How to Control Your WordPress Category and Tag Boxes

TaxoPress 3.30 is available now. The Free version is available from the WordPress plugin directory and TaxoPress members can download the Pro version from this website.

We’re starting 2025 by working on the feature that’s most requested by TaxoPress users.

In this version of TaxoPress, you get a lot more control over the Category and Tags boxes that appear when you’re writing posts. By default, there are some problems and limitations with these boxes as provided by the WordPress core. Many of those are solved in this release of TaxoPress.

The problems we’re solving for TaxoPress users

Over the last couple of years, a lot of customers have asked us to improve on the default way of adding Categories and Tags in WordPress. You can see those default options in the screenshot below. The Categories are shown in a series of checkboxes. The Tags are shown in a search box. There’s no way to modify either of those displays.

Tags and Categories box in WordPress core
tags categories metabox

Here are some of the customer requests that are not possible with the default WordPress options:

  • “I want to sort the Categories alphabetically.”
  • “I need to see the most popular Tags first.”
  • “Can I allow authors to add new Categories but not Tags?”
  • “How do I set a maximum or minimum number of Categories to add?”

Replace the default metaboxes

With TaxoPress you can now remove the normal metaboxes and create your own. There’s an option in TaxoPress called “Remove Default Metaboxes”. You can enable or disable this option for each user role. For example, you can disable these boxes for the Author role so user in that role can’t add any terms.

Metabox Access feature in TaxoPress
remove default metaboxes

You can now customize the replacement TaxoPress metabox. This next screenshot shows the default view that’s available in both the Free and Pro version.

Metabox default in TaxoPress in TaxoPress
metabox default

You can use the TaxoPress Pro settings to customize this layout. This next screenshot shows a “Checkbox” display. With this display it’s no longer possible to add any more Tags or Categories. The authors can only choose terms that already exist.

Metabox with checklist in TaxoPress
metabox checkbox

You can customize the appearance of this metabox. For example, this next screenshot shows the same terms, but organized by popularity. You’ll always see the most commonly-used terms on the top of the list.

Terms organized by popularity in TaxoPress
terms popularity

This next screenshot shows another way to customize the metabox. You can choose a search box display. This is ideal if you have really large number of terms.

Metabox with dropdown in TaxoPress
metabox dropdown

What’s next for TaxoPress?

We have at least one more big release coming for this “Metaboxes” feature. We’re going to add more layout, display, and filter options. So if you want control over how your users add terms, go ahead and download TaxoPress Pro.

Everything in this week’s update came from a user request. If you have any ideas on how to expand this feature, please let us know.

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