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This research aims to study the management of and implementation of occupational health and safety issues associated with stone quarry work in selected quarries in Akamkpa, Cross River State Nigeria. The research objectives include to... more
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The study examined Influence of Process Safety Culture on Employee Attitude towards violations in Selected Petroleum Companies, Niger-Delta. A descriptive cross-sectional oilfields based study. Study utilized non-probability sampling... more
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    • Business
The study assessed the influence of safety culture on employee safety motivation and error behaviour in selected petroleum industries in the Niger-delta. Perceived process safety culture has significant impact on employees’ safety... more
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    • Business
The incidents of fire associated with Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) has been on a rampage, particularly since it has become a popular alternative to other energy sources. The study assessed the impact of level of awareness on attitude and... more
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This research aims to study the management of and implementation of occupational health and safety issues associated with stone quarry work in selected quarries in Akamkpa, Cross River State Nigeria. The research objectives include to... more
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      PopulationChecklistOccupational Safety and HealthPersonal protective equipment
The study assessed the influence of safety culture on employee safety motivation and error behaviour in selected petroleum industries in the Niger-delta. Perceived process safety culture has significant impact on employees’ safety... more
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