipline and play with/in a mandated balanced literacy curriculum. Mandating balanced literacy presents an interesting case of disciplining literacy because it is rooted in the progressive tradition ...
Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 2012
Language Arts, 2006
Despite the claim that multimodality is new on the literacy scene, children have always engaged i... more Despite the claim that multimodality is new on the literacy scene, children have always engaged in what are now called multimodal literacy practices.
International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 1989
... It is common, for example, for researchers to speak of "the ethnographic method" as... more ... It is common, for example, for researchers to speak of "the ethnographic method" as if there were no alternatives within anthropology, no history, no continuing epistemological questions. In taking ethnographic practices for granted ...

O propósito deste artigo é identificar funções especificas que a leitura, em combinação com a esc... more O propósito deste artigo é identificar funções especificas que a leitura, em combinação com a escrita e a expressão oral, pode cumprir na inquirição matemática e deste modo contribuir para uma melhor compreensão do modo como as experiências de inquirição podem ser planeadas e apoiadas nas aulas de matemática. Este propósito é atingido através de uma análise de 3 experiências de sala de aula em que alunos do ensino secundário se envolvem em "ciclos de inquirição" sobre tópicos bastante diferentes. Estas experiências de ensino foram desenvolvidas por uma equipa formada por professores, investigadores em educação matemática e um investigador da área da leitura no contexto da investigação-acção e da investigação sobre os professores. A análise dos dados permitiu identificar 30 funções da leitura que são características de diferentes elementos do ciclo de inquirição. Com base nestas descobertas sugerimos que a leitura pode cumprir diferentes papéis nas aulas de matemática basea...
This artful volume extends beyond the traditional concern for reading word problems and math text... more This artful volume extends beyond the traditional concern for reading word problems and math textbooks to consider how reading can support inquiry-oriented mathematics instruction. Three perspectives on reading are presented, each of which highlights a different way that reading can enhance mathematics learning. Detailed narratives of classroom experiences illustrate these perspectives and show the range of strategies teachers can use to enrich students' understanding of mathematical concepts.
Focus on learning problems in mathematics, 1992

A transactional investigation of reading considers comprehension to be more than the duplication ... more A transactional investigation of reading considers comprehension to be more than the duplication of the author's message. Rather, it entails the readers' interpretation of the textual representation that he or she has constructed. Thus, researchers must ask how the reader duplicated the author's creative role. The goal, in other words, is to investigate the processes that give rise to the reader's interpretation. This can be done through an ethnographic mode of inquiry. Ethnographies permit the researcher to study all that the reader brings to reading such as attitudes, interests, and instructional history, as well as the definition the reader ascribes to the event as a whole. Ethnographies also allow fcr open-ended attitudes-hypotheses that are not formulated a priori, but instead are generated and revised in the course of field work. Furthermore, ethnography, like reading, is itself a transactional process. Not unlike reading, beliefs and actions are pulled from the stream of experience so that they may be evaluated and developed. Thus, ethnographies permit a mode of inquiry that is commensurate with a transactional definition of reading comprehension. (HOD)
Language arts, 2008
Jewel desh, ily who is Jewel a emigrated child moves in motion. to across the U.S. A languages me... more Jewel desh, ily who is Jewel a emigrated child moves in motion. to across the U.S. A languages member from Bangla(Bengali, of a famJewel ily who emigrated to the U.S. fro Bangladesh, Jewel moves across languages (Bengali, English), identities (e.g., Bengali girlhood, kindergartener), and, when her family is able to make the trip to Bangladesh for a summer or longer, national borders. In school, we can see the movement in her literacies as she writes, draws, and designs texts on pages and screens during the daily writer's workshop in her classroom, and in the weekly digital writer's workshop held in the school's computer lab. Across these social spaces, Jewel shifts her body, her texts, and her identities in ways that offer a glimpse of the fluid meanings literacy has for this child of globalization.
Reading Research Quarterly

Reading to learn mathematics forges a new synthesis of the traditional basics of reading and math... more Reading to learn mathematics forges a new synthesis of the traditional basics of reading and mathematics which aims at fostering critical thinking and may provide an instructional context within which students and teachers can work out meaningful conceptions of mathematics. Benefits of this synthesis of reading and mathematics include: (1) contributing to better learning and understanding of mathematical content; (2) developing new learning strategies useful in new learning situations; and (3) developing a deetx._ understanding of mathematics as a discipline. Reading to learn mathematics may be able to play a role in bringing about much needed reform of the mathematics curriculum and to a reconceptualization of the role of the traditional "basics" in educating students as critical thinkeLs. A review of the research on the reading process shows how the concept of reading as a transaction contributes to the attainment of these goals for mathematics instruction. (Sixty-eight references are attached.) (RS)
... Detailed narratives of classroom experiences illustrate these perspectives and show the range... more ... Detailed narratives of classroom experiences illustrate these perspectives and show the range of texts, strategies, and reading practices teachers used to enrich students' understanding of mathematical concepts and processes, to broaden students' images of mathematics, and ...

Mathematics is one area of the curriculum where, traditionally, little reading and writing occur ... more Mathematics is one area of the curriculum where, traditionally, little reading and writing occur the few exceptions being some rare consultations of the textbook, the very specialized reading necessary for the solution of the word problems, and the schematic writing required in responding to assigned technical exercises. In the past few years, however, mathematics and writing educators, alike, have begun to weave a variety of writing experiences into mathematics instruction [Rose, 1989]. Part of the rationale for introducing writing into the content areas is the belief that improving students' writing ability is the responsibility of all teachers, not just English teachers. But more importantly, proponents of the "writing across the curriculum' ' movement argue that writing experiences can make a unique contribution to students' subject matter learning if the instructional focus shifts from the written product to writing as a process. When thought of as a mode o...
Within the framework of,thi doctrine of signs, or semiotics, the construction of me ring is a pro... more Within the framework of,thi doctrine of signs, or semiotics, the construction of me ring is a process of signification; yet reading is typically'modele&and researched as if it entailed only tlielesser cognitive / semiottic process of representation. This research conceptualized and investigated reading-from a 'semiotic perspective in order to:explore how readers createlextual.meanings; that is, interpretations of writ* ,materials./°-, The study's design was based on the principle of prior. ethnography .
Language Arts, 2009
Abstract: In this article, the authors explore a young child's lived experience of discipline... more Abstract: In this article, the authors explore a young child's lived experience of discipline and play with/in a mandated balanced literacy curriculum. Mandating balanced literacy presents an interesting case of disciplining literacy because it is rooted in the progressive tradition ...
Papers by Marjorie Siegel