Papers by Luqman Lee
Photography and Culture, 2023
International Academic Symposium of Social Science 2022
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
2022 1st International Conference on AI in Cybersecurity (ICAIC)

Journal of Information and Knowledge Management
Technology greatly supports people’s daily lives such as education, business, medical, and many o... more Technology greatly supports people’s daily lives such as education, business, medical, and many other aspects. It can be noted that the higher education institutions’ students rely on technological support and university assistance for their studies during the COVID-19 pandemic. Technological enablement is the primary determinant for entrepreneurial initiation that received attention from scholars. The focus areas include how governmental support, entrepreneurial intention, entrepreneurial education and technological enablement (mediator factor) can influence the entrepreneurial initiation. Empirical studies showed the direct and indirect impacts of the contributing factors in a particular area. However, is it the same effect of the factors for different countries? This study conducted a self-administered questionnaire to collect topic-related information from higher education institutions in Malaysia and the Philippines. A formative-reflective model, PLS-MGA, was used to analyse th...

Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia
This article examines the performance of non-heteronormative modes of gender in Malaysia’s longes... more This article examines the performance of non-heteronormative modes of gender in Malaysia’s longest-running Malay sitcom, Senario. My close textual reading centres on two episodes to identify the show’s linkages with broader Malay socio-cultural attitudes about gender fluidity. Three facets of Senario’s non-heteronormativity are foregrounded: (1) the religio-cultural belief that gender fluidity, sexual deviancy, and non-heteronormative identities are ‘conditions’ that can be ‘corrected’; (2) that this gender ‘correction’ is a recourse that privileges the masculine, and (3) that heteronormative binary roles are sustained even when imagining inversions of gender. By correlating these performances with wider religious and cultural beliefs/practices, and historical developments, it is observed that Senario’s gender performatives were heavily influenced by, and inflected with, real-world biases towards non-heteronormative communities. This work represents a meaningful step towards address...

Jurnal Gendang Alam (GA), 2021
Sayaw barong is one of the traditional performances for the Bajau Sama ethnic in Kota Belud, Saba... more Sayaw barong is one of the traditional performances for the Bajau Sama ethnic in Kota Belud, Sabah. With parang barong itself as a primarily customised weapon, this symbolic performance represents the war dance in Bajau martial arts locally and used as an offensive and defensive technique (buah/jurus silat) that merges in different streams (aliran) of silat such as silat kuntau, silat sping/sprint, silat betawi, and silat Nusantara. Through participants’ observation and performance ethnography, this particular style and technique encompasses the identity of Bajau Sama martial art through artistic movement as a representation that is also performed during other traditions such as wedding ceremonies, traditional healing, or funeral as their own cultural value. By referring to The Fan Theory suggested by Schechner, it shows how this tradition links and connects to other elements in sacred space such as ritualization, shamanism, rites and ceremonies. This paper also discusses the use of...

Borneo Research Journal, 2019
The wood carving on the hilt and sheath (taguban) of parang (machete) created by the Bajau crafts... more The wood carving on the hilt and sheath (taguban) of parang (machete) created by the Bajau craftsmanship in Kota Belud is well-known for its uniqueness across Sabah. This study discusses the stylisation and value of appreciation from the philosophy of Bajau's craftsmanship and the influence of the wood carving motif designs. The subject of birds is interpreted as a pattern in wood carving on either on the hilt, the tagubantaguban (sheath) or bladed weapon. Among the examples of bird's subjects include hornbills, birds, manuk (rooster) and naga (dragons). This study aims to comprehend Bajau's parang weapons, addressing the bird's motif and its connection to mythical and cosmological values and why the study of the values expressed Bajau craftsmanship concerning the principles of Malay aesthetics as it expands the cultural reach of the Bajaus across the Malay Archipelago. This research is conducted through in-depth interviews with Bajau parang craftsmen as well as through participant observation at their workshop and exhibitions. Semantic Differential method is used in the research to understand what the larger community of Bajau craftsmen recognise to be the values inherent in their artform. The authors refer to Zakaria Ali's six principles of Malay aesthetics to understand how the parang-wood carving traditions of the Bajau conform to these principles. It is within this early cosmopolitan history that the bird design motif can be understood as a motif that embodies both local

International Journal of Heritage, Art and Multimedia, 2019
The uniqueness of the traditional Malay pattern of motifs has always received various responses f... more The uniqueness of the traditional Malay pattern of motifs has always received various responses from the audience either by appreciating, preserving, or documenting. This study is about the reference to some theories and methods used in evaluating a traditional pattern design created in the Malay world. The theories and methods used as references can help a study in evaluating and interpreting the pattern of the motif designs. However, there was a discussion on how a motif design was evaluated especially in the qualitative study. The researcher used general guided interviews with some of the craftsmen and selected academicians as the process of collecting primary data. Meanwhile, the process of collecting secondary data is through scientific writing such as magazines, books, and journals that examine the uniqueness of the traditional Malay motif design. This study can illustrate the researcher is referring to several theories as a method in analyzing motif design. However, the theor...

Indonesia and the Malay World, 2018
This article examines the articulations of Malaysian Malay female identities as performed on Sena... more This article examines the articulations of Malaysian Malay female identities as performed on Senario, Malaysia's longest produced sitcom. My close textual reading centres on the episode 'Dalam Hati Ada Taman' (In the heart is a garden) to identify three dimensions of female and gender constructions in Malay television; alternative constructions to traditional Malay female identities, negative portrayals of these non-traditional Malay females, and the incompatibility of non-Malay influences to traditional Malay female roles. The discussion demonstrates that all three function to reaffirm the resilience and rigidity of socially conceptualised notions of each mode of gender that are underpinned by more traditional understandings which are largely patriarchal. More broadly, the analysis foregrounds the slippage between dominant Malay social realities and screen media as well as the linkages between communal understandings of gender modes, and popularly interpreted notions of 'tradition' and/or 'culture'. By identifying the televisual performances of female identities in 'Dalam Hati Ada Taman', it is hoped that this paper is a meaningful step towards addressing the present lacuna of critical scholarship on Malay television gender and female representations.

Kajian Malaysia, 2018
In August 2011, Malaysian television station 8TV's three Ramadan public service announcements (PS... more In August 2011, Malaysian television station 8TV's three Ramadan public service announcements (PSA) garnered shocked responses from Malaysian Chinese viewers nationwide for their presumably ethno-condescending overtones. What may on the surface appear to be an issue of simple oversight by the broadcaster reveals upon closer examination to be indicative of two realities -the hierarchised interfaith and interethnic normative, and the increasing vocality of minority groups who seek to reconfigure this normativity. I posit that both realities are directly and tangentially productive of the very same racial-racist beliefs that were challenged. There are two facets to our inquiry -the purportedly "non-racist" intent of 8TV, and the racial lens through which the content was decoded. This paper discusses the paradox of Malaysian racial discourse through Žižek's transposition of Lacan's fantasy to the socio-political domain as ideological fantasy writ large on screen, where by alleging that 8TV's intent was racist, viewers were in fact identifying the gap between the symbolic discourse of Malay supremacy and its material realities. Moreover, by identifying with or alleging that 8TV's intent was racially-biased, it is argued that the viewers were necessarily racialist.

Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde. Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia, 2022
This article examines the performance of non-heteronormative modes of gender in Malaysia’s longes... more This article examines the performance of non-heteronormative modes of gender in Malaysia’s longest-running Malay sitcom, Senario. My close textual reading centres on two episodes to identify the show’s linkages with broader Malay socio-cultural attitudes about gender fluidity. Three facets of Senario’s non-heteronormativity are foregrounded: (1) the religio-cultural belief that gender fluidity, sexual deviancy, and non-heteronormative identities are ‘conditions’ that can be ‘corrected’; (2) that this gender ‘correction’ is a recourse that privileges the masculine, and (3) that heteronormative binary roles are sustained even when imagining inversions of gender. By correlating these performances with wider religious and cultural beliefs/practices, and historical developments, it is observed that Senario’s gender performatives were heavily influenced by, and inflected with, real-world biases towards non-heteronormative communities. This work represents a meaningful step towards addressing the present lacuna of critical scholarship on Malay television representations of non-heteronormative gender identities. (free to read at )

International Journal of Creative Future and Heritage (TENIAT)
Nilai reka corak motif ukiran kayu yang dihasilkan oleh pandai kraf Bajau Sama di Kota Belud meru... more Nilai reka corak motif ukiran kayu yang dihasilkan oleh pandai kraf Bajau Sama di Kota Belud merupakan satu keunikan yang terdapat pada rumpun Bajau di negeri Sabah. Kajian ini membincangkan nilai reka corak yang terdapat pada ukkil motif ukiran kayu Bajau yang bersubjekkan burung atau hidupan di udara sebagai sumber inspirasi. Subjek burung diapresiasikan sebagai reka corak motif ukiran kayu pada senjata tradisional Bajau Sama. Contohnya burung Pimping, ayam (manuk) dan naga. Kajian ini dapat memahami nilai apresiasi panday kahuy Bajau terhadap reka corak ukkil motif bersubjekkan burung dan hubung-kaitnya dengan nilai budaya masyarakat Bajau Sama di Kota Belud. Kajian ini melibatkan proses pengumpulan data primer dan data sekunder. Proses pengumpulan data primer melibatkan temubual bersama adiguru panday kahuy Bajau dan pemerhatian secara langsung terhadap motif ukiran yang dihasilkan. Manakala, pengumpulan data sekunder adalah melalui jurnal dan buku ilmiah berkaitan dengan seni u...

International Journal of Heritage, Art and Multimedia, 2019
Abstrak: Keunikan reka corak motif tradisional Melayu sentiasa mendapat pelbagai respon daripada ... more Abstrak: Keunikan reka corak motif tradisional Melayu sentiasa mendapat pelbagai respon daripada audiens sama ada dengan cara menghargai, melestarikan, ataupun mendokumentasi. Kajian ini adalah mengenai rujukan terhadap beberapa teori dan kaedah yang digunakan dalam menilai sesebuah reka corak motif tradisional yang dihasilkan dalam alam Melayu. Teori dan kaedah yang dijadikan sebagai rujukan dilihat mampu membantu sesebuah kajian dalam menilai dan membuat interpretasi terhadap reka corak motif tersebut. Namun, wujud perbincangan tentang bagaimana sesebuah rekaan motif dinilai terutama kajian berbentuk kualitatif. Penyelidik membuat temubual berpanduan am terhadap beberapa orang pandai ukir dan ahli akademik yang terpilih sebagai proses mengumpul data primer. Manakala, proses mengumpul data sekunder adalah melalui rujukan penulisan ilmiah seperti majalah, buku, dan jurnal-jurnal yang mengkaji tentang keunikan reka corak motif tradisional Melayu. Kajian ini dapat memberi gambaran kepada penyelidik dalam merujuk beberapa teori sebagai kaedah untuk menganalisa sesebuah rekaan motif yang dihasilkan. Walau bagaimanapun, teori dan kaedah tersebut perlu mengikut kesesuaian kajian sama ada dalam bentuk kualitatif Volume: 2 Issues: 5 [June, 2019] pp. 56-71]

Indonesia and the Malay World, 2019
This article examines the articulations of Malaysian Malay female identities as performed on Sena... more This article examines the articulations of Malaysian Malay female identities as performed on Senario, Malaysia's longest produced sitcom. My close textual reading centres on the episode 'Dalam Hati Ada Taman' to identify three dimensions of female and gender constructions in Malay television; alternative constructions to traditional Malay female identities, negative portrayals of these non-traditional Malay females, and the incompatibility of non-Malay influences to traditional Malay female roles. The discussion demonstrates that all three function to reaffirm the resilience and rigidity of socially conceptualised notions of each mode of gender that are underpinned by more traditional understandings which are largely patriarchal. More broadly, the analysis foregrounds the slippage between dominant Malay social realities and screen media as well as the linkages between communal understandings of gender modes, and popularly interpreted notions of 'tradition' and/or 'culture'.

Kajian Malaysia, 2018
In August 2011, Malaysian television station 8TV's three Ramadan public service announcements (PS... more In August 2011, Malaysian television station 8TV's three Ramadan public service announcements (PSA) garnered shocked responses from Malaysian Chinese viewers nationwide for their presumably ethno-condescending overtones. What may on the surface appear to be an issue of simple oversight by the broadcaster reveals upon closer examination to be indicative of two realities – the hierarchised interfaith and interethnic normative, and the increasing vocality of minority groups who seek to reconfigure this normativity. I posit that both realities are directly and tangentially productive of the very same racial-racist beliefs that were challenged. There are two facets to our inquiry – the purportedly "non-racist" intent of 8TV, and the racial lens through which the content was decoded. This paper discusses the paradox of Malaysian racial discourse through Žižek's transposition of Lacan's fantasy to the socio-political domain as ideological fantasy writ large on screen, where by alleging that 8TV's intent was racist, viewers were in fact identifying the gap between the symbolic discourse of Malay supremacy and its material realities. Moreover, by identifying with or alleging that 8TV's intent was racially-biased, it is argued that the viewers were necessarily racialist.
Jurnal Terjemahan Alam & Tamadun Melayu (Journal of Translation Malay World and Civilisation), Mar 2011
Conference Presentations by Luqman Lee
Association of Southeast Asian Studies in the United Kingdom (ASEASUK) Conference, London, 2016
First International Symposium of the Asian Art and Performance Consortium (AAPC), Helsinki, Finland, 2012
Talks by Luqman Lee

A talk commissioned by Space Doctors in Brighton, United Kingdom, on 25 August 2016.
I was bro... more A talk commissioned by Space Doctors in Brighton, United Kingdom, on 25 August 2016.
I was brought in with the brief of informing the team about 'Malaysian culture'. It was thematically broad, and quite impractical to provide an accurate account of this highly complex group identity in the time alloted. To provide an overview, I focused instead, on the performances of cultures and identities in Malay(sian) films, and how relational developments in Malaysian religious and social spheres - as determined by political trajectories - have a deterministic effect on these screen performances.
This was a highly interesting session, not least because the team at Space Doctors relies on "semiotics and cultural insights to solve problems holding back brands and businesses." The team's familiarity with intellectual discourse can perhaps be explained, in part, by their frequent collaboration with "behavioural experts, anthropologists and cognitive scientists." (
Papers by Luqman Lee
*50 free eprints-
Conference Presentations by Luqman Lee
Talks by Luqman Lee
I was brought in with the brief of informing the team about 'Malaysian culture'. It was thematically broad, and quite impractical to provide an accurate account of this highly complex group identity in the time alloted. To provide an overview, I focused instead, on the performances of cultures and identities in Malay(sian) films, and how relational developments in Malaysian religious and social spheres - as determined by political trajectories - have a deterministic effect on these screen performances.
This was a highly interesting session, not least because the team at Space Doctors relies on "semiotics and cultural insights to solve problems holding back brands and businesses." The team's familiarity with intellectual discourse can perhaps be explained, in part, by their frequent collaboration with "behavioural experts, anthropologists and cognitive scientists." (
*50 free eprints-
I was brought in with the brief of informing the team about 'Malaysian culture'. It was thematically broad, and quite impractical to provide an accurate account of this highly complex group identity in the time alloted. To provide an overview, I focused instead, on the performances of cultures and identities in Malay(sian) films, and how relational developments in Malaysian religious and social spheres - as determined by political trajectories - have a deterministic effect on these screen performances.
This was a highly interesting session, not least because the team at Space Doctors relies on "semiotics and cultural insights to solve problems holding back brands and businesses." The team's familiarity with intellectual discourse can perhaps be explained, in part, by their frequent collaboration with "behavioural experts, anthropologists and cognitive scientists." (